《The Celestial Swordsman》Chapter 2.2: The Raging Onslaught


Hoshi put on his armor and he and Sayuri exited the Inn as they conversed.

"Well, if you wouldn't mind would you like to give me a tour of the city?" Hoshi asked.

"Of course. I do have some time to spare." Sayuri responded.


Sayuri took Hoshi on a tour. Sayuri took him to several markets, shops and gardens.

They were going through a market as they heard a loud roar like a scream.

They looked in the direction of the scream and there noticed a half-orc.

From games and manga, Hoshi knew that orcs were the evil ones, while half-orcs tended to be more civilized. Of course, any person could be evil, but the half-orc gave off an evil aura different from a regular foe.

The half-orc was huge - at least three meters tall and was also quite muscular. It seemed like he was just running rampage. Hoshi didn't know why. Until that is, he looked at the half-orcs eyes.

They were glowing a red, evil, magical glow. 'Those look... Like the dragons eyes..."

What did this mean? Was the half-orc connected to the dragon? Was his sword connected to the dragon? What was this rage that appeared in these creatures and people?

Hoshi's thought process was cut short by a scream. It was the scream of a woman just in front of them. She was wearing a red dress and had long, dark hair.

This loud noise had gotten the rampaging half-orcs attention and it looked like it was about to attack the woman. Hoshi knew he needed to move.

Hoshi was about to draw his sword as the half-orc suddenly froze in place. Suddenly flames in the shape of an X sliced through his chest, forcing him to collapse.

The impact of the defeated half-orcs fall made the dust fly from the ground, blinding both Hoshi and Sayuri. But in the dust, Hoshi saw a silhouette of a person. As the dust settled more and more Hoshi could begin seeing details of the person.


Then the dust settled and the person previously hidden in dust could be seen. It was a young handsome man with blonde hair styled to stand up and golden eyes, similar to that of Sayuri's, a red and gold mix of a knights uniform and armor. He had golden shoulder pads that connected to his cape. He was clearly the one who had defeated the half-orc as he was holding a red sword with golden highlights and an orange diamond. Currently, the entire sword was engulfed in flames.

"Homura!" Sayuri shouted.

"Sayuri!" the handsome man said as he walked towards them, "You're back! And you're safe and sound! Who's that with you?"

"He's the reason I'm still alive." she responded, "That's Hoshi Satoh! He saved me from Aicre."

"Aicre..." the handsome young man, Homura, said dumbfounded, "Y-you mean the Ice Dragon?"

"That's the one." Sayuri replied, "I had been kidnapped by the tribe of the mountain and Hoshi saw me being pulled into the cave and saved me!"

"Saved you? How? Nobody's ever been able to even get away from the dragon."

"He killed the dragon," she responded.

"K-killed?" the young man was once more dumbstruck, "That's... Impossible."

"Well I'm alive ain't I?" Sayuri said, "He defeated the dragon and the tribe. I didn't see it for myself. I did, however, see the aftermath of the battle. It was quite gruesome, to say the least."

"Amazing!" he exclaimed, "Hello! I'm Homura Foyaru, Pheonix Gold Guard. Nice to meet you."

"Hi!" Hoshi replied, although a little shy, "I'm Hoshi. Nice to meet you."

"So bro, what are we gonna do now?" Sayuri asked.

"Bro?" Hoshi wondered out loud, "You're siblings?"


'That *was* what I suspected'

"Yes." Homura replied, "In fact - we're twins."

Hoshi looked at the two side by side and wondered. "But you look so much older, Homura."

Hoshi didn't exactly know how old Sayuri or Homura was. Sayuri looked a bit younger than Hoshi, but she was quite a small person. She looked more like a fourteen or fifteen years old. On the other hand, there was Homura - a tall, handsome young man that looked older than even Hoshi himself.

"Yeah, we look like we have quite the age gap to be twins," Homura said, "but remaining youthful is one of the quirks of being blessed by the Pheonix of Flame - Flamerouth."

"Blessed... By the Pheonix of Flame?"

"Oh, you're not aware of it?" Homura sounded surprised, "We can explain it to you. But would you, perhaps, like to do it in a restaurant. I haven't had food in a while. Maybe I can also explain a little bit about these rampaging creatures and people."

"That would be nice." Hoshi replied with a smile, "I haven't exactly eaten since yesterday."

"In that case - it is settled. Let's go. I know a restaurant that serves delicious food." Homura responded, "Let's go."

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