《The Celestial Swordsman》Chapter 1.7: Sealing Battle Wounds and Moving Up the Mountain


Hoshi put his sword back in his holster, compressed his shield, and moved towards the mountain passing his fallen foes.

He needed to treat his wound and fast, but most of the goblins were unconscious, but not dead, which means if they were to wake up now they would surely attack him, while he would be attending his wounds.

Hoshi slowly moved forward attempting to move as little as he could to ease the pain. Luckily the first lowest part of the mountain wasn't very steep.

Hoshi walked over to the top of the small hill at the foot of the mountain and sat down in a nearby cave. He sat down deeper inside the cave and opened his pouch. It was a magic pouch and contained more items than regularly physically would fit.

He pulled out a strange small pouch and cloth roll and pulled off a six-meter long piece of it. Now would be the most painful part - removing the blade.

Hoshi did so, slowly, placing the ax's blade beside him and opened the small pouch. He took out something - a strange yellow powder and sprinkled it over the wound, which made it begin healing. It was healing dust that came from a healings butterflies' wings.

Next Hoshi took the piece of cloth and began wrapping it around his waist, where the wound was. After wrapping it up completely, Hoshi completed it with a knot.

Hoshi put back the smaller pouch and the cloth in the pouch on his belt and stood up. As the healing dust was given to him by the king himself it was very effective and wouldn't take long to completely heal the wound. Hoshi could already feel the wound sealing up and the pain was relieved. Now that he had finished tending to his wounds, Hoshi could continue going up the mountain.


Hoshi excited the cave and began moving up the walk in the path. The path wasn't exactly the safest one - it had rocky parts, dangerous bridges, ice spikes on the side, and small, not so dangerous, but certainly annoying little creatures.

After a while of walking, Hoshi encountered something strange - the path led to a dead-end right up against a cliff that was at least ten meters tall.

A dead-end? Hoshi thought, But I've been walking only the path and there were no other paths to go from. No way this is just where it ends.

Hoshi looked up at the high cliff and wondered. Is something up there? And if there is - how do I get there? Hoshi thought as he looked around for a path to take when he noticed something - icy spikes that had mixed with the stone of the cliff were about 1.5 meters apart from each other, By the way they're placed, no way there naturally. Is that my way up?

The nearest spike was about a meter above him to the right. Hoshi jumped and grabbed on to it, but slipped and fell down.

Hmmm... Hoshi thought, It's still too slippery to grab on to. I need to find a different approach than to grab them.

Hoshi thought for a moment while looking around and finally thought of something.

"I'll jump off of them!"

While looking around Hoshi had noticed the stone part was spread throughout all of the ice. This also meant the top of them. If he could leap off of them fast enough he could easily get to the top. And so - Hoshi put his plan into action.

Hoshi squatted as he prepared to launch himself onto the first spike.

He built up energy and managed to jump on to the first one with his right foot. Without wasting a second he leaped up to the second spike. Then the third. Then the fifth. He kept the momentum going and managed to jump up to the very top.


"I did it!" he yelled, excitedly, his eyes closed.

But when he did open them he immediately hid behind a nearby rock, because what he saw in front of him - was a small village roaming with light blue goblins, ice elves, and all sorts of races of ice dwellers.

This was the ice tribe Arakan had been talking about. This was his current main enemy.

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