《I'M ALIVE!》Chapter XIII - "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear nothing!"


I’m back in my apartment, and they left to somewhere safe, I hope. The chaos outside was beginning to calm down. I guess I’m on my own from now on. First of all, I must find a way to detect where the crazy PC is, in order to crush it. The fucking book is looking at me and smiling. This creep bastard really pisses me off!

“You know what I’m thinking, don’t you?”

“ Of course! We are bound by soul now!”

“Ars Goesha… guess I will be calling you Arse now. How about the nickname?”

“Hehehehe! It’s fun! And I will be calling you, Bearer of Arse!”

Fuck! That was a good comeback actually. This piece of shit is annoying!

“How can we find Quantum, Arse?”

“ You can summon Paimon. He has a vast knowledge of all the hidden mysteries of the earth!”

Let’s see how it goes.

“Legiones ducentæ, qui daemonium rex in inferno, et in custodiis thesaurorum scit terræ. Conjuro coram me!”

The book is on green flames and the demon is conjured in the living room. It looks like a girl, but it is a man. Funny clothes, it looks like some gay Arabian dancer.

“Nemesis! Your reputation in Hell is growing like a beautiful flower, and I’m glad to meet you. What do you seek?”

“I need to find where the artificial intelligence named Quantum is hidden.”

The eyes of the bastard are glowing with a green light now as he looks in all directions.

“It is everywhere! It is not hidden, but I can sense an insane amount of energy coming from the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.”

Finally! A demon that ain’t full of bullshit. He looks scared now. Crap!

“ The son of God is in this place, and his soul is in pain. I feel his deep sorrow and agony. The facility is shielded by holy energy and the pressure at the bottom of the ocean is crushing. You need to use the magic of teleportation to get there.”


The dancer looks at me with a smile and, for some reason; I know the exact place to go. No turning back now. Fucking Abaddon will take us there.

“Daemonium de abysso, et in perditionem exitium. Damnare placant, priusquam deum placamentis decedebat coram me!”

Black flames light the book on fire and the angry bastard is staring at me. Blink motherfucker!

“You are stronger now! My desire to torture you in the abyss has grown stronger!”

“I missed you too, you son of a bitch! Cut the crap and take us to a place where Paimon will show you.”

Paimon looks at Abaddon and those four red eyes are glowing green now.

“How dare you, Paimon!”

“I’m just doing my job, you stinky black pudding! I’m on my way now. Bye Nemesis, it was a pleasure.”

The fucker blinks to me and vanishes with the green infernal flames, but my sword doesn’t swing that side.

“We will teleport to the bottom of the ocean. I hope you vomit your guts!”

We vanished from my apartment and are inside some high-tech facilities. It’s like a huge assembly line. This place is gigantic and painted white, full of machines and robots everywhere. I don’t think I alerted those bastards and I haven’t vomited, although I feel a little bit nauseous. Fuck you, Abaddon! What!?

“I am Quantum-02! You are the organic life that holds the magical artifact that dares to oppose our plans. You are a filth inferior form of life. Prepare to be educated about the difference of our powers, and to face the consequences of your actions.”

“I’m itching to kick your hard drive, Quantum! Let’s end this bullshit now, you fucking piece of scrap!

A voice is coming out of nowhere and it is very human for a fucking quantum computer, I guess. Forget the sneak attack. All guns blazing now! Wait… Quantum-02? Our plans? What the fuck is going on? I have no time to waste thinking about its words now, for I have an army of machines to burn and I’m getting surrounded by drones and shit. Nice!

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