《Villain This Should Be Fun》The meeting


" get him to the ICU quickly" the screeching sound of the stretcher as it moved along the hallway got my consciousness back " so loud" I said with my weak faint voice.

" where the hell are the God damn doctors ? " what sounded like a feminine voice spoke out as they all appeared to look very displeased. My vision became blurry by the minute as my hearing was fading it was like I was DYING. not sure but what I felt at that moment was to just close my eye.No matter how many voices I heard who kept on saying " stay with me ", I did as my instinct told me to do as I could feel my body drowning in the darkness they were trying to take me away from.

The light was so bright it was bright. It poked through my forced closed eyes finally letting me open them again, but surprisingly I found nothing but white fog. Didn't know what to do I closed both eyes again deciding to ignore it but the sudden chill I felt gave me the impression that I was not alone, don't know how but it sent a cold feeling down my spine that was not pleasant.

" kraaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!! "

A unique but rather familiar voice came to play in my head as it once again sound, this time I felt something land on my chest. Taking astray I finally opened my eye to find a simple Raven on my chest, which was weird but then it flew up and came down again.

Still, nothing giving a fuck it did this about four times until I got the message " follow me " not having many other options I decided to play along with it, at least it will lead me somewhere.


After walking for what seemed to be hours we stumbled upon nothing like it was absolutely nothing. staring at the Raven with a rather unique way of saying "u are dead" glare it still flew forward and landed on a throne that was not supposed to be there.

" what the actual fuck " still lost and confused I remember one thing I had followed in life " mother always said if see a throne u walk away " yes, I was about to do just that when a rumbling sound began to shake everything from up to down, the white fogs all began to fade away as what appeared to be a throne room became clear.

I decided to assess everything calmly not trying to panic " I am in a fucking throne room," I said in a very panicking tone " and a bird is on the throne so .... " placing one of my hands on my mouth area I closed my eye " am DEAD " finally accepting the reality that I fucking died " holy fuck am dead "


The voice that spoke not only startled me but made my blood go dry as fear crowded me, I did not dear look up at the throne. it sounded none human with its deep voice that give off a sense of multiple voices in one.

`` LOOK AT ME `` it command which I found myself obeying immediately as my eye shifted towards it or whatever it was. It had no facial structure nor hair, it was just a plane face bit the most intriguing thing about it was its unique color, a human figure with the color of pure darkness in it, no nails but still had fingers, with tiny white light found almost everywhere on its body but still did not cover how the dark ess coated it. It was like I was starting in space and had been given a body.

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