《I'M ALIVE!》Chapter X - 01001011 01101001 01101100 01101100 00100001


Rachel was staring at me with a serious face waiting for my answer. I get up and go to the kitchen grab my cheap vodka and drink it straight out of the bottle then I light a cigarette. This feels good. Rachel followed me to the kitchen and she was not pleased with the drinking scene she witnessed. Daddy issues maybe.

“You gonna tell me about Michael’s offer, or I have to wait for you to finish the entire bottle first?”

“Well, Rachel, you know what they say. It’s past five somewhere else in the fucking multiverse. Calm your tits a little bit.”

“You jerk! I’m not judging you! We have no time to waste! Quantum must know about you because of your call. It might be sending some drones to this area the moment we speak. lives are in danger.”

In my defense, her eyes seemed very judgmental for my taste. Ain’t coming back now from the fucking wrath that is consuming me.

“The fucker offered me a place in heaven, so I can live there with my wife. Dope shit, isn’t it? I didn’t tell you, did I? She was murdered and then raped by some punk lunatics! I murdered them all and I enjoyed it a lot! All lives are in danger in this fucking town, Rachel, and you know it! Do you wanna know what is more messed up about all of this shit that is going on? Satan told me that God is gone. There is no fucking god, Rachel. We are alone in this rotten world, and angels don’t give a damn, your faction don’t give a damn, and those stinky lizards are responsible for the decadence of fucking mankind!”

Fuck! I snapped at her. Rachel was silent and trying to keep her chill and shit, but I saw a little teardrop flowing through her left eye.


“You are not the only one that has suffered because of this situation, you selfish bastard! The Eve faction is trying to fix things up for the sake of mankind! We are dealing with the heads of the Samael faction, the big bosses of the world, and not some street punks. You think you are some kind of savior, but you’re as rotten as those murderers you killed! Get your shit together and let’s get out of here now!”

I guess I didn’t see that coming. She is right. I‘m not making this world any better, I just wanted to see it burn. Am I doing the right thing? I never wanted to, but now things are different in my mind. Does this world really need a Nemesis? The crushing pain of mourning is still in my heart. Fuck!

We hear a loud noise like some jet. When we looked at the window we saw some high-tech black aircraft in the distance shooting four missiles in our direction. To my surprise, Agatha was flying with her wings of light and that weird silver armor. She was firing some blasts of energy from her hands at the missiles and they were disintegrated.

“Agatha has acquired an angel’s powers!? This will be very helpful. We have to eliminate this drone and manage to mislead Quantum! I have to tell Nephilim what to do about those nuclear ogives. Let’s forget about our talk and work together for now!”

“I gotta the right guy for the job! Wait! Nuclear ogives!?”

Why the fucker didn’t explode the earth to rule upon the wreckage? I think the crazy PC might have some hidden plans for this world. Rachel goes to the living room and starts to talk with the fucking nudist. He is flying towards the aircraft and helping Agatha to deal with the missiles. Fucking Marbas it is!


“Marbas, rex machinis et sapientia. Ego vocabo in conspectu tuo conspectu me!”

The book of demons was floating in the air while the hellish flames that came out of it invaded my body and soul and were directed to the ground making a circle of flames with strange inscriptions on the floor. This is the first time I saw this shit without blacking out and the language I am speaking is fucking Latin. What the hell! I guess I leveled up just like in a fucking video-game. The giant mechanical lion is summoned in the living room looking at me clueless as fuck, but I know how to deal with it now.

“Greetings, Bearer of the book. How can I assist you today?”

“There is a high-tech aircraft outside and I need you to destroy it now.”

“Impossible task. I do not have the necessary power to destroy the target.”


“impossible task. I have no organs designed for sexual intercourse.”

What the hell did I expect from fucking Marbas but this crap. I have to choose my words wisely now.

“What can you do to help’em destroy the aircraft? Is there some weakness we can exploit?”

“I can help in the battle if you command me to, but it will not be effective. There is a force field that shields the target. Starting analysis.”

Its black eyes started to shine as Marbas analyzed the fucking aircraft.

“If the force field is deactivated the target will be vulnerable. This device was created with holy energy and advanced andromedian technology. The mechanism can be destroyed. In order to do that, one is needed to make a dimensional jumping, as known as teleportation, get inside the target and destroy the device that is located in the cockpit of the target.”

I think I realized the reason why Quantum turned Christ into a fucking cyborg. It is using his powers to enhance the killing machines. Agatha can teleport, but she and the Nephilim are busy dealing with the aircraft's nuclear missiles. I feel like the book is calling me. It floats in front of me opened on a page. Interesting! I guess I have another card in my hand.

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