《blood tax》Chapter24 Recreating Forgotten Memories


"Heh~ huh..." Griffith hid behind the circular iron shield, trying his best to adjust his breathing.

In front of him, a green-skinned orc as strong as an iron tower was naked, holding a war hammer and staring at him with red eyes.

The pure-blood orc squad leader... can't imagine how tricky it is.

On the battlefield covered in ashes and ruins, three armored cavalry lay on the ground and groaned.

More than ten minutes ago, Griffith's team encountered a group of enemies in the melee. Although they quickly killed all the orc warriors with their long spears and heavy armor, they were defeated by the orc warriors who led the team.

Krista and the other two armored cavalry were injured and fell to the ground. Griffith, who was the only one still standing, was twenty paces away from the orcs, and the battle was about to break out.

Orcs are higher-ranking and stronger creatures than half-orcs, small in number but very dangerous. Griffith needs to face this formidable foe and his weapons alone. He glanced at the broken shield of another cavalryman on the ground, convinced that the armor could not block the terrible damage.

That heavy hammer, my strength can't resist... Griffith scrutinized the powerful enemy in front of him, his brain running fast.

"Ow!" The orc roared and rushed towards the iron-clad enemy. Griffith also hurried forward, throwing the heavy shield at the opponent.

"Bang dang!" The spinning shield was smashed by the heavy hammer, and the orc warrior raised the terrifying weapon again with unimaginable agility, and smashed it down at the apprentice knight's head.

Griffith knelt down, leaned back to the limit, and slid forward by the inertia of the charge. He was able to avoid the whistling warhammer and raised his long sword to slash.

"Ow!" The orc let out an unexpected scream. The sharp blade slashed through his lower body, setting off a large mass of flesh and blood. The severely wounded orc fell to his knees with a plop.

This is my big move to keep the bottom of the box... Griffith got up quickly, flipped his wrist, and the sharp blade pressed against the shoulder of the strong orc, and stabbed it hard.


"Second-level squad leader Griffith Brandon, in recognition of your extraordinary courage and outstanding performance, you are promoted to second-level squad leader." The familiar officer walked up to the apprentice knight and opened a small box, "Furthermore, to award you the Iron Eagle Medal."

"Griffith! Griffith! Griffith!"

Hundreds of armored cavalry beat the breastplate together.

The captain of the flag put the medal on the collar of the apprentice knight and patted him on the shoulder. Griffith was immediately filled with a great sense of honor, and even if he were to charge a thousand enemies alone now, he would not hesitate to carry out the order.

"Celebrate! Warriors!" The flag captain raised his arms and shouted, "After today's battle, we have cleared the obstacles to Anatar, and victory is at hand!"

"Hurrah!" hundreds of warriors cheered in unison.


"Griffith," Petite Krista rested with bandages against a large rock outside the medic's tent. She injured her leg in today's battle. Although she has been treated by magic, it is necessary for a better recovery. , the medical officer still suggested that she put on a cast for a while, she smiled and waved to her companion, "Thanks to you today."

"How are your legs?"

"Not very good, need more rest," Krista pointed to the campfire in the distance. "Can you get me a cane? A spear will do, too. I don't want to miss tonight's big meal."


"Then, I'm sorry," Griffith leaned down, took the apprentice nun into his arms and walked in the direction of the celebration banquet. "You are so light! You need to eat more."

"Quick, let me down! I'll be seen!" Krista's face flushed nervously, and she tapped the apprentice knight's breastplate lightly.

"It's just to send you to Valkyrie, even if you are seen, it's nothing," Griffith tilted his head slightly and said with a smile, "Even if you are seen, it's just Golona and the others who come to beat it up. Let me have a meal~ I won't bother you.

The apprentice knight held the girl in his arms, and the two walked through the already empty camping area towards the noisy fire in the distance.

"Hey~ Griffith," Krista curled up in her sturdy arms like a kitten adjusted to her new home, "when our service period is over, what do you want to do?"

"Well, that's it~ I'll let each of us fill out the volunteer form at that time."

"Say it now!"

"I should go to Bayeran. Report to the Larmor family and apply for the Army Command Section," Griffith adjusted his posture and lifted the girl in his arms so that she could rest on his shoulders , "After becoming an officer, my salary can be much higher~"

"Oh...then we..." Krista thought he had finished speaking, and was about to say what she had buried for a long time, when Griffith interrupted her weak, almost inaudible words.

"If I become a staff officer, I will most likely be able to stay and work in the capital," Griffith fantasized to himself, "I want to buy a house by the strait, and I can see the sea and hear the waves at dinner, and at night, the whole The stars are all their own."

"That must be bought in the Amir district!" Krista cheered happily.

"Why there?"

"There is a hillside facing the strait, it's not very remote, but the price must not be expensive!" Christa looked at the apprentice knight with sparkling blue eyes, "and it's not far from the Holy Light Chapel where I'm going. "

"That's not bad!" Griffith said with a longing look on his face, "I will hide the door key under the peach tree at the door, and come when you want to come after your duties are over."

"Hahahaha! Who said I was going to come in from the front door!"

Under the peaceful starry sky, the two laughed happily together.

"Hey~ Griffith," Krista folded her hands on her chest, as if her heart would jump out of her chest if she didn't, "There's something..."

"Let's say, today is the day of victory. I have also received a promotion and a salary increase. I can promise you a non-excessive request."

"Really? Then I said it! The name Griffith always feels a bit fierce."

"I quite like it."

"Can I call you Gurphy?" Krista asked with all her courage.

"Huh, of course, why not?" Griffith nodded, "Valkyrie sometimes call me that, don't you know?"

"What!!? They! Who are they? Why are they plural? How can this be!" Krista clenched the mace around her waist, desperately trying to rush into the banquet in the distance.

"I've been preempted~" The apprentice knight stared at the mace that he didn't know would be used to smash someone's head. "You can change your request."

Laughter and noise came from the front. Turn around a forest, and the two will join in the celebration of victory.


"Wait a minute!" Krista had no time to hesitate, she stretched out her arms around the neck of the apprentice knight and raised her body.

"Huh? Chris..."

The apprentice knight's words were gagged.


A powerful malice suddenly poured into consciousness, and the good memories turned into misty smoke. It was clear just now that the scenes that happened in front of him disappeared. When Griffith came to his senses, he found himself standing in the living room with a sword in his hand.

recall? What a clear memory! Every detail seems to be happening right in front of you. Since that day, everything about Krista will only bring about the heartache that will tear her apart, which has been deliberately buried in the dust of memory.

Is this mansion reading our consciousness? Griffith lightly stroked his lips with his fingers, shook his head vigorously, and turned to look aside.

Sonia stood blankly in the center of the room as if she was petrified, and woke up almost at the same time.

"It's amazing~" Sonia rubbed her forehead with an aftertaste. "Are these real memories? I don't remember at all before."

"Are you all right?" Griffith was on guard. The reverberating aura of this old house was particularly distinct just now, making him feel as if someone else was present.

"I'm fine, but someone entered this old house, and his malicious intent is very clear," Sonia looked up. "Everyone may be in danger. We must gather quickly."

"Follow me," Griffith pointed to the stairs to one side, "Let's meet Miss Fiona first, then Iseus."

The two left the room and found Fiona and her apprentice knight Rana not far away.

Fiona hurriedly asked: "Do you feel it? A clear will that does not belong to any of us broke into here just now."

For today's event, both Rana and Griffith were fully armed. They glanced at each other and covered their lord's movement in the direction of Iseus.

In order to achieve a good magic effect, Iseus and Murat selected the room on the other side of the corridor for the ceremony. Before Griffith could get there, clear fights and roars were heard.

"Boom!" Apprentice knight Mura directly knocked open a door and jumped out. The thin Viscount Iseus was held in his arms and fainted.

"Prepare to fight!" Rana roared, and without waiting to discuss with Griffith, he swung his sword and threw himself on it.

Their enemy was an ugly, toad-like man. His skin was as gray as a dead man, his eyes were bulging, his huge tongue couldn't fit in his mouth, and his saliva kept dripping.

Sonia was startled and stepped back with Fiona.

"Don't get too far from us," Griffith glanced warily at the two girls who were backing away.

Rana, who was also holding a sword, shouted, "Who are you? Why are you attacking us!"

"Why? Why!" The toad-like man turned his bulging eyes strangely, looking at the three Cytolars blocking him, "I'm Gerros, the executive captain of Cook's gang, I heard how many A young and beautiful aristocratic young lady came here to play, and just wanted to arrest them and sell them Jie Jie Jie Jie! Blonde aristocratic little beauties can sell for a good price!”

"Is he just an inferior human trafficker? Is the strange aura he felt in the hallucination just now his?" Mura had already sent the fainted Iseus to the back, turned around and stood in the front row again, "Hey! Geros, here Isn't it your sewers, you still don't surrender after seeing our swords?"

"It's just three guards Jie Jie Jie!" Geros lowered his body and slowly moved on the ground with his limbs, looking at the three apprentice knights in front of him, "You must not know the abilities of Lord Geros!"

"What power? Magic?" Rana asked in a low voice, "If that's the case, the three of us can be completely suppressed. Make sure not to hurt Miss Fiona and the others."

Sonia had just supported the fainted Iseus against the corner of the wall, and hurriedly shouted when she heard the conversation between the weirdo and the apprentice knight, "Be careful! Abilities are not magic!"

Not magic? Is it some kind of unique ability of Extraordinary? Griffith had never encountered special abilities other than magic on the battlefield before. For fighters like them, the ability to use complex conditions and unable to cooperate with the army is a matter of poking with a spear. If one poking can't solve it, then poking again.

The three apprentice knights were at a loss for a moment. They haven't had the experience of encountering special abilities in such an environment that is close to a fight.

"Go ahead! Master Gerros' ability!" The toad-like Geros suddenly opened his mouth, and a large cloud of white viscous liquid splashed out towards the three Shutorals.

What is this!

Behind Griffith and others is their lord, so they can't dodge at all. They can only use their long sword and armguard to resist the flying liquid at the first time.

The viscous liquid solidified rapidly in the air and became as solid as a rock in the blink of an eye. Griffith and the others were caught off guard, and their hands were immediately immobilized.

"Have you hit it! It's not over yet!" Geros continued to spit out a big mouthful of mucus, holding the feet of the three apprentice knights in place.

Griffith was stunned!

This is the first time he has seen this extraordinary ability that is not magic and is not interfered by blood energy, so convenient and efficient.

The three of them were like insects sealed in wax, no matter how hard they struggled, they couldn't break free from the solid, dry liquid.

"Hmph, how's it going? You can't fight back in front of me, Geros!" Geros came to the three people who were immobilized and looked at his work, his bulging eyes then turned to Sonia, "These two I'll take this beautiful lady with me~ She's a superb beauty!"

Sonia and Fiona took a step back in unison.

"Fiona, run!" Rana shouted in shame, his thunderous voice almost knocking Griffith's ears. "Run out and ask for help outside!"

Fiona turned quickly and rushed towards the door. Before she could get there, a large cloud of white mucus sprayed out, blocking the door bolt firmly.

"You can't run away," Geros stepped forward with a smirk and looked at Sonia who was standing there, "Huh? Miss, won't you run? Are you scared and can't move your legs? I can help You knead."

Griffith struggled in the stone-like solidified goo. What happened today really made him extremely ashamed. He didn't expect to turn over the car in such a fight. He couldn't move his hands or feet now, and could only watch Geros walk towards Sonia.

Jeros looked up and down the little beauty in front of him with lewd eyes, and seemed very proud of himself for getting this beautiful job.

"I'm thinking?" Sonia suddenly tilted her head, "You shouldn't be able to unfreeze this liquid at will, right?"

"That's natural, It takes at least half an hour for Geros' mucus to dissolve," Geros replied indifferently, "but what's the use of asking these? Do you want to try Geros The feeling of the white liquid sprayed on your body? Jie Jie Jie."

"This way I can rest assured," Sonia shook her long blond hair and looked at Gerros with a slight disgust in her blue eyes, "If your plan is to kidnap me, then use this thing to control me. Action is not appropriate."

"So what..." Geros said as he reached out to the girl. At this moment, Sonia suddenly came to his side in a flash, grabbed his arm nimbly and pulled it forward.

Gerros lost his focus immediately, and before he could react, Sonia grabbed his arm and lifted it up. The diminutive Gerros staggered, and before he could stand firm, his arm was folded back.

"Bang!" Geros felt that the world was spinning, and when he opened his eyes, he had already fallen to the ground. Immediately he tumbled like a dead fish. Although Sonia's slender arms couldn't control Geros' struggle, she immediately raised her knees and pressed against his lower abdomen.

"Uh!" Geros' eyes were dizzy from the hit, and he opened his mouth to spit out a mass of mucus that hit Sonya's right hand, which quickly condensed into a large mass.

"Haha! I'm shocked, but what can you do!" Geros sarcastically looked at the noble girl who was half-kneeling on her body, "I'll..."

Gerros' words just got stuck in his throat.

Sonia waved the rapidly solidified mucus curiously. Her entire right hand has become like a white sledgehammer.

"It's quite heavy~" Sonia raised her right hand and hammered it towards Geros' face.

"Come on!"

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