《Ten Faced Boyfriend》Chapter 5 - Date Part-II


Sector-D, Block-A

Blue Moon Mall

Movie Theater

Aiden said grumpily “Dude, that movie sucked. Why the hell did you pick such a sloppy movie. After all, this is my first date.”

“Well, I thought normal couples watch a romantic movie on their date. So, I just picked the one I see.” Said Ethan apologetically at his boyfriend. He is truly hating himself for not being on-trend and not even knowing which movie is hit right now.

“Well, we are not a normal couple. I am your boyfriend and when I come in any statement, it stops being normal.” Yelled Aiden furiously at his boyfriend. He nearly slept while watching that movie.

“Wow, you are really shameless. Even in such a situation, you still didn’t forget to give yourself compliments and all huh.” Said Ethan in awe looking at his shameless boyfriend.

“Of course, I have to. Look at you. You have such a handsome boyfriend and where did you take him on his first date. To watch such a crappy movie, if it wasn’t for a lap dance, I would have walked out of there a long time ago.” Yelled Aiden furiously.

Ethan nearly fainted in fright as he spoke “Dude, don’t yell about such a thing in the middle of a mall, what if people hear you.”

“So what if they hear, in the end, it’s still true, don’t tell me you aren’t gonna give me a lap dance.” Asked Aiden looking dangerously at his boyfriend. Waiting for him to just say no, he will beat the shit out of him right there and then.

“I will, I promise but don’t yell out loud for god's sake, it’s embarrassing.” Said Ethan looking at his shameless boyfriend.

“Don’t forget what you say, otherwise, just wait and watch what I will do.” Said Aiden looking at his boyfriend while rubbing his fist. Showing his boyfriend his place.

“Alright, I understand. Let’s go, I will buy you your dress.” Said Ethan looking at his grumpy boyfriend.

“Let’s go.” Yelled Aiden happily.

Ethan and Aiden walked towards one of the shops inside the mall which was selling good and trendy clothes. While Aiden was happily walking towards the shop, Ethen was contemplating in his mind ‘should I hold Aiden's hands, every couple does that, but again, we are not every couple. My boyfriend is fucking Aiden Lennox, he said it, when It comes to him everything stops being normal. Fuck, just forget it. Wait, what the hell is that.’

Ethan looked at the store. There was a dress, a white T-shirt with black shorts and it looked cute as fuck.

Ethan gulped and then looked at Aiden with hunger filled eyes and said “Baby, can you wait here, I will be back in a moment.”

Aiden frowned “Where are you going?”


Ethan bit his lip not to show his nervousness and said “Nowhere baby, I just liked one dress, I want to buy it for you. I will be back in a moment. OK.”

Aiden glared at him and said “If it’s for me then just give it to me directly and I will wear it, why do I feel like you are hiding something. Tell me where is the dress?”

Ethan gulped and nervously pointed his finger at the dress.

Aiden looked at the dress and his eyes-open widely looking at the dress. He can’t believe Ethan wants him to wear that. It is not his type at all. It is for cute boys. Wait, does Ethan want him to wear it and act cute and all.

Aiden looked at Ethan, blinked for a while, and said “Ok, buy it for me, I will wear it later.”

Now Ethan was surprised, he can’t believe Aiden didn’t even yell at him much less punch him. He thought Aiden will kill him if he buys such a cute dress for him, but who knew Aiden didn’t even yell at him.

Ethan hurriedly ran and took the dress towards the counter and bought it without even checking its price. Fuck, he can already imagine fucking Aiden. Pressing him down beneath him while Aiden is wearing this dress and moaning his name. Ahhhhhhh, I can’t believe I am thinking this. When Aiden gave him chance, he rejected it because he was afraid. Now, it’s only been just 5 hours and he is already imagining pressing Aiden down. Fuck, Aiden is not good for his health.

Aiden looked at his boyfriend who was rushing towards the counter while so many plans were running through his head. He can already see Ethan pressing him down when he will wear this dress but so what, how dare this son of a bitch to reject his offer. He will make him regret his decision not to fuck him. He will make sure to torture him till he begs, while on his knees, crying pitifully. Only then he will give up his cherry.

Aiden and Ethan went to many other stores and bought dresses for Aiden but they were all chosen by Aiden, none was chosen by Ethan because Aiden didn’t let him. Ethan was eyeing all the dresses which make Aiden look cute or adorable. How can Aiden just let it be? He already fulfilled one demand of Ethan and that’s enough, otherwise, he won’t be the Aiden that we knew, will he?

After shopping, Ethan took Aiden to Blue moon’s most famous restaurant which was in the open area on top of the mall. The mood was romantic, now it looked like a proper date. There were many people but they were sitting at their table and the distance was quite large. There was no roof above them, the moon was shining from above. There were dim lights, slow music, the grass beneath their foot and they were looking at each other eyes or more like Aiden was glaring at his boyfriend.


“What the fuck is this huh? Do you think I am some kind of girl that you bring me here? Look everywhere, everyone is sitting with girls and look at us, I look like a prince and you a clown. You should have thought before bringing us here.” Aiden said to Ethan without feeling an ounce of shame.

“What clown huh? More like a hot god from some Greek movie. Even the girl at the counter was complimenting me when I booked this table for us.” Yelled Ethan furiously at his boyfriend. He can’t believe that the person sitting in front of him is the same Aiden that he knew before. When did Aiden become this shameless, first complimenting himself and now this? His image of Aiden which he has perceived for 2 years is tearing down bit by bit.

Aiden retorted “Of course, she was complimenting you, If you book the most expensive table in such a luxury restaurant forgets about complementing you, she would even get ready herself to go on a bed with you.”

Ethan was wide-eyed, can’t believe what his boyfriend was saying and replied to his unreasonable boyfriend while clutching his fist and stopping himself, trying not to flip the whole table “Alright, then tell me where do you want to go, we will go there.”

“Forget it, we are already here, there is no need to create a scene. I am hungry and I heard they serve the tastiest non-veg here.” Aiden replied annoyedly.

Fuck, after fighting and all, in the end, you still want to eat here, and what do you mean you heard, you were the one who said and told me about this restaurant. I can’t believe he threw such a bait at me and even after I took him here, he still complained and called me a clown. Where the fuck do I look like a clown huh? People call me handsome, hot, especially when I drive my bike. Girls look at me by turning back again and again just to take one more glimpse of me, but my boyfriend for whom I dressed up so nicely for the first time is calling me a clown.

Ethan looked at Aiden unamused and said “Yeah, let’s order. What do you want to eat.”

Aiden took the menu and ordered Lemon fish, Chili chicken and Ethan ordered Italian pasta and of course, wine is a must.

The moment food came, Aiden started to drown himself in food, like nothing else matters, not even Ethan. Ethan looked at Aiden who was drowning himself in food and saw food stick in Aiden’s corner of his mouth and thought ‘Now that’s my chance, I can do it. I just need to took his chin and licked it off with my tongue, and kiss him while I am at it.’

“Aiden, there is some food sticking on the corner of your mouth, let me clean it off for you.” Ethan looked full of expectations while trying to stand up.

Aiden looked at his expectant boyfriend and said “You are not gonna stand up and lick it off my mouth are you, because if you are then don’t even think about it. Seriously Ethan, stop watching those ridiculous dramas. They all have the same tricks and you are also doing the same thing from the moment we have come here to this mall. First, a romantic movie, which was a hell of an experience for me, I don’t think I will ever come again to watch such a movie with you. Then dress, I get along with you because I didn’t want to embarrass you and now this, please don’t do anything which will make me hit you. I don’t want to ruin our first date because of your stupidity.” And then he started eating food without even looking at Ethan's ridiculous expression.

Ethan thanked his legs which didn’t follow his command otherwise he surely would have embarrassed himself.

Ethan looked at his foody boyfriend and cried in his mind ‘Why Aiden why, why don’t you follow the script by the book and always pour the cold water on me. You are just torturing me because I didn’t take your offer to have sex with you, right? Hell, if I knew you will be like this, I surely would have fucked you till you couldn't move your body from my bed.’

Aiden looked at his dumbfounded boyfriend and said: “Seriously Ethan, we are outside, stop giving me such a cute look, otherwise I will kiss you till you drop or me.”

Ethan looked at Aiden and felt like crying and said “When did I give you cute look huh? I don’t even remember when was the last time someone called me cute.”

“You are cute especially in my eyes, with all your ridiculous planning, so just deal with it.” Aiden looked at Ethan and said without any expressions.

“Whatever, are you done with your food, let’s go back. I want to go back.” Ethan looked at Aiden pitifully but his mind was planning how he will make Aiden beg him today. He will make sure to give Aiden so much pleasure that Aiden will stop being so unreasonable with him.

Aiden slowly took the napkin from the table and elegantly clean his mouth and said “I am done, let’s go.”

Ethan paid the bill and they both took their car and left for Ethan’s apartment.

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