《Villain This Should Be Fun》Chapter 3


" I saw the light "

But here I am currently facing the light. " This is getting annoying who knew getting reincarnated takes this long". After floating in an endless void of nothing for hours, not being able to move my body!!! wait I was not even inside my body nor could I feel it.

Scenes of my chat with INDIRA played continually in my head, not sure why but I guess he wanted me to be aware of my role.

" so the deal was simple, I get to take down the world in return he sends me back to my old world to get back at all those fucker " yeah easier said than done. I've never played the villain before, strange how I was once considered one of the greatest heroes, then again I had a lot of rivals who wanted to take me down politically due to the huge figure I possess in society but I never thought I would be betrayed.

Lost in my little world as I did not notice when the light grew brighter the second until I felt myself or my soul being dragged into the light.

My vision of everything around me turned into a blur of bright light as I pass through the light. When I tried to say something, what escaped from my mouth was a sound to be a light cry.

Voices came from every corner of where ever the hell I was, but I still was yet to understand what they were saying nor was able to see them clearly but it didn't take a minute before the muffled voices became clearer and I made out a; he's a half-Elf, my lady".

Assessing my situation, I noticed first of all where ever this place was I understood the language. Which was good. Next, I began to slowly open my eyes with a bit of pain that followed, my retinas were attacked with different colors and figures. After taking a minute to process all the colors I picked up a man probably in his late 40s black hair face was not that bad but it was also not so appealing long black hair on his chin which seemed to be a bore and he appeared to be one carrying.


The strange thing was, we were not even in the hospital room rather it seemed I was born in a room, well to be precise a fancy room, the bed was a king-sized, with a well-styled nightstand on both ends of the bed, on the ground a comfy rug, good curtains hanged on both the windows and at the end of each side of the bed. The walls were painted in light cream with designs floor which appeared to be dazzling. For a moment I thought it was actual gold but guess the fuck, it was actual gold like I'm talking real royal room stuff with crazy fancy shit, whoever the hell my parent is, they were loaded with cash.

But there is one problem, staring at the man who still held me in both hands, but my glare was not at him but what was in front of him.

Name; ?????


Race; Half-Elf

Title; The one who is the beginning and the end

Hp; 100

Mp; ?????


Strength; ?????

Stamina; ?????

Agility; ?????



" shit I have a system".

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