《Legends Of Valkyries:Endless war on Middle Earth》Cage Birds(part 2)


Suddenly, the clouds grew darker and lightning violently flashes. It's like the scene I witnessed when the battle againts the Demon Lord was happening.

"Fear not mortals! For this phenomenon was caused by my almighty presence!"

A loud voice can be heard on the entire area, the ground starts to shake and all the birds flew out from the forest.

"I am Astral! The one who created this world! I have a news for you my dear creations! I've sent one of my knights to assist you on your battle againts the demonic race!

Astral?... You mean... No way... Astral-sama?! The God of creation? I'm blessed to hear your voice once again! I immediately kneel on the ground and bowed down my head.

"This princess pays respect to you your majesty!"

"Oh, the princess is here! Good grief! Can you assist my emroy to your father? He needs to talk to him about the things he can assist you."

"Surely, your majesty!"

"Great! And also you need to help that person in his journey to fullfil thy prophecy!"

"You mean the ?


"I swear on the name of my country, I will aide him with all my strenght."

"Then I will take my leave! Also treat him with respect! I don't know how will he react if someone offends him!"

"I will be carefull with my interactions on him."

The atmosphere goes back to it's normal state, and once again the moon showed itself. I remained on my current position until Astral-sama or Emroy-san permits me to stand up.

"I'm sorry if I acted rude!"

It's the emroy right? I will apologize for my rude behaivior earlier.

“No, I’m the one at fault for being arrogant againts you, forgive my insulence!”


“Ah, no I’m literally the one at fault so I will apologize to you.”

“Thank you for your kindness but what I commited to the emroy of our deity was a grave sin!”

That's right... I called him dumb...


“You can punish me if you want, just spare my kingdom!”

I can't afford to hurt my citizen just from my own mistake, I will take account on my own sins rather than my country suffering.


Suddenly, a squad of hooded archers showed themselves. It seems that they hid theirselves behind the thicket, wait a minute... It's fathers private squad! What are they doing here?

“Surrender yourself you hooligan!”


“You dare disgrace our country’s beloved princess!”


Oh my God! I need to stop those knights before they've done something that will anger the emroy.

“Captain, this was a misunderstanding! Don’t point your arrows on the emroy of our supreme deity!”

Luckily, I've interverned before they fired those arrows againts the emroy. After hearing my words, they immediatly throwed their weapons and bowed down their heads.

“May I know what’s happening here?”

The emroy spoke on an irritated voice? I need to watch my mouth.

“I, Vayne Nightshade, 1st princess of the Altrian Kingdom, will guide you to my father’s quarters. Knights! Assist our dear guest!”

“Umm… You don’t need to be so formal!”

“I’m sorry but we need to give respect to the chosen-one.”

Plus the deity requested for it.

“Hmm…. Wait, I’m confused, what’s this deity emroy thing and other stuff?”

“The deity explained it already to you I supposed, but if you want I can tell you sir!”

“It’s okay for now, I will wait till your free!”

“Thanks for your kindness benevolent hero!”

Now my kingdom will be saved! I can now tell father that we can now safely go out beyond the walls.

I seperated from the squad to secure the proof of my hunt to present it to the council, so that I can pass the task and gain the "Hunter" title. I placed the extracted mana core from the beasts and exits the great forest to go home.

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