《The Celestial Swordsman》Chapter 1.11: The Undead, That Are Stronger Than the Living


The undead warriors rushed at Hoshi. There were six of them - an elf, two goblins, and two humans with one demon-like creature. Of course, now they were all former husks of themselves - undead zombies controlled by the dragon.

The undead all had similar swords and axes. They themselves may not have wanted to, but at that moment their only goal was to kill Hoshi.

If the other times Hoshi had held back a lot, then gave half of his energy, now due to his pure rage, Hoshi would go all out - even if that was not his intention.

Hoshi could not control himself. It was as if something had taken over him and driven him insane and filled him with bloodlust.

Hoshi began swinging his sword at the undead soldiers. He swung his sword down on to the two goblins, who were standing next to each other, full force slicing them both in a simultaneous motion.

Without wasting a second Hoshi leaped forward at the next closest enemy - the human. He managed to block the hit with his sword, but due to Hoshi's pure force swing, the sword shattered and collided with the man's skull. The man cried out as he fell to the ground, bleeding.

Hoshi had now taken out half of his enemies. Or so he thought.

But then suddenly the three fallen foes began twitching and glowing a bright violet magic light.

After only a few seconds the three were already on their feet.

Hoshi began fighting the six foes once more, but every time he did kill them they just came back.

Hoshi continued slaughtering them. Hoshi felt as if he had already killed hordes of enemies even though he was still only fighting the six soldiers.

The six soldiers barely got a few hits on Hoshi, yet he was beginning to become more and more exhausted.


Hoshi kept fighting. So did the soldiers. But at this rate, he and the tribe's members would fight until Hoshi fell unconscious due to exhaustion.

But Hoshi was in a pure rage mode. He didn't think about that.

Hoshi had just killed all of the enemies in one powerful sweep. Then for a brief moment as he watched the warriors come back to life he came back to his senses.

What he saw in that brief moment was the dragon's eyes and ice spikes shining with the same glow as the warriors coming back to life.

As he faded back to pure rage he remembered something. In video games and manga, the only way to kill a necromancer's undead army was to kill the necromancer himself.

Just like that Hoshi had come up with a plan in the brief time he had snapped back to his senses. But after doing that Hoshi's consciousness faded back to dark as his rage took over once more.

Hoshi was too exhausted to move at that moment. The tribe's members were slicing away at Hoshi, who had fully blacked out.

Then suddenly Hoshi felt a surge of power. It was his ability - Second Wind. It filled him with energy and his wounds began rapidly sealing.

Hoshi began glowing like a star. In the end, he had been blessed by one.

Hoshi's eyes began glowing as he felt himself getting lighter. Hoshi was surrounded by a gust of wind that formed into somewhat of a small tornado.

Hoshi gripped his sword tighter and raised it. As he did the gust of wind expanded outward, knocking all of the undead soldiers back, forcing them to hit the wall.

Hoshi squatted down as if charging up. Then with full force, he leaped forward at the dragon - his true foe.

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