《Levitation ME By Travis Willier》Chapter 001 Jungle Camp


Loriane gray wakes up from the sound of a mosquito she sits up swatting at the insect

"Damn just…. Ugh never get any fucking sleep in this piss hot jungle."

Loriane looks at her watch "5:30am"

And she sits up in her bunk. Grabs her journal and starts to write.

May 10 2031

“I was awoken by the constant pestering of mosquitoes, but that's not going to get me down I have the best team and they are willing to walk to the end of the world to help me discover what we've been studying and i’ve working on my whole life and today marks the big conclusion to that said journey. This is our third week here in the Amazon jungle dealing with rain and humid climate patterns, The none stop bugs

And critters not to mention not a chance of clean clothes too change in. But we have more than enough supplies to survive the stay and trip back from the temple discovery. Now to prepare for the leave."

Loriane closes her journal log and places it In her mountain backpack and pulls out her sketch pad and bug spray.

She walks outside her army green tent. Greeting her The sounds of birds and Amphibians, there was a bit of a breeze that swept through the jungle and shining through greyish clouds the bright Sun to wake Up the morning sky. She started to sketch the beautiful sight, there were others awake in the camp her friend Tina was making fire stove coffee and Allan was cleaning gear checking inventory while Travis repaired the crews research equipment and auto bots and Janice cleaned weapon systems and Robbie the meteorologist keeps close study on the weather changes happening in the area. Loraine walks up to Travis.

" Hey Trav, how's the auto bots? Are they gonna be ready for us today?" Travis Dusts off his hands.

"Well judging by this one if I could get it's camera sensor to start reading data we're in business." Travis looks up with a smile and reassuring eye contact that pleases Loriane.

"Good morning ma'am I've brought you your needed coffee seeing you up This early." "Thank you Tina, you are an angel." Loriane takes a much needed sip of the coffee. " Tina, I've been meaning to ask you any luck with our military internet box?" Tina looks at Travis crouched by the autobot dressed in dirty jungle combat pants muddy jungle boots with a shirt tied around his sunburnt head." No sorry not a bit of luck." "Damn that's just too bad." Allen walks up with some MREs for Loriane Tina and Travis "Here you guys go, thanks for asking Travis but I overheard the bad news, all good I will just have to celebrate my son's birthday when I get home with a marathon of his favorite cartoons." Loriane Quick to interject " when we return home after making History." "Ah yes we'll if we're going to make history we're going to have to eat and pack everything a storm is on its way and it's going to come through like hell... it's going to be bad according to my readings." Robbie stumbles up to Loriane with some chart readings of a heavy rain and thunder storm with 90 mph winds. " Yes these chart readings are a big problem we must pack everything up to stay in the temple entrance to protect our equipment." Realizing this Loriane gives a new order.


"Allen,Travis, when you're done wake the others we need to beat this storm before it puts out any more of our equipment, I'm going to start packing and taking down camp now." With a quick nod Travis runs off to the crew tents. Within an hour the camp is packed and the crew is ready and on the move to the temple discovery they cross through heavy jungle. The shrubs leave tiny burns and cuts on the legs and arms even though the crew is equipped with enough machetes to chop and clear paths, the jungle is just thick enough to leave scratches on their exposed skin.

"Ahhh! Help!" "Oh No! Jeremy! Everyone be careful! Jeremy fell in quicksand!"

Travis calls an autobot and starts dispensing a tow cable " Jermey grab the tow cable!" Travis tosses the tow cable towards Jeremy. Jeremy being frantic

pushed himself further into the quicksand just as his head was going under the murky sands, Jeremy catches grip of the cable port and the auto bot starts to tow Jeremy back to safe land. Travis and Allen pull Jeremy back on land and Jeremy breathing like he ran a marathon, an adrenaline filled "thanks" was a cut in the jungle ambience. "Everything alright everyone okay?" Loriane jogs up to check on her crew "medical come examine Jeremy." "Everyone please watch for quick sand we cannot afford to lose anyone on this scientific research project our lives and data are all that matters. The world depends on what we can discover about our past."

"Your vitals are fine, Jeremy is clear to continue." Jeremy stands up and looks at Loriane who looks to Catie"Thank-you medical, now everyone more careful Move Out!. Loriane turns to lead the way onward. Two hours of hiking through the jungle, bugs and snakes are number 1 on the crew's most hated list. Then it starts to rain and get everything wet number two on the list. Loriane looks at her watch "we're close almost 12:00pm, just about there."

The rain stops for five minutes and just in that moment the sun shining through the dark clouds Loriane cuts her final row of jungle shrubs and her breath is grasped by the serenity of beauty this temple unlike no other standing in front of them The Tetrahedron shape with the light emitting just right to give the temple a certain aura. "Wow it's beautiful. I have never seen any pyramid style temples out here, This is gorgeous." Catie states in amazement Travis in astonished gaze " just magical" Loriane breaks the daze with command "Alright let's get the auto bots in the temple's entry and set up camp, just at the entrance of the temple, let's hurry before the real heavy stuff comes down." The crew, tired and exhausted, pulls together what strength they have to set up camp and meet the demand of their expedition's leader. Allen & Travis focuses, we're on getting the auto bots safe while Robbie, Jeremy, Tina, Janice, Kevin,Ralph, Catie, Jules. Put the tents up which was a task on its own. " Tina pass, those tent rods." ' I can't find them" "What! I asked you to pack them." "Well it's hard enough to find them in all our packed gear with this added rain, wind and constant bugs crawling up my ass" Ralph in that moment hands the tent rods to Kevin who would hold the words that we're about to exit his mouth. In an attempt to change the mood Robbie starts singing "I'm walking on Sunshine Woah oh Woah I'm walking on sunshine Woah oh Woah the Bugg sure feel good Do do Doo Do!" “Alright enough’s Enough let's get the camp up so we can check the data readings from Travis.” Ralph states aloud. The Crew continues their setting up of the camp. Meanwhile Loriane sits in the temple entrance collecting her thoughts in her journey log.


May 10 2031 2:45pm

"Our finest hour is upon us, what discovery we will find, what truths will come to light. All these questions about the lost civilization. father spent his whole life trying to discover. I hope you're up there dad watching over me to be there when I discover it. I miss you dad and this research project is dedicated to your efforts. I will discover the secrets to our civilizations' past. when you discovered this place with photo radar mapping I knew in my heart I would have to make this trip in our family name and I won't let you or my team and most importantly myself down. I will accomplish my goal and nothing will stop me." Tears rolling down lorianes face she wipes them with the cleanest part of her shirt. Catie from medical steps up the temple steps out of the rain " Loriane can we chat about medical supplies for our travel were running a bit low on the Malaria pills and sunblock and I don't know if you noticed but Travis is a few days away from looking like a crisped piece of toast." "Ahh don't say toast." "Sorry ma'am" "it's nothing, just a little hunger. On that note let's make some lunch here in the dry temple and I will think up our situation and discuss this over dinner with the crew. Sounds like a plan, Catie?" "Sounds like a plan boss I will inform the others." " Thanks Catie."

Loriane meets with the crew in the temple entrance. " Name count" "Tina,""Here" "Allen" "Here" "Travis" "aye" "Robbie" "heey" "Kevin" "yo" "Jules" "here" "Janice"

"Hi" "Ralph" "here" "Catie" " hii" "Jeremy" " hello" "Alright we're all here Travis those auto bots functional?" Travis looks at the level readings "the auto bot appears ready for a test run." Loriane gives the approval nod. Travis turns the scanner on "scanning... scanning... scanning..." " No confirmed life forms in the temple, Other than crew" The crew look at each other in silence realizing that they are the first ones to be There in the temple in many many years. They cheer! " Yay! Oh my god I can't believe this!" Loriane still not convinced "auto bot run scanner and carbon date this temple" audible beeps"scanning... scanning.. scanning… no date can be determined" then it got real quiet except Loraine

"This is it….. the lost civilization. crew we found it!”

End chapter 001 levitation Me written by Travis Willier

Copyright 2021 April 1 2021

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