《The Celestial Swordsman》Chapter 2.6: The Divine Index's Unfair Ruling


The girl underneath the leading knight's helmet was a beautiful one. She had violet hair and pink eyes that were full of spirit. The knights holstered their weapons and formally introduced themselves.

"I am Faythe Van Gard, Commander of the sixth district, serving the Divine Empire." the silver-haired girl spoke.

Next, the two knights behind Faythe took off their helmets, also revealing them to be girls.

"I am Queya Korrya, Seneschal of the sixth district, serving the Divine Empire." the girl previously mentioned by Faythe, Queya was a bit shorter than Faythe and had red hair and had a red right eye and blue left eye.

"I am Yume Korrya, Seneschal of the sixth district, serving the Divine Empire." the other knight spoke alongside Queya. She had blue hair, a blue right eye, and red left.

Although the girls had their differences it was clear - the girls were twins, serving alongside each other.

Now that they had formally introduced themselves, the knights of the Divine Empire could converse with Burning Flower. "As you know, this city has been somehow cursed, which is what we had heard," Faythe began, "which is why we came here to investigate. It seems something truly is wrong, yet we are not fully sure what, and it seems I have not brought enough soldiers to take the rampaging villagers on." Faythe put her hand to her chin attempting to create a plan. She then looked back up at the Hoshi and the other Guild members. "Perhaps we could work together." Faythe said, "It seems you have been gathering information, have you not."

"We have." Tokaruth quickly responded, "And I suspect we too are low in manpower."


"But commander," Queya voiced her concerns, "I too agree that these are good people, but the Divine Index has already classified them as criminals to be executed. If we work with them we too would be considered criminals and killed!"


"And we can't exactly hide what we're doing or our intent, " Yume joined in as she pointed to a crystal placed close to her neck, on her chest, that was also on the other knight's chest's "since the Divine Empire is always monitoring us with the Vision Crystals."

"Yes, that is true," Faythe responded as she looked at the crystal on her chest, "but the Divine Index has always been unfair. I've thought so for quite a while now. Ever since I learned the Index by heart."

"So what do you suggest?" the twins asked.


"Is there truly nothing that can be done?" Hoshi asked.

"Only one thing..." Faythe responded, "but it will eventually get us killed."

"What?" Hoshi asked, hoping for an answer that would give them a choice.

"Destroy the crystal." Faythe said fairly calmly, for what she was talking about.

"But commander, " Yume said, worryingly, "even plotting against the Divine Empire would get us killed. Destroying the crystal would send the Divine Empire after us. We'd be criminals!"

"I know." Faythe responded as she turned to face the twins, "But this same system classifies these people criminals. Ask yourself - are they criminals?"

"... N...No," Yume said as she looked down at the crystal that restrained any attempt of rebellion.

"Then I can't consider the system to be correct."

Hoshi looked at the Divine Knights, supposed to be protecting the lands, and yet the Index which they followed and served by was deeply flawed. There seemed to be no answer. They seemed to have been backed into the wall of flawed law.

We can't do... anything... Hoshi thought as he looked at the knights, What we think is right is not what the Index defines as right. Morals are not accounted for.


This was a much more primitive law in comparison to that of Hoshi's old world. The rules were set in stone and no one could change them except for the ruler himself.

Hoshi felt defeated. The whole world was against him, whether it wanted to be or not. Hoshi then clenched his fist and stepped forward.

"If the law doesn't protect us I will," Hoshi assured the group.

"And I will." Homura was inspired by Hoshi's will.

"And I will." Sayuri joined.

"And I will," Kwon said, and soon everyone, who could, swore to protect each other. Even Inei who soon awoke snapped out of his rage and agreed with the knights.

Trusting in the protection of Burning flower, Faythe took a golden knife with an emerald inside of it as she looked to the twins to do the same. They did and all three of the knights began chanting a spell that would break the seal of protection of the Vision Crystal and using all of their power did destroy the crystals forcing them to follow unfair laws. With that, the knights had been freed of the curse that was the unethical rule of the Divine Empire.

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