《Second Chances》3



"Christ Valentina!"

"That's for being a bastard, Radke!"

My anger fades and I'm left feeling satisfied.

"Ah my teasing is getting to you. Sorry but I can't do anything about that, gotta go."

I grab my keys and head out of my bedroom door.

"My phone Ronnie!"

I call over my shoulder as I head down the stairs.

"Forget it babe!"

I touch my shoulder. Holy shit, how am I supposed to work out. She bit me hard and it fucking hurts. It's probably gonna leave a mark. Touche Valentina.


After settling on a pair of sweatpants and a cut off t shirt, I explore the empty house. When Max, Alvanis, and Michael get back I'm in the kitchen eating a bowl of cereal.

"Look at you, making yourself at home."

I look up to see Alvanis walk in and grab a drink from the fridge.

"Shouldn't you be gone by now?"

"I'd love to be but you gave Ronnie my phone."

She just shrugs and stands across the counter from me.

"He asked for it."

"And you two are such buds that you handed it over, no questions asked."

"You got my brother punched in the fucking face!"

"Ronnie was the one who punched him!"

"You're the one who got him punched, you stupid ass bitch!"

I sigh and stand up to wash my empty bowl. I walk out of the kitchen with Alvanis on my back.

"So you're just going to ignore me?"

I start walking up the stairs.

"I didn't ask to be here. I don't wanna be here. Fuck off and just leave me alone."

I finish going up the stairs, head right into Ronnie's room and slam the door shut.


I heard Alva and Valentina arguing. I sigh, this girl is so much trouble.

"Alva, don't you dare."


"Alvanis come here. You are not about to follow her upstairs."


"Alvanis. She is Ronnie's problem."

Alva sits next to me and Max, as Ronnie walks in.

"What is my problem?"

"You better put that bitch on a leash and tie her up outside Ronnie."

"Does she look like Charlie, Alvanis? I'll talk to her."

Alva nods and turns her attention to her phone.

"Ronnie, Valentina's great but maybe she does need to just go."

"Jesus Christ. When her neck heals she'll be gone, until then I guess I'll just lock her in my room."

I roll my eyes and Ronnie disappears towards the laundry area.


This girl really is more trouble than it's worth. But she's growing on me. There are times when I really do want to kill her and there are times when I really want to fuck her. I take off my sweaty shirt and touch my still sore shoulder. When I walk back out to the living room everyone just stares at me.


"Umm Ronnie.."

"Yeah, Max?"

"Are those bite marks?"

I turn my head to look at my shoulder. Sure enough there are deep bite marks. Alvanis laughs.

"So you're fucking the bitch? Ronnie, that's how you get fleas, or did what happened with Chrissy teach you nothing?"

"I'm going to ignore that last statement. And not that it's any of your business, we're not fucking. Would you've been jealous if we were?"


"Okay now. Let's all just stop. Ronnie, don't overstep. Is the bite infected? And more importantly, how did you get bit?"

Ronnie clenches his fists.

"Not infected, my skin wasn't broken. Listen to your own advice, don't overstep your bounds. It's none of your business."

I sigh and Max speaks up as Ronnie heads to the backyard.

"Come on Ronnie. No one is trying to get in your business. She just doesn't belong here."

I spot movement on the stairs and see Valentina quietly sneak upstairs. I look around at the others. I was the only one who noticed.

"Fuck off Max. Why are you here? Michael hates you."

Alvanis reaches for Max. I regret even saying anything.

"Holy shit. Can everyone just stop?"


I haven't come down all night or this morning after what Max said. I just want my phone and I want to go home. Ronnie didn't even come up last night. Out of everyone, he probably hates me the most. I'm searching for my phone in Ronnie's room when he comes in.

"You won't find it in here. Stop going through my shit."

"Just give it to me and I'll leave. Then I won't be trouble for anyone."

He walks up to me and gets in my face.

"Shut the fuck up Valentina. You'll get it when I give it to you. Now, we're going downstairs to eat."

I stand up and shove past him out the door. Ronnie follows behind. In the living room I see everyone sitting down, eating pizza. Michael looks up at me but says nothing, thank god.


I feel bad for Val, but I don't want her to leave. I've barely gotten to know her and I haven't fucked her yet. I'm a guy after all. Val sits in the kitchen and eats a few pieces of pizza. Alvanis comes into the kitchen to get the guys beers. She looks at Valentina with hate.

"Hun, I'm sorry but, dogs don't eat at the table."

Valentina stops eating and stands up. In response, Alvanis sets down the beers.

"Val. Alvanis. Calm down."

"What do you want from me, huh? I didn't ask to be here. I'd love to leave since everyone FUCKING HATES ME! And yeah I don't belong, I know it's my fault."


Michael and Max come rushing in at Valentina practically screaming. They both stop at the door frame. I try to resolve things peacefully for once.

"Valentina, please calm down. No one hates you."


I'm unsure how to handle this issue. I know Valentina heard us all complaining to Ronnie about her. I try to step forward. However, Alva holds up her hand to stop us.

"No. Let the bitch speak."

Valentina starts tearing up, from anger, hurt, or both.

"I heard all of you last night! I heard what Max and Michael said. I already knew Alvanis hates me. What, because I got your brother punched? You want payback? You wanna hit me? Fucking hit me!"

Valentina ends her rant right in Alva's face. I see Alva clench her fists but she doesn't raise them.

"You want me to hit you?"


I'm so tired of constantly being harassed by Alvanis about Michael. Everything just became too much all at once. Maybe if she hits me, she'll lay the fuck off.


I ignore Ronnie. Right now it's only the two of us, me and Alvanis.

"If it'll make you feel better and stop you from being a petty, childish fuck. Then, HIT ME, you bitch!"

That's all I need to say, Alvanis swings and the force behind it knocks me down. She stands her ground.

"Now we're fucking even Emerson."

With that she walks out, followed by Max. Michael hoovers for a second, then goes to check on his little sister.


Valentina sits up and I move to help. Alvanis hit her harder than I hit Michael. She pushes me away.

"Val, let me help."

She slaps my hands.

"Fuck off Ronnie."

I'm so confused. Is she mad because I didn't stop her from being hit or is it something else?

"What did I do?"

She moves to kneel with her head down, her hair covering her face.

"Oh please. I know out of everyone in this house, you hate me the most. Even more than Alvanis hates me."

Her voice is sad and soft.

"I never.. I don't hate you Val. What's going on?"

I lift her chin up and tears are streaming down her face.


I move my face from Ronnie's touch.

"You heard them. I don't belong here. I'm nothing but trouble."

I stand up and wipe my tears with the back of my hand. Ronnie reaches out for me.


"What Ronnie? Are you gonna disagree? When you first met me, you tried to kill me. Within good reason, I'm a bitch. But I don't need you to act like you care!"

Ronnie drops his hand that he was reaching out to me. This hurts but it has to happen. I can't let myself fall for him anymore than I already have.

"Please! Just stop pretending!I don't need anyone to care! Why do you think my phone hasn't rung? I have no one, and it's better that way!"

Ronnie looks at me then looks down, unsure of what to say. I've said too much. I kind of exploded. I run outside, closing the door behind me and bust out crying.


After checking on Alvanis last night, I went back down to see if Valentina was okay but I heard her and Ronnie arguing. I decided to just go upstairs to bed. As I walk into the kitchen today, Ronnie is already up, unpacking groceries.

"Hey Mikey. Little gathering today. Just a small thing. Rob, Christian, and Derek."

I nod my head.

"That explains the alcohol. Where's Val?"

Ronnie stops what he's doing and looks away from me.

"She was outside all night."


I go to open the sliding glass door that leads outside but Ronnie holds it closed.

"She wants to be alone. She didn't want to come inside. I checked on her. Charlie is keeping her company."

I step back, my arms crossed.

"Maybe I can talk to her."

"Michael no."

"I could get her to come inside."


"Michael! She doesn't want to talk to you! She doesn't want to talk to any of us! I tried!"

I move back to the fridge and finish putting the groceries away when Alvanis walks in.

"Ronald. Watch your tone when you talk to my brother."

I take a deep breath and slam the fridge door closed.

"My mistake."

Alvanis leans into Michael and whispers, loud enough for me to hear.

"Damn. What's his problem."

Michael just frowns.

"Problem? I don't have a problem. I'm just being normal me. Ronnie fucking Radke."

Alvanis raises her eyebrows.

"Dude. Chill out. You're gonna have a heart attack or something. You're old."

Just as I'm about to walk away, the sliding glass door opens.


I was up most of the night, thinking. Although I couldn't really do that until Ronnie left me the hell alone. I was napping until Ronnie let adorable Charlie outside, a bit ago. I take a deep breath, open the door and step inside.

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