《Always and Forever》Chapter 20



I got inside the house and locking the door stood there for a minute. My heart was frantically beating in my chest and I was gasping. ‘Hope you like it’ Idiot! I slapped myself. What would she be thinking about it? Did she see it or not? Will it all be over between us then? I should have been there when she opened it. I can’t help getting scared that I might end up losing her. With wiggly steps I went to my room and crashed on my bed. I sigh... what have I done??

The whole night I was restless and I didn’t want to go to Alin’s house for breakfast now. It’s Sunday and I typically spend all day there on Sundays but today I just can’t get myself out of here, I am so nervous. My phone beeped a text from Alin.

“Are you coming today or are you tired? Mom was asking.”

“Yeah, I am coming.”

I forced myself out of the bed and got ready to leave. Once I was out of my house, I slowly walked towards Alin’s house. I was so nervous that I thought I might faint on the road. I rang the bell and Mrs. Jones opened it. “You are late today. I thought you wouldn’t come. Come on in. Everybody is in the backyard.” She smiled and let me in. I went to the backyard where there was table set on with the breakfast. I looked for Alin but she was nowhere to be found. It’s what I feared, isn’t it? She doesn’t want to see me anymore. Heartbreak is what I felt at that moment. I was about to turn around and leave when I heard Mrs. Jones voice behind me, “Looking for Alin?” I turned around and met her eyes. “She is in her room. She told that she is not feeling well. Do you want to go and meet her?” I wanted to but I didn’t know if she wanted to meet me or not. Was she really not feeling well or was she trying to avoid me? All these thoughts were going inside my head, nevertheless I nodded my head. Mrs. Jones took me upstairs and knocked on her room’s door. “Sebian is here to see you Aly, open up.” “Yes mom” Alin opened the door. Frizzy hair, red eyes, she looked like she didn’t sleep at all. “Okay then, you guys talk.” Mrs. Jones left me there and went down.


I followed Alin inside the room. She went and sat on the bed while I stood there looking around. Her room was as I had expected. Clean, organized and shelves full of books, she really loves reading, doesn’t she? “What happened to you? Did you catch flu after coming back yesterday?” I went and sat near her. “No, this is not because of the flu. I am having a headache.” “You look like this because of a headache?” I asked in a shocked tone while tucking a strand of her curls behind her ear. She didn’t jerk of but stared at me intently. “Yeah, I have had this headache attack me few times recently but it was worse yesterday night.” “You sure it’s not because of something I did” I asked warily. “It maybe because I kept tugging you around everywhere without any rest or something else?” I was trying to be very careful with my words here but was she getting the hint?

I started looking here and there when she spoke, “I know what you are talking about.” She took out the box that I gave her from the side drawer. My eyes went wide looking at it. “Did you open it?” I asked in a nervous tone. “I did but I want you to tell me what this means. Should I think of this as a gift from a friend, but then this is something I can’t accept. Or is it...” In a flash I took the box from her and was down on my knees. “I love you Alin” I blurted out. “I wanted to say that to you from some time now but I was scared that you wouldn’t want to see me anymore.” I said all that in one breath and started gasping. When I lifted my head to look at her, she seemed rather calm than what I had thought. “And here I thought you’ll never say it” she was smiling. “What? What do you mean?” I was surprised beyond words here. “I mean, I love you too Sebian.” She took the box from my hand and opened it revealing the sapphire pendant inside. “Now would you please” she sided her hair so that I can tie it and I did just that.


I took both her hands into mine and spoke, “its official then?” “Yes it is” she replied. I looked into her eyes and they showed love in them. I kissed her forehead. “You take rest; I will bring your breakfast here.” “Actually I am feeling a lot better now. You go down, I will be right there.” I smiled and left her room. I joined everybody in the backyard. Today was the happiest day of my life and I hope that somehow this lasts forever. I sat there gaining funny glances from others because of my idiotic smile but I was not minding it a bit.

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