《The Celestial Swordsman》Chapter 1.10: The Dragon of the Mountain


Hoshi slowly entered the cave. The cave was pitch black and he could barely see his hands, but somehow he could tell that the cave was deep and wide.

Hoshi slowly moved forward as suddenly a bright light blinded him.

When Hoshi could once more see, he saw the source of the light - a goblet of fire at the furthest wall of the cave. But instead of the fire burning hot and red, the fire was icy cold and shined a bright blue light.

Then he saw the reason he had gone into the cave - the girl he had seen being dragged in there, in front of her - a huge dragon.

The dragon had light blue scales, red eyes, a rocky, ice beard, many ice spikes on his entire body, long sharp claws as well as too large ripped up wings covering most of the room beside him.

But what was before him was even more horrific - there were many dead bodies lying on the ground, bleeding, punctured by ice spikes. The craziest thing was - they were the very soldiers who had brought the dragon's hostage to him. So why would he do this? Did he do this?

Who dares enter the Ice Dragon's cavern? Hoshi heard a deep voice speaking inside of his head.

Hoshi looked at the dragon as he heard the voice, but the dragon was not the one speaking. At least it didn't seem like he was.

'W-who the hell is speaking?!" Hoshi thought, worried.

I am. the voice replied.

Now it can read my thoughts? Hoshi wondered, Who are you?!

The Ice Dragon before you.

It turned out that the voice belonged to the huge dragon standing in front of Hoshi.

Hoshi's eyes narrowed in shock and fear as he looked forward. The dragon could talk to Hoshi without moving a muscle. He was speaking directly to his mind, as well as reading it.


As the cavern stayed silent, a conversation ensued between the two foes.

'These are your soldiers!' Hoshi screamed inside his mind, being unable to move his lips to make a sound. If it weren't for the mind-reading power of the dragon his thoughts would stay on the tip of Hoshi's though, never being spoken.

S-so then why?! Hoshi asked, stuttering inside of his own mind, unable to comprehend what was in front of him.

All of this - dragons, magic, hostages, ice tribes, murder was insane to Hoshi. Seeing the bodies on the ground finally made Hoshi snap.

These are no soldiers. the dragon muttered, These are fools who chose to worship me under their on idiotic will. I need none of them.

They brought you gifts! Offerings! This is how you repay them? Are these the gifts you give them?!

Aaahhh, I see. the dragon replied, You've heard those tales, have you. Well, they're nothing more than that - tales. It's more idiotic banter than those humans made up, so the tribe that "worships" me would make sense. The truth is - it never did. It never will. They can come to me as much as they want to bring your offerings and sacrifices, but I am no god. I am a dragon. A beast that kills and feeds. Nothing more.

Hoshi opened his mouth to reply, but could not. He wanted to reply in his mind, but could not. All that he could think about was this dragon's cruelness and the rage it caused him.

Finally, Hoshi let out a sound - it was a battle cry as Hoshi rushed at the dragon, sword, and shield in hand.

The dragon scoffed and closed his eyes with an arrogant smirk. Then he opened his eyes as they began to shine along with the spikes on his body.


The eyes and spikes of the dragon shined for a few moments and then the spikes that had impaled the soldiers began to shine.

Then the soldiers began moving. They were fidgeting. Then they stood up and unimpeded themselves from the spikes. Their eyes had been rolled back into their heads, but they suddenly rolled back down, now shining red.

All of the undead soldiers were looking at Hoshi.

Not only could this dragon read minds, use telepathy, and ice magic, he was also a necromancer.

Hoshi was at a disadvantage, but at that moment the thing on his mind was not coming up with a strategy, but rage.

The undead soldiers raised their weapons and began rushing towards Hoshi.

Hoshi was outnumbered - one to six, not including the dragon, but he didn't care.

All he could do was rage and fight.

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