《The return of the Demon King》Horseman


Chapter 11

“It’s so beautiful!” Rumia shout as she examined the interior of the house. The house is almost made of glass. You can see the kitchen through the living room because the walls that separate the rooms are made out of glass. “I seriously did not expect this, who would have thought that this kind of design would be this sophisticated” I muttered to myself.

“I think that that’s the restroom, and that one is the bedroom…..” While Rumia inspect the rooms, she suddenly stopped talking and kept her silent. “Is there something wrong?” I asked. “The bedroom is only one….” She replied.

“I do not see the problem though, since it is only one we will have to share it” I said. “What! It’s too embarrassing!” “I do not see the reason on why it is shameful, anyway since Patrick said that he will be here at eve we have plenty of time to explore the village” “Really…. You’re not giving me a chance to refuse…”

I then use the Sin of Sloth to create an inventory dimension inside my pocket, then took out a small box from it and toss it to Rumia. “What’s this?” She said as she tilted her head.

“Open it” I said. As she opens the box, a ring can be seen inside it, a silver one with runes that scribed on it. “This! An engagement ring!” Rumia said happily as she tries the ring on her ring finger, after she done that the ring immediately resize itself and fits into Rumia’s finger.

“Engagement ring? What is that?” I asked. “Geez King, don’t be shy. Engagement ring is a thing that you will give to your lover. It’s only done recently though, it is popularize by the Hero of Fortitude when he propose to the Hero of Charity” “Heroes? I thought they are missing?” “Yes they are, but that thing happened before they went missing” She said.

So there is something that happened to them after they defeat me? “I see. So if it is engagement ring, you will accept it?” I asked. “Yes, I will gladly accept it” “Then do not take of that thing without my permission” “Of course!” She said. “But why are you giving me this now?” She added.

“Well, it is because I do not have the time to accompany you right now. You are free to explore this village now” I said. “So… why are you giving me the ring again?” “Just do not wander too far, also come back before the sun set” “You’re ignoring me again! O K I get it, I will return before the sun goes off!” Rumia run off as she said that and left the house.

I look at the ring that I have on my ring finger, it has the same design as Rumia. The reason on why I give the ring to Rumia is to track her. With the help of the ring, I can easily find her whenever she is.


I think I should contact Cathy for the time being. “Hello Cathy? Can you hear me?” I said as I hold the pendant that I wore. “K-King!! Everyone be quite!” It looks like she also has a share of problem there. “King, is there something wrong?” She asked.

“Nothing, I just want to ask if there is something interesting that is happening there” “HHmmm… Oh right! One of your horsemen came here!” She said excitedly. “Really? Did he tell you his name?” “Yes! Even if he didn’t tell his name I would still recognize him though, the one who came here is one of the Four Horsemen Pestilence” I see.

So he is still alive…. No I would be more surprise if one of them dies. “So did you tell him that I return?” “Yes” “And what did he say?” “He say something like this..Ahem. What! Why he didn’t tell me first! And he’s calling me his best friend! He should at least explain me why he suddenly disappeared! There’s no way he could be defeated by those weak Heroes! He said”

“Weak Heroes? But he also suffered the same fate as I” “You’re right King, I also tell him that and after that he immediately became silent” Also I never thought of him as best friend, since a servant and a master should have kind of distance.

“Is that all?” I asked. “Yes… Well, I’m only wondering that by the time where talking, he never asks me your location, well it’s not like I know where you are anyway” “That? It is because he can find me easily, Pestilence is expert in magics, especially in curse and dark arts so it is easy for him to locate me” I said.

“Whoa, Horsemen are really scary! I’ve heard that Pestilence curse to death a whole Dragon Village! But I doubt that because Dragons are you know, extremely resistance to curse and such?” She said. “HHmm… But that rumor is true though, he cursed the Dragon King by making its lung wither and die from suffocation” “What! That’s scary! Now that I realize his power, maybe I should have been more polite to him earlier” She said.

“Well, everything is alright though. Even though he looks like that, Pestilence is quite a tempered person, well if its Famine then you should be a dead meat by now” “…….But my King will definitely protect me right?” “Now that I have accomplished my task, I will bid my farewell now” “Wait King! You’re ignoring me again!” “Take care” “Wai--!!” The conversation ended.

Now then, Patrick should arrive right now. I waited for half hours but Patrick still did not arrive. What happened I wonder? Oh I should check Rumia first. I touch the ring with my hand and search for Rumia.

Hhmm… I said that she have to come back before the sun set. “There she is” I finally see Rumia, I see… So she is safe, she is only talking to someone…. I see, I get it, I finally now know the reason on why Patrick did not pick me up.


“Excuse me, King. Patrick said that I should pick you up” And then a man who is wearing some clothes with some brown and green mixed and painted on it. (Camouflage) “I see. Then lead the way sir” I said.

He is only the one that is wearing something like this among the soldier that I have seen earlier, and he has a strange thing on his back, although it is identical on the letter L shaped like thing, this one is more big and long

I thought that I should ask the man about it but decided to keep silence because I now that I will not get any answer. While we are walking, I get the full view of the village. The house is weird and looks small, but the people look happy with it. The orange light from the sun illuminate the houses and the people of the village.

I could see some children playing some games by themselves. They are holding the replica of the thing that this guy carries. They are pointing it with each other and saying things like “TATATATATATA!” And then one of them lay down as if he was dead or something.

“That is a weird game” I then look at the man but he only look at the kids with a warm smile. “We’re here” The man said. We arrived at the front of the house. Compared to the house around here, this one is simple. I guess the person who owned this is quite a simple man.

And then the man led me to the house as we enter it. “King!” Rumia greeted me with a hug as soon as I enter the venue. Well, I expect Rumia to be here though. “Oh, Rumia. Why are you here? I told you to come back before the sun set right?” I said in a little serious tone. I think that sometimes, I should be strict towards Rumia.

“Sorry… I’ll never do that again…” “You better be, because if not I will not sit beside you anymore” “What! That’s too cruel!” She said as she hugged my waist more tightly. “Then, Why are you here?” I asked her. “It’s because Patrick said that you will be here anyway so why not wait for you” She replied.

I then look again at Rumia and then noticed. Rumia already changed her dress. She is now wearing a pink and white dress with small flower embroidered in it. “You look gorgeous Rumia” “Hehehehe” Rumia put her hands on her face as she laugh bashfully.

I pat the head of Rumia and said. “Then wait here a little bit Rumia, I have something to do in that room” But before I could leave Rumia, the man who led me earlier spoke up. “No, Patrick said that we should take Miss Rumia inside the room” “I see” I said and then took the hand of Rumia. As we were heading to the meeting place I could hear Rumia humming.

“HHmm~ HHmm~ HHmm~” “You are in a good mood?” “Yes! You said earlier that you don’t care about me being dirty, you also give me an engagement ring and not only that you also take my hand voluntarily as we walk. So everything for me is OKAY!.............” “I see… then it is good then” Rumia immediately cover her reddened face with her left hand. “Forget about that” She muttered as she peaks at me.

“Alright” I said and then continue to walk as if nothing happened. We arrived at the huge two doors. Before I could touch the door, it opened itself up “Welcome” And inside I could see Patrick wearing a black tuxedo, it is not only him though, around him there is a bunch of good looking woman that wore fancy dresses. The hand of Rumia grasped my hands harder.

“Welcome, Rumia and King” Patrick said. “Now, should we start the transaction?” I said. “Yes, now please sit on the chair” Patrick said. We arrived at the oval table; I sat on the edge since I do not want to mingle with other humans for now. For some reason, Patrick put a smirk on himself and sat on the other edge of the table but unlike mine, there is another chair besides him.

‘Whoever designed this clearly does not know meaning of balance’ I thought. Rumia then stand next beside me putting his façade. That should be right, since she is the one who manage the store she must take this negotiation seriously. I then took a glance at her and nodded as if giving my approval. It is only a little but I could see a small faint of small in her face.

And the moment that happen I sense a short but sharp radiance of jealousy in this room but it instantly disappeared like a bubble. Who is it? It is been a while since the last time I play. Well I will definitely know who is it because of the fact that, that jealousy is aimed at me and the one who is triggering it is Rumia.

For now I will have to finish this transaction first. I know that Rumia is good at this thing, Rumia might not be aware of this but she is a genius. I know that her mother forbid her from getting a knowledge since her mother told me so when I ask her politely, but that does not change the fact that Rumia is quick witted and know what she is doing…..most of the time.

“Uh Um…. Now let’s begin the deal” Patrick said. ‘Ahhhh I hope that this will end quick’ that is the last thing I have thought as I let my mind to fly.

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