《Villain This Should Be Fun》Chapter. 8


" You can do it, young master." Cheers from all around gave me hope as I was about to take my first step from being a toddler.

Weeks had gone by since my chat with INDIRA, I decided that for me to move on to the next phase of world destruction I needed to learn how to walk. At first, I could barely stand. How do I put this down, babies don't fall after a few seconds after they walk or stand for the first time, it's more like us using all our stamina all at once to just standing upright.

But that didn't stop me because I'm being cheered on by Nora and some maids who came to watch me.

My mission. Walk up to the 3cm tall mirror which was at least 5 meters from me.

"Let's do this." my first three steps were shaky as my baby foot kept on trying to give up, my next few steps caught everyone's attention as I came closer to my destination. Making a wild cheer which eventually got to my head and I headed full speed straight for the mirror in a baby-like manner.

They cheered me on like fans cheering at a player about to score the winning goal, which was pretty good actually.

" Thaaa!!!." I blurted out adorably as my left hand tapped the mirror placed down for me. Getting a limps of myself in the mirror, I look adorable. I got my mother's white hair and red crystal-like eye. My elf-like ears weren't that long not short and I Strangely seem to possess little fangs as I opened my mouth in mockery of my reflection.

I don't know much about how my facial structure is going to turn out as I mature, but one thing is for sure.


I'm gonna have a harem.

After months of walking practice, I finally achieved what one could say was the world's first baby to walk after probably 9 months after birth, if I were to do the math correctly I would be a year old but I was yet to be taken out of my room, not once.

Boredom became an Allie as we enjoyed days of doing nothing but eating and sleeping. I mean it's not bad but It gets tiring over time, trust me. I needed something to keep me active as it would appear I would die of being bored in this life, just as I had given up with the hope of anything interesting, Nora once again came to my rescue, as one day, she healed a scratch on my knee from how I wrestled a stuffed bunny.

''F Y I… Do not try this if you. Ever.''

And when I mean to heal, I didn't mean a first aid kit, I mean a full-blown blue light from both pairs of hands giving me a tingling sensation, as the scratch seemed to be replaced by another skin.

I remembered INDIRA talking about magic then yet again I never pictured magic working like this. I wanted to feel that tingling sensation once more but for that to happen I needed her to heal me and for that to happen I needed to get hurt, which got me thinking.

PLAN A; Wrestle with a stuffed bunny. I know I said not to try this but if you are desperate do try this. The plan was simple, I get in a fight with a stuffed bunny, get it to throw me off our arena. Bam!!!! I get injured.

Well that was supposed to happen but, take note; If you have an overprotective maid do not wrestle with a bunny. Turns out Nora did some safety measures in case I ever fell, how. Well turns out whatever I landed on was pretty soft, at first, I thought it was Nora's boobs, coming in at the last moment to make an astonishing save but it was pillows, a lot, and a lot of speech pillows to be precise. well, that was a total failure.


PLAN B; Hurt yourself.

This failed even before I got to try it out. Turns out that even If you are a man in a baby's body, the instinct Of the baby Is far superior to yours.

PLAN C; Fake sickness

Yes, this takes me back. The greatest excuses in my old life, so the plan was to pretend to be sick, how it involves something every baby could do (Regurgitation). It might sound disgusting but it's all I have left. Long story short, it failed. Right when I was about to use it, something magnificent happened.

Earlier she had a really big stain on her maid uniform and since the maid quarter was far off from my room she kept a spare since she stayed with me every time plus she had no idea that I am a grown man in a baby body. Well, you know the rest. But all I could say Is the part where the blood comes out the most, definitely the nose.

Eventually, Nora got to know how much I was interested in magic. She began to show me a lot of magic tricks, creating jelly-like animals from water as they would change forms every time I touched them.


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