《Second Chances》31



It's been a few weeks since my big fight with Ronnie. It was kind of put out there that Ronnie and I are dating before we planned. Max and Alva are staying in a hotel I guess. They actually have an announcement for us over dinner. Michael is terrified that Alva might be pregnant. She's obviously not, but I guess that's just how older brothers are. Next month, Ronnie and Michael are going on tour so it'll be just Charlie and I in the house. That means Zakk is going as well. ETF is going on tour too so Rob will be gone. Luckily, Jacky will be around for a bit so I don't go completely crazy by myself. After laying awake in bed for almost 3 hours, I finally get up and head downstairs.

"Best friend! I thought you were going to sleep forever!"

Max hangs onto me and drags me into the kitchen where everyone else is. I say hello to Michael and Alva, struggling to get free of Max. I go over to Ronnie, who plants a kiss on my forehead and hugs me to him.

"She left me for Ronnie.."

Max dramatically wipes fakes tears from under his eyes.

"Fuck off, I'm her loving boyfriend."

"Best friends are forever Ronald!"

I smirk and pat Ronnie's shoulder.

"Sorry to you both but neither are forever guys."

Michael and Alva laugh.

"Damn. She got you two good."

After lunch Alva and I head out for a much-needed girls day. Massage, facials, ending in a mani/pedi. During our facials, Alva and I start talking about stuff.

"So are you doing okay? Like really. And how long have you been with Ronnie? Also, I'm really proud of you Val."

I attempt to stop myself from tearing up. I'm so lucky that I found this great family to be a part of.

"Some days are harder than others, you know. But knowing that Ronnie and Michael are with me helps a lot. Um, since I moved in it was official. But he's been trying for a long time. Thank you Alva, that really means a lot to me."


"I always knew you two would end up together. You're meant for each other."

I laugh and roll my eyes.

"If you start talking about fate or destiny, I'll leave you here."

Alva laughs.

"Fine be a non-believer."

After our mani/pedi it's still too early for dinner. We end up going to the mall and shop. This is my first time out, besides dates with Ronnie, in a while. It feels so nice to chat and be a girl with Alva. I mean the guys try but it's nothing like shopping with Alva.

"Oh! That's so pretty Val! Let's go so you can try it on!"

Alva points to a particular store and I look into the window. I see some kind of lingerie thing hanging on a mannequin. It is incredibly gorgeous but...

"I don't think it'll look good on me, you should try it on though."

"Ugh shut up Val. Hi, my sister would love to try that on!"

I stand there helpless. I'm ushered into a fitting room by the overly friendly salesgirl."

"You two have such lovely bodies! Please look around! Oh! I have accessories that go with the suit your sister is trying on!"


"So what was this thing you guys want to announce?"

We're all sitting, just hanging out. Dinner is done but the girls are late getting back.

"When the girls get back you'll find out."

I glare over at Max.

"I swear if you got my sister pregnant.."

"No! It's not that! I swear!"

I nod still glaring. Ronnie is just smiling down at his phone.

"Is your girlfriend coming home?"

Ronnie looks up startled and puts his phone back in his pocket.

"Huh? Oh, I don't know. Max's girlfriend is with her, ask her!"

I give Ronnie a confused face. I wonder what all that was about. He barely uses his phone unless he's texting Valentina. Plus he got kind of hostile when I asked him. I know they're not fighting so what the fuck.

"Damn Ronnie, relax. I'll call Alva."


"I was just saying. She's her own person. I don't always have tabs on her."

As Max goes to call Alvanis, I glare suspiciously at Ronnie. Max comes back a few seconds later.

"They're already here. Just putting stuff upstairs."

"Hm. More shopping.."

I have to stop myself from breaking the plates over Ronnie's head. What's up his ass? I grit my teeth.

"Val barely shops. Set the table Ronald."

Soon we're all seated at the table with our plates piled with food.

"Wow this all looks so good! You guys are amazing!"

Everyone begins eating. I smirk.

"You mean Michael and I are amazing? All Ronnie did was set the table."

Ronnie doesn't even hear. He's too busy looking at his phone. Val laughs.

"Babe put away your phone. This is a special dinner, remember?"

Ronnie shrugs off her hands.

"Well sorry but I'm busy. I do have a job, you know."

Oh, I'm going to beat his ass. This dinner is about Max and Alva. They have an important announcement to make. I can't throw a plate at his head. I can't throw a plate at his head. No matter how bad I want to. Max clears his throat to ease the tension.

"So Max and I have something exciting to announce. Go ahead Max."

He smiles, looking at every one of us. Stalling dick.

"We're moving to LA!"

My jaw drops and heart swells.



Everyone at the table cheers with excitement and happiness.

"Dude when? Did you come to look at houses?"

Alva and Max exchange smiles.

"We already have a house, we came to get everything else set. Max is gonna go back to make sure everything is being shipped out. By next weekend we'll be all moved in."

I bounce in my seat excited.

"Yes! Max, please come on tour with me. It'll be like old times, minus the drugs!"

Max looks over to Alva, his eyes asking for permission. She nods her head.

"Yes! You got it Ronnie! Besides it's only like 2 months!"

After dinner, I'm in my room waiting for Valentina to finish whatever she's doing in my bathroom.

"Hurry up Val!"

"Can you hold on?! This thing is complicated!"

I sigh impatiently and go on my phone.

"Can I help?"

"No! I got it. Just hold on."

I hear the bathroom door open as I type on my phone. Val huffs, annoyed.



I hum, still focused on my phone.


An angry Val snatches my phone from my hands and tosses it down on the bed.

"What the hell Val! I was doing something!"

I look up to Val who's wearing some kind of floor-length see-through lacy dress and hold back a laugh.

"Oh yeah, you're so busy. But I wanted to show you what I bought today. It's for you.. I.. Why are you laughing?"

Unable to hold back, I bust out laughing.

"What in the pointless fuck are you wearing. You spent actual money on a table cloth? Or is it a veil?"

Her face goes blank and she tears it off, standing in her underwear.

"Aw babe. I didn't mean it. I just don't think fancy silk and lace is necessary to spend money on when it only gets worn for like 5 minutes."

She grabs a store bag and fills it with some things, opens the door, and goes downstairs.

"Wait Val! You can't go down in your underwear!"

I chase after her, everyone has followed Val into the backyard.

"Val isn't that the stuff you bought today while we were out?"

Val nods to Alva. Max is covering his eyes and Michael just looks confused. Val puts the bag in the fire pit and pours igniter on it.

"Val. You spent a lot of money on those. Don't"

Val lights a match and shrugs as she drops it into the bag. It instantly goes up in flames. She comes over and pats my face.

"Problem solved love. Let's go fuck."

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