《Legends Of Valkyries:Endless war on Middle Earth》The World God Only Knows(Part 2)


It stared at me who furtherly provoked the boar by posing a fighting pose, so the boar charged directly onto me. I readied myself from the intense pain I will receive from our collision. The boar bashed me hard enough to make me go flying on the air.

“Arghhh! Ouch!”

I fall flat on the ground, yet still didn’t achieved my goal. Maybe the pain lacks? But still it hurts like hell, I think my knees were crushed. I will repeat the process. I throwed the pebble beside me to the angry boar, in response charging again on me. I once again steeled my resolve, closed my eyes and wait for the boar to stump on me.


Huh? Where did it go? Maybe it got lost? And what’s this slimy thing that’s flowing above my head?

“Are you okay?”

A child’s voice? A girl rather? Is that the boar? LMAO if I’m not on a rush maybe I would find this dream amazing.

“Can you stump on me now Ms. Boar? I need to feel enough pain to wake up from this dream!”

“You’re weird! First is wouldn’t you thanked me first who saved you from that swine? And what are, a masochist? And last was you’re not dreaming!”


“Yes! You nearly died because you provoked that monster!”


“Are you dumb? That was a high level monster for a single noob to take on!”

“Wait, first was what’s going on?”

“Yeah, I’d like to hear it too. I mean I'm surprised you survived that blow from that monster!”

“Wait wait, I’m confused! What’s happening!”

“Huh? You lost? This was the Altria Forest, the 10th largest forest on Macedonea. Also what you encountered earlier was a (Peeg), a medium leveled monster whose danger rank was [X+], enough to destroy a [X] rank Adventurer.”


“Adventurer? Hahaha, it really sounded like those on games.”

“Games? You mean the Arena Battles?”

“Wait… did you said Arena Battles?”


Arena Battles was a game genre where 1-5 person teams up to fight the opposing team, but in “LIFE” it’s just a mini game. So that means…

“So this dream was based on LIFE? Amazing!”

“As I said, you’re not dreaming, and what was that L.A.Y.F.E. thing you’ve been talking about?”

“It’s pronounced as life! And what…?”


“Welcome back!”

‘Hey! I’m not in the mood to play games with you!”

“So am I!”

“I need to hurry up and wake up so that I can go home and earn money for my girlfriends operation!”

“I’m afraid you can’t do that anymore…”

“Why? I can beat anyone on any games!”

“Arrogance will eventually kill you, and that’s not the point here.”

“Then what?”

“You already died!”

“...hahaha good joke for a dream, now let me wake up!”

“You’re already dead! You can’t go back to that world again cause you died!”

“You’re kidding right?”

“This was against my rule but I will do this just for this moment!”

She suddenly floats, also a blinding light flashes on my eyes. I tried closing my eyes but it’s futile, cause it penetrates even my eyelids. Then tears start flowing out my eyes for no reason. Why am I crying? Oh, it’s because of the light. When will this bright disappear?

“Now! Human who’m I granted this once in a lifetime moment, I will let you see what really happened on your death!”

What? What’s this? After she spouts those words why does my head suddenly hurts like hell? It’s like a large amount of information suddenly entered my brain, overloading with the data transfer. Huh? Why does I can see myself? I can see the little version of me. Why does I can see my lifetime achievements? I can see the happy version of me. Why does I can see those heartbreaking moments? I can see the sad version of me.


“That’s the recollection phase after your death!”

“Why are you still here?”

“To guide you on this path! I will tell you what you want to know!”

“I’m confused but I will ask how can you proved that I died and this was not a dream?”

“The fact that you feel a tremendous pain yet remains here proves it!”

“I see, so did I really die?”

“Yes, but don’t fret cause what you’re worrying didn’t happened!”

“You mean I can’t really go back again? What will happen to Sarah?”

“You can’t, and Sarah was good!”

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