《Villain This Should Be Fun》Chapter. 5


Couple of weeks passed after my birth and I found out something new. If you are reborn with your previous memory, babyhood is a dick. I had little to no control over my body, apart from being able to wave my limbs around which later got tiring, and to top it all up I couldn't control nature as whenever I needed to go, I would go on that spot.

On the bright side, the moment every man dreamed about after being reborn. It was one thing we all love ( being breastfeeding by mother ) I could already feel them in my mouth. But you know what they say, reality is truly a dick. Mother refused to see me or even breastfeed me and to top it all up some moron gave out the order that I was to be breastfed cow milk, yeah cow milk, turns out half-elves or elves can't be breastfed from other women apart from thier mother.

Whoever that fucker is, I would love to shove the milk up their ass. Well, that said I was currently stuck in a new room where everything seemed to be well decorated with a lot of baby stuff, toys, bunnies, and other stuff. The room appeared rather bigger than what I expected for a baby room, the cradle was huge and a well-styled nightstand stood at the side of the cradle, the ground laid stuff bunnies that I snuggled any time I was let to crawl.

I also got some good information, my father who went by the name Michelle Agroval one of the 12 dukes of the Empire. Don't ask how I knew but it was one hell of listening to endless stories of him. And I got 4 Elder brothers, so the heir to the estate of Angkor ( the Agroval's city which is located on the western side of the Empire) was still unknown. Meaning the Empire is huge as fuck but I needed more information and the hell am not gonna listen to another one of those shitty stories of father.


The only problem was the system which kept on popping up no matter how many times I canceled it through my thought, telling me.

Name; Ragnar Agroval

Race; Half-Elf

Age; ?????

Title; The one who is the beginning and the end

Hp; 150

Mp; ?????

{ STAT }

Strength; ?????

Stamina; ?????

Agility;. ?????


MESSAGE; { The creator wishes to speak with you. }

I could control the system, making it appear and disappear just by thinking of it but now, it won't even listen to me.

" what I would do to get this thing off my face," I thought as Nora's voice seemed to continue with her stroy of my father's great achievement.

Since she was appointed my Nanny, we were pretty close and I found some of her stories good like the stories of the Elves leaving outside the scale of the Empire wall in their little world the forest of Aurora named after the Goddess of law and nature, they are blessed with the gift of the spirit, little fairy-like creatures that came in different element obeying only the ones who are worthy enough to be called their Masters. The prideful beast tribe who served under the Jungle queen is also a Goddess as they refuse to submit to those who are weaker and the dwarf who go way under the ground to forge their skills in blacksmith, creating amazing weapons and the most advanced races of all. Though all 4 races are at peace so resources were shared equally. Those stories were what pick my interest in this world and why INDIRA wanted me to destroy it. Meanwhile, my body turned against me as I fell asleep ..... Damn this body.

``.... HEY WAKE UP ..... ``the voice sound familiar but I could not remember where I once heard it from. `` ... HEY WAKE UP .....`` there it goes again, this time it was louder and sent shivers down my spine making me shut my eyes tighter.

`` WAKE UP DIEGO. `` that name brought me back as I finally opened my eye only to find INDIRA floating on top of me.

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