《The Celestial Swordsman》Chapter 1.12: The Dragons Immense Power


Hoshi was now rapidly flying towards the dragon, who now too knew Hoshi's intention.

The dragon - Aicre, swung his tail in front of him to protect his head. Hoshi's powerful blade collided with the scales of Aicre, but yet Hoshi bounced back, falling to the ground.

Hoshi quickly got back up on his feet and began rushing at Aicre, not heading for the head, but for the chest.

As soon as Hoshi had gotten close to the dragon he leapt forward and swung his blade. Aicre couldn't move fast enough to block the attack, so this time Hoshi's attack hit, leaving Aicre with a deep, diagonal cut on his chest.

Now continuing his attack Hoshi landed on the ground and once more leapt up. Hoshi managed to begin to pierce the dragon's skin, but was stopped by Aicre slamming his tail down on him.

Hoshi would have been flattened by the tail if he had not leapt back rolling across the ground.

Scratched and bruised Hoshi got back up on his feet.

Hoshi's face was bruised and bloodied from the fall. But still - he would not stop until the dragon would be defeated and the girl - saved.

Hoshi once more leapt forward, but as soon as he got close to Aicre he smacked him back into the caverns entrance door with his tail.

Hoshi kept attacking, but again and again, was pushed back by the dragon.

Hoshi then noticed that the undead began standing up.

Hoshi knew he had to defeat the dragon now. And fast at that.

Hoshi once again, for a short moment came to his senses. This time he even managed to stir up a thought.

Being blessed by the Celestial of power and magic does have it's bonuses. he thought, Including an all-powerful magical attack.


And so Hoshi compressed his shield back into a diamond, put it back in his pouch as he began chanting a magic spell. As soon as he did, Celestial Starblaze - Hoshi's Sword began shining a magical light.

The strange thing that Hoshi noticed was that it was the same kind of light as the one that came from the dragon. What did that mean? Was the dragon related to a celestial?

Hoshi continued spiralling until he remembered that there was no time. He had to defeat the dragon, now, in one shot.

Hoshi raised his sword high in the sky. Its light was strong enough to illuminate the entire cave.

Around the sword appeared magic light circles.

Hoshi began rushing towards Aicre. At this moment, the undead soldiers were already fully up and heading to defend their "leader". But before they could reach him, Hoshi leapt in the air.

He was practically flying up and shooting towards the dragon's head like a star.

He shot forward at Aicre. The old dragon managed to throw his tail and wings in front of his head, but that was not enough to stop Hoshi. Not by a long shot.

Hoshi's blade pierced the skin of the dragon's tail and wings and fully cut through it reaching the dragon's head.

Hoshi finished the motion of the swing as he headed towards the dragon's neck, slicing through it in a swift, star-like movement.

Hoshi landed by the behind of the dragon and by the blond girl, he was rescuing. Then behind him, the head and part of the neck of the dragon slid off of its body.

As Hoshi heard the head collide with the ground, Hoshi snapped back to consciousness knowing that the enemy was defeated.

Hoshi's before narrowed in rage pupils stopped dilating and they went back to normal.

Hoshi was only conscious for a couple of seconds since as soon as he had defeated the dragon, all of his energy was used up and he was badly hurt as he fell to his knees and the ground.

Hoshi then blacked out.

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