《blood tax》Chapter 12 Journey partner


Two days have passed since the bloody battle in the mountains.

Griffith and the militia from the town returned to Izmir town together, accepted a simple inquiry and rented a farmhouse to stay temporarily.

And the militia in villages and towns suffered heavy casualties. This is no longer a simple Goblin attack. Coupled with the fact that the dead bodies are actually resurrected, this case will be classified in the catalogue of dark magic cases that need to be highly valued, and finally reported to the Magic Association.

The official extraordinary people have arrived, and they will take over the investigation of the incident. This morning, Griffith needs to go to the town hall to make a face-to-face report.

Beside the pool, there are clothes that have been cleaned. The damaged mail has been repaired simply in the town, but the leather mail worn outside is badly damaged, and it becomes even more ugly after being repaired reluctantly.

Griffith had to pay another seven silver coins in addition to the repair cost, and asked the repairer to paint the leather armor with black paint. After paying the repair cost, painting cost, housing rent and food cost, there are only three silver coins left in the already poor purse, and even the travelling expenses are not enough.

Life after leaving the battlefield is really not easy at all. Griffith couldn't help being a little nervous, and began to look forward to when the town would issue the task reward.

"Good morning," Galatea poked his head out of the room and greeted the trainee knight standing in the yard briskly against the warm morning sun. "Did you sleep well last night? The mayor should have calculated the remuneration over there. "

"Well, I'll start later," the trainee knight only wears a simple shirt, picks up the bucket and pours it into the water tank. "By the way, how is your task?"

What magical items need to be investigated by elves themselves? What did the attackers use such rare monsters as Goblin and Promethean to kill her for? When he came out of Goblin's lair, Galatea seemed to have nothing.

"Well ~ OK-OK," the elf looked at the trainee knight inexplicably and put down the bucket, picked up an axe and started chopping wood. "What are you doing?"

"As you can see, chopping wood." Griffith curled his head.

So what are you doing chopping wood in the morning. Galatea looked at the cleaned courtyard, the full water tank and the chopped wood: "Why are you helping the landlord and aunt sweep the floor, chop wood and carry water. Didn't we pay for it?"

"Shouldn't it be?" The apprentice looked back with wide eyes. "After all, we spent the night at someone else's house."

"It shouldn't be!" Galatea walked out while rubbing his long black hair, approached Griffith and looked at him. "I know! Actually, you changed from Brownie! "

"What is this?"

"That's the snail girl!"

"What is this?"


In the battle of rescuing villages and clearing up Goblin, more than 30 or 40 militiamen were killed, including the militia captains of Izmir and Manisa villages, of which 10 were killed by the Goblin troll.


Most of Goblin's heads are counted in Griffith's name, and the total reward after settlement is …

14 gold, Frohring and 10 silver lang.

This is the reward for killing 146 goblins, a goblin shaman and a goblin troll. Among them, the reward of Goblin is 7 gold, 6 silver lang in Frohring, 2 gold coins in Goblin shaman, and 5 gold coins in troll prize.

Some Goblins should be regarded as the achievements of Manisa villagers, but they were brought back by Griffith without making any claims.

The town accountant watched the trainee knight count two bounty sums, and took the door and went out in silence. Leaving Griffith to sit face to face with an investigator.

This man doesn't seem to have a high sequence, and he is old. Generally speaking, the dark magic cases need more than two investigators to co-operate, but I don't know why only one came.

"Well, do you have anything to add?" The investigator asked while turning over the detailed report at a leisurely pace.

Griffith replied, "I suspect that this is not an evil attack on the village, but a plot against Miss Galatea. The mastermind chose evil and easy-to-control creatures like Goblin and Promethean. It should be to eliminate the clues of investigation as much as possible, and at the same time to avoid the signs of mobilizing forces to ambush from being detected by elves and her people."

After the battle, Griffith carefully thought about the events before and after. If you want to hunt the lone Galatea, it is the most effective way to hire a group of extraordinary people to ambush.

However, prophecy and divination can often find these obvious signs. Not to mention elves are the dependents of luna, and ordinary ambushes are easily detected by their keen inspiration.

If I were to hunt, then I would try my best to involve Galatea in a large-scale incident and hide the real target of the attack. Griffith turned his mind around and unconsciously conceived evil plans.

Wait, what am I doingMoments later, Griffith suddenly realized his malice and quickly stopped his evil thoughts.

When I think of the elegant and beautiful image of the elves, the trainee knight feels that his thoughts just now are ridiculous. He subconsciously pulled the neckline and sat up straight.

The investigator kept reading the report without notice.

"I think it is necessary to investigate the social relations of the mage apprentice Ai Xisi in detail. He doesn't have the ability to make Goblin and Promethean." After a pause, Griffith continued, "In addition, I applied to investigate the information of Miss Galatea. Even if she is the real target, the casualties in the incident are all human beings. "

"All right," the investigator said evenly, "we will investigate, but our manpower is not enough. Many evil things are flowing from the east into the mainland. "

Griffith hurriedly said, "I will go north along Dongfang Avenue. Please make a notice of investigation to the extraordinary people along the way."

"I know," the investigator closed the report deadpan. "Dismissed, second-class captain."



With the reward money from the town, Griffith walked to the pub in the town. He made an appointment with the genie to discuss the distribution of bonus.

The heavy purse has a familiar feeling. On the eastern front, Griffith had so many harvests, but he couldn't leave any savings. All kinds of expensive health-enhancing drugs and herbs, personal weapons and armor, contraband, and other expenses will soon drain the wallets of soldiers.

"Take your part," Griffith pushed the glittering gold and silver coins to the elf. "Thanks to your archery, otherwise the battle with the goblin troll is impossible to win. We split it in half. "

"In fact, I hate the taste of human currency ~" Galatea pushed most of the money back, leaving only a gold coin in his hand. "Aren't you going to worship Yellan? There's plenty of money there. Take this as a reward for your help. Are you really just the second-class captain of the apprentice knight? "

"No doubt," Griffith replied, "Sequence 9."

"Human junior noncommissioned officers, who can't use magic, can kill so many goblins in Togo at a time, and also kill a goblin troll ~ this is not reasonable! It doesn't feel right! "

"My weapons and armor are almost damaged, and I have lost a lot." Griffith is distressed to think of the money he spent.

"Don't mention your stupid equipment," Galatea shook his head. "What are you going to do after visiting Yelan?"

"Report to Count larmor, I'm Seuratal, and I'm going to enter Homenworth in the fall," Griffith counted the gold and silver coins again briskly. "If you want to go somewhere else, I can give you a lift."

"Aha? Howdy, monwoz, classmate! " Galatea raised his eyebrows with a happy face. "I am also enrolled in school in autumn, and we can travel together! Well, I'll run an errand first, and I'll see you outside town later. Remember to rent a carriage. "

What a coincidence! Griffith's mood brightened when he watched the elves put on their cloaks and walk out of the pub. Such a pleasant thing is unbelievable.


Izmir is a seaport town with convenient transportation, where there are cargo ships and businessmen from all directions. They trade goods and supplies here and then set off on a journey.

But today's Izmir is particularly lively. Griffith has never seen colorful ribbons decorate shops along the street, and shopkeepers and shop assistants seem to have taken out their best clothes to dress themselves up. Instead of being gloomy because of the casualties in the battle against Goblin, the town became beautiful overnight.

What holiday is this?

"Mr. Trainee Knight, it's great that you're all right!" Some familiar melodious voices immediately sounded, and the tall and beautiful figure of the waitress who introduced Griffith's task before was hovering among the full customers, serving them large glasses of ale. She suddenly found Griffith sitting by the window and ran happily.

"I heard that you made a great sacrifice when you destroyed Goblin, and I was worried that you suffered misfortune like the captain. It's very kind of you to come back safely. "

Griffith didn't have time to thank the waitress for her concern, but the tavern manager shouted at the other end of the bar.

"Tina, serve wine to the gentlemen at that table!"

"Coming!" The waitress smiled like a flower, and Lala Griffith's arm pointed to the big barrel beside the bar. "Don't you come and sit down for a while?" Today's ale is half price! "

"Well, ok," Griffith nodded. "A glass of ale. What's the festival in town today?"

Griffith's question just came out. There was an impassioned horn from outside the pub.

Then came the second horn.

As the third horn sounded, a flood of cheers swept through the city.

"The Eastern Legion Atana won a great victory!"

"The war is over!"

"Julian Waghann will return triumphantly in the near future!"

A burst of cheers resounded through the sky. The guests in the pub cheered and raised their glasses to congratulate each other.

The war is over!

Griffith, who returned from the front one step earlier, felt a little unreal in his heart. UU reading

Krista, Golona, it didn't take long for many familiar friends to die. In the last few days after leaving the front line, he still rolled in the blood with Goblin and Promethean.

"Will you go to Bayram for the triumph?" Tina ran back quickly and stuffed a large glass of ale into Griffith's hand.

"I was ordered to return to Bayram, but I don't know if I will take part in the triumph." The apprentice hasn't got out of his mind yet.

"How nice!" Tina was already infected by the joyful atmosphere. She looked at the sea of jubilant people outside the window on her toes. "I'm going to visit my cousin in Bayram. He has a pub there. After the war, the food ration will be cancelled, and the business will be very good!"

"Really?" Griffith didn't expect this girl to go to the distant capital. "It's a long way to go there. It's not safe for you alone."

"Long live the king!"

"Long live the great King Mark Aurelius Anthony Augustus and the invincible Eastern Legion!"

The guests in the pub cheered, jumped on the table, raised their glasses and booed. The shouts of joy covered Tina's voice for a few seconds.

"Hey! What's not safe! " Tina doesn't have to work for the time being because the guests in the bar are in a mess, singing and dancing together. She puts her arm on the trainee knight's shoulder and says confidently, "You started from Bayram, fought at the end of the world, and then went back along the way you came. Now that the war is over,I'm less than a quarter of the way from here. Just wait for a while and there'll be a sailing boat! It's okay. It's okay! "

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