《Second Chances》30



Moving back in with Michael and Ronnie was pretty easy. I'm moved into the same room. We're not ready to tell everyone that we're dating yet. Well, Chrissy knows and she's actually done pretty well with it. it's weird getting along with my boyfriend's ex and baby mom. I'm glad though because I know Willow is the most important thing to Ronnie. I'm relaxing on the couch, alone in the house. Michael is running errands and Ronnie went out to get food since Willow will be here this week. Everyone will be back later tonight I suppose.

"Oh, hey Craig."

"Wow, you sound disappointed."

"Sorry. I thought..."

He cuts me off as I hug him.

"I was Ronnie?"

I punch his arm.

"I thought you were Ronnie with Willow! She's here for a week and she's all mine!"

"Jesus fucking Christ Len. Is that what you wanted Ronnie for?"

Craig teases and winks. I put my finger to my lips.

"What's up anyway? Why'd you stop by?"

"Well, I know Ronnie and Michael are out and they asked for me to come keep you company."

We sit on the couch and Charlie comes over to say hello to Craig.


"No. HA! I came over to be nosy. Plus, I haven't seen you in a while."

"Aw, I missed you too Craig!"

Craig and I are leaned against each other laughing and talking when Ronnie and Willow come in. He glances at me, Craig, the empty liquor bottle, and then back at me. Fuck. It wasn't. Willow sprints up to me, much to Ronnie's disapproval it looks like.


"Oh my gosh, Willow!"

Willow barely gets into my arms for a hug when Ronnie pulls us apart.

"Go put your stuff away in the room sweetheart. Say hello to Craig. The adults are going to talk."

Craig and I exchange looks. After Willow says hello to Craig, she runs upstairs. Ronnie doesn't turn to look at us. I hope Michael gets back soon.

"See ya later Craig."


"Look, Ronnie.."


Craig nods and gives me a sympathetic look before going out the front door. I stare down at my hands like a mischievous child about to get scolded.

"Seriously Valentina?"

"Don't overreact Ronnie.."

He turns to me and I look up. He's upset.

"Overreact? You're supposed to be sober Val! For multiple reasons! You knew Willow was coming today!"

"You're acting like I asked for him to bring the bottle."

We're both trying to keep our voices down so Willow doesn't hear us.

"Did you?"

"Excuse me! No! I didn't even know he was coming over!"


I watch Val, looking for signs of the truth. If I had known she'd be acting like this, I would've taken Willow out for a while. Seriously, she knows I don't want anyone to drink around my daughter, especially with the way Valentina drinks.

"So he brought out alcohol and you were just like 'hell yeah let's drink it.'? You know Val, don't act like an innocent party. Who am I supposed to blame?!"

From Val's spot on the couch, she glares at me. This is getting out of hand but I know I'm right.

"Oh my god! Are you serious Ronnie?"

"Does this seem like a joke Valentina?!"

"Craig offered! I didn't think I should say no!"

"Really?! Why the hell not?! You nearly died because you were so fucking drunk all the time!"

She closes her mouth at that. It was a low blow.

"Craig wanted to have a drink with a friend! It got out of hand! But since you want to go there! At least I don't go around dating people to spite a fling for having a male fucking friend!"

That was a really low blow. My anger is getting the best of me.

"The issue here is your drunk ass, not Rei!"

She cringes at her name and speaks calmly.

"Rei, huh. You still talk to her?"

"She's my friend."

Valentina smirks.

"A friend who called me horrible things? Me, your GIRLFRIEND!"


"This is fucking ridiculous! You're jealous? You're fucking drunk Val. You were drunk at my birthday party too."

She jumps up from the couch. Now we're both up and angry.

"I didn't start drinking until you just stood there like a jackass while that bitch talked shit!"

"Can you stop fucking name-calling! It's childish as fuck Valentina! The fact is that you're drunk. None of this other shit matters."

"Yeah, I'm sure out of my mind drunk. Wanna know why?"

I already know what she's going to do. Although I hope she doesn't. She knows I can't control my temper with her. And I tend to say things I sure as hell don't mean.

"Don't do it Val."

Unfortunately, she ignores me.

"You're defending your ex-girlfriend to your current girlfriend."

"You have issues Valentina."

"Because I'm the reason everything bad happens to me."

"Maybe you are."

Before I can even register Val's movement, the empty bottle smashes against the wall next to me. We both stand there shocked.

"Willow we're going out!"

When I come back downstairs with Willow, Val is nowhere in sight.


After picking Max and Alva up from the airport, I try to call Valentina and Ronnie. The lovebirds always assume they're a step ahead of me but I know. This is Val's big happy surprise, well supposed to be. Ronnie's phone is off and Val isn't answering so I have no choice but to take them back to the house.

"So what's going on?"

"I'm not sure Alva. I hope everything is alright. I would say that they're just out with Willow but Ronnie knew about this today."

I pull up to the house and all 3 of us get out. The first thing I notice when I open the door is the broken glass.


Alvanis and Max shove past me, going further into the house.

"Holy fuck. Radke! Val! You guys here?!"

I quickly gather up the broken glass so no one gets hurt.

"Michael, call everyone who knows Val, Alva check upstairs. I'll check down here. Something obviously happened."

I call her closest friends first. Jacky, Zakk, Rob, and Christian. Just as I'm about to dial Craig, Max calls for Alva and I to come back down.

"Guys! Come here!"

When I get downstairs with Alva, Max is holding Val to his chest and she's clinging to him. She lets go at the sight of Alva and nearly tackles her to the ground. I brush my hand through Val's hair and she lifts her head up sniffling. Her voice is quiet.

"Oh my gosh. You guys are actually here!"

"Surprise. Don't cry!"

Max shakes his head.

"She was crying before I found her."

Alva immediately goes into protective mode and starts checking her over for blood, cuts, and any other injuries.

"It probably has something to do with the broken bottle."

At that moment Willow runs through the door into Alva's arms.

"Auntie Alva!"

The three of us all exchange looks before noticing that Val has gone back into hiding.

"What the..?"

Ronnie walks in, arms loaded with chocolates and flowers. Max angrily hit him upside the head.

"What did you do Ronald!"

Alva takes Willow upstairs to play while Ronnie talks, mostly loud enough so Val can hear him.

"Look I was in the car angry for the bottle being thrown at me and I remembered what I said and the things you've been through. I'm so sorry. I got you like 10 different brands and kinds of chocolate. I got you Azaleas, Primroses, Begonias, Carnations, and Dalias. Do you know how hard I had to look to find them? Please come out."

From the top of the stairs, Alva shouts.

"But her favorites are Roses, Alliums, and Heliotropes!"

Ronnie sighs.

"They're in the car. Babe, I only have two hands. I love you, please."

Val hesitantly comes out of her hiding spot.

"I'm sorry I threw the bottle at your head."

Max and I audibly sigh.

"You two are a mess."

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