《Second Chances》4


When I close the door and look up, everyone is staring at me.

"Um. Good afternoon."

Ronnie is the first to look away. Alvanis leaves to go upstairs and Michael takes my arm.

"Are you alright? Do you need anything? Are you okay Valentina?"

I smile and take Michael's hand off me.

"You can call me Len. It's easier."

He just continues staring at me.

"Oh okay. Do you need ice?"

I touch my swollen and bruised eyes.

"Hmm? For this? Nah I'm fine."

Alvanis walks back in and grabs my hand. We all look at her confused.

"What? There's a party soon. She can't just go around with a black eye, wearing Ronnie's clothes.


Ronnie and I look at each other as Alva pulls Valentina away.

"Should I go after them?"

Ronnie laughs and comes over to pat my shoulder.

"Girls, Mikey. There are 3 things that always bring girls together. Clothes, hair, and makeup."

I walk with Ronnie into the living room where Max is.

"You forgot one Ronnie. Boys."

"I don't think Alva would talk to Valentina about Ronnie."

I sit down opposite Max.

"Green, shut up."

Ronnie stands with his hands on his hips.

"Valentina wouldn't talk about me in the first place Max."

"Whatever man. Sure she wouldn't."

Ronnie rolls his eyes at Max and grabs his keys.

"Look. I'm going to get the guys, you two wanna come?"

"Green can go. I'm gonna stay here to keep an eye on Alva and Valentina."

Max stands up and they head out the door to get Derek, Christian, and Robert.


I was prepared to die as Alvanis dragged me along. Surprisingly, she hasn't yet.

"What size in dresses are you?"

"Around an 8 or 10. It depends."

Alvanis frowns and opens her closet.

"I might have something that'll fit you. Do you prefer any colors?"

I shrug, still hesitant about her sudden friendly behavior.

"Ahh I have clothes for Michael's various ex girlfriends here. They were never around long and always left new things. Go through this bag."

I take the bag from her hands and start rifling through it.

"Alvanis, I really appreciate this. I really do. But why are you being nice to me now?"

Alvanis laughs as she's going through a different bag.

"I think you've noticed I'm extremely protective of my brother. He means everything to me. He got hurt trying to protect you. We settled this last night. No hard feelings. Here! Let's try this!"


When Max and I get back from picking up the guys, Alva and Val are still upstairs. Michael is in the kitchen setting up food and drinks. Rob, Derek, Christian go straight for the beers and the big screen TV. Max and Michael wait patiently for Alva. I sit on a chair, trying to distract myself but also feeling anxious about Valentina. Alvanis comes down first, then Val. She's wearing a deep red tank top tucked into a black leather skirt, with a black leather jacket to bring it all together. Everyone stops what they're doing to look at her. i can't believe my eyes. She's absolutely stunning and bad ass at the same time. I'm in awe of the woman standing there. She doesn't seem real but I know she is.



When Valentina comes down, everyone turns to watch her. Alva smiles, incredibly proud of her handy work. She even managed to cover up the dark bruises and make it look natural. Christian and Derek move in closer.


"I know right. She just needed some fashion tips. It would've been better if we found a dress."

Christian shakes Valentina's hand.

"I don't believe we've met."

Valentina looks to be a little uncomfortable in the spotlight.

"I'm Valentina, but please, call me Len. I know who you 3 are."

Robert nods at her and Derek speaks up.

"Nice to meet you, Len. You Ronnie's girl?"

Before Valentina can even speak, Ronnie answers him coldly.

"Dude no. That's just one of Alva's dumb friends. Does she look like a bitch I'd date? And let me remind you of your wife."

Alvanis, Max and I exchange looks. Alva turns to glare at Ronnie.


I know the things I said to Ronnie last night were cold but that was just plain harsh. I watch as Robert elbows Ronnie in the ribs. Ronnie must've told him about everything, which I'd expect considering how much time they spend together. Oh well, not my problem anymore. I pull Christian towards the hard liquor.

"Who wants drinks?!"

Everyone cheers expect for Michael, Robert and Ronnie. I pour 5 special drinks and hand them out. We all sit back in the living room, watching TV. I sit close to Christian and Derek. I ignore Ronnie and have as much fun as I can.


She's being so friendly with my band mates because of what I said. Whatever. That's not my problem. I need a fucking drink. I get up, go to the kitchen and Robert follows.

"Rob, please save it. I'm a grown ass man, I don't need a lecture."

"I wasn't going to say anything."

He pauses and I sigh, pouring 2 shouts.

"Other than maybe you shouldn't be an ass."

I take my shot and hand the other to Rob, who downs it quickly.

"She's used to it. Wouldn't be normal if I was any other way."

"Yeah but after yesterday.."

I slam the bottle of vodka down, which startles Robert.

"Dude. I don't want to talk about it. Shit. Just lay off. Have some fun. Enjoy the party."

Just then, Valentina walks in with Michael, chatting about something on TV.


"Whoa, are we interrupting?"

Valentina laughs. I look back and forth between Ronnie and Robert.

"Yeah, let's just get the refills and go back out."

She excitedly grabs the rum and holds it above her head, pointing at us.

"Robert! Michael! Ronnie.. Take a shot with me!!"


Robert smiles and grabs the rum from Val. Ronnie lines up 4 glasses and Rob pours. We all do the shot and Val pours herself a 2nd one. Her 3rd one is whiskey.

"Come on Valentina. Let's go give everyone their drinks."

She sets down the glass and grabs 3 beers.


When we walk back into the living room Michael gives Alvanis and Max their beers. I hand Christian and Derek theirs.

"Guys! Let's move this outside!"

Max and Ronnie set beer pong up while Robert and Michael set up outdoor speakers. Alvanis and I are inside filling up cups with beer and some with random liquor. When we get done, we carry them outside with Christian's help and set them up on the table.

"So how does this work exactly?"

"It's exactly like regular beer pong, except only some of the cups have beer, the rest have random assorted shots in them. We split into 2 teams. Max, Alvanis, Michael and Christian. Then Ronnie, me, Robert and Derek. After round one I'm already a bit tipsy.


Valentina's twist on beer pong actually turned out to be fun. Everyone is getting wasted quicker and having a good time. Derek is just being a little too friendly. It's not that I'm jealous, I'm not. Derek is married. Him and Val are inside refilling the cups to play a 2nd round. I go in and tap Derek on the shoulder.

"Can I talk to you dude?"

"Yeah sure. What's up?"

I look from him to Valentina.


She raises her eyebrows and grabs some of the filled cups.

"I'll just take these outside then."

I turn to Derek, a little pissed off.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

Derek laughs at my angry and irritated tone.

"What do you mean? I'm being friendly."

"The fuck you are. You're flirting with dangerous territory."

Derek gets serious and steps closer.

"Excuse me? Last I heard, she's just some random bitch. Not your territory."

I shove Derek back into the counter.

"This isn't about her! You're fucking married you dumbass!"

Derek looks up at me, slightly shocked.

"Are you sure it's not about her? And besides, it's not like I'm gonna fuck her Radke. Chill out."

I'm about to beat the shit out of him when Valentina clears her throat in the doorway.


The tension between Derek and Ronnie is so apparent that I'm uncomfortable.

"I just need to grab the last of the cups. Alva wants to play another round before she goes to bed."

"Hold on Len. I'll help you carry them out. Ronnie and I are done here."

Derek grabs some of the cups and bumps his shoulder into Ronnie as he walks out. I see Ronnie clench his fists at his sides as I grab the rest of the cups.

"Are you coming out Ronnie? For one last round?"

Ronnie breaths out and grabs a beer.

"Yeah of course. Why the fuck not?"


I'm really concerned about how Ronnie is acting. Robert is concerned as well. When Val and Derek come outside, Ronnie follows with 2 beers in hand. As they're setting up, Derek leans into Valentina and whispers in her ear, causing her to giggle. I look back over at Ronnie and he chugs one of the beers. He's about to down the other one but he looks at me and shoves it in my hand.

"Bro, are you good?"

"This party is a disaster."

"How? Everyone is having a nice time."

Ronnie scuffs and glares at Derek.

"Yeah, too nice of a time. What is he thinking?!"

I sigh and pat Ronnie on the back.

"He's thinking that she matters to you and it's getting under your skin."



"Bullshit he's getting under your skin or bullshit she matters to you?"

I roll my eyes and turn to the ready table.

"Fuck off Michael."

"That's what I thought."

We continue playing until halfway through the game, I notice Derek and Val are missing. I look at Robert who shrugs.

"Everyone stay out here."

Michael grabs my arm.

"Ronnie it's not a good idea."

I shove him off and walk inside, looking for them. Rob and Mikey follow after me. I see the light from the laundry room on and walk in on Derek and Valentina kissing.

"Are you fucking kidding me?"


Ronnie's angry voice brings me back to reality. Oh my god. I had came in here for ice to put in my drink and the next thing I knew, I'm kissing Derek. I look from Ronnie to Michael to Rob to Derek and stand, unsure of what to say in this moment.

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