《blood tax》chapter eight Manisa village terrorist incident


Finally collapsed. If there is still strength, this time you can take the shaman alive and ask for some information without killing it. Just fighting, it doesn't make sense!

Griffith is too tired to hold the sword. He turned around with a little regret and looked at the bewildered spirit behind the corpse heap.

Galatea's already very white face is paler than paper at this time. She looked at the trainee knight smeared with red and black objects on the pile of Goblin's corpse, and then at the ferocious and fearful face spread all over the floor and the internal organs squeezed out from the mouth. She turned to hold the earth wall and vomited.


Midnight falls in a small village surrounded by mountains.

Under the bright moonlight, the blood of the dead villagers and Goblin has dried up. Dead heads stare at the world of the living in a ferocious and distorted way.

Griffith finally broke free from the limping force after the battle, carrying a long sword and a short axe full of gaps, trudging through the deep and shallow blood.

I didn't feel it when I was fighting just now. Once I had a rest, I felt my whole body was wrapped in pain. Although Griffith has many experiences of fighting, it is all under the cover of his companions to take turns to defend and attack, and the experience of coming down from the beginning to the top like tonight is only occasionally encountered when going out for reconnaissance.

Past experience tells him that he must find a place to have a rest immediately, or he may encounter a blind eye at the wall at any time.

The villagers who have lost their loved ones are still immersed in grief, and the broken remains are hopelessly gathered and dragged to Little Square in the middle of the village. The village head who survived by luck is taking people to dismantle the ropes left by Goblin on the wall and re-reinforce the front wooden door. Those bodies piled up in the alley were ignored.

If there is another team of goblins at this time, we can't stand it. Griffith wearily found a corner with a wide view, sat down again, took off his helmet and laughed.

At this time, a breeze with a faint fragrance appeared around. The elf hiding in the dark bent down to look at him.

"What are you laughing at?"

"I'm laughing at Goblin's vulgarity and ignorance, hahaha," Griffith laughed. "If they just left a team of people to break through the front door, how can we resist it!"

The elf cocked his head and ignored him.

At this moment, the quiet village immediately stirred up again. The villagers who were cleaning the main entrance lost their tools and ran away.

"Come on!" Shouting came from the village entrance.

Griffith almost bit his tongue. He immediately jumped up, put his helmet on his head and rushed up. Seeing that he arrived retrograde, the villagers who ran back also hesitated to stop.

Looking out from the damaged village gate, only a small group of people ran out of the forest and stumbled to the gate.

These figures don't look like demons, which makes Griffith relieved. When they got close, they saw clearly that it was Andy, the young swordsman and his team members they met during the day, and Mr. Ai Xisi, the apprentice wizard.

They are covered with blood. Ba Du, the axe hand, suffered a severe blow in the abdomen, and the axe handle was lost.

"Ba Du was stabbed in the stomach by Goblin's dagger in order to save me." The tears on the trainee nun's face have been mixed with blood. "My treatment prayer was obviously successful, but I don't know why."


Griffith hurriedly asked the villagers to take Ba Du to find a place to lie down. Then with the torch light, the trainee knight found that a small amount of abdominal wounds were in very bad condition, pus and blood mixed together and flowed out of the mouth, and the pupils in both eyes had dissipated.

"I'll try to treat him, maybe." Mr. Ai Xisi was not injured, but he was very tired. "Please find me a quiet room."

"You are a doctor? Great, we have a lot of wounded people who need treatment. "The village head heard the words of the mage's assistant and greeted him without waiting for Mr. Ai Xisi's reply." Boys, make room for some rooms. "

"I'm a trainee nun Pasifika," the thin girl held up her staff. "I can also help."

The villagers immediately set up the young adventurers and happily showed them the location of the injured. In such a dark night, it is reassuring to get together with more people of the same kind.


After the gate of the village was hastily blocked, Griffith found a busy trainee nun and gently asked about the situation before and after.

"It was going well," Pacifika said timidly. "We caught Goblin and took back Mr. Ai Xisi's package. Just as everyone was collecting trophies, a supposed dead Goblin jumped up and stabbed Ba Du in the abdomen with a dagger. "

At some point, the trainee nun covered her mouth and cried in a low voice.

"I prayed to the merciful Mother Earth, who gave me a generous gift, and Ba Du's wound began to heal. He also said with a smile that it was all right. "

"But, a few minutes later, he screamed in pain, put his hand into his abdomen and pulled out his intestines."

Goblin has poison on his weapon. Griffith roughly guessed the situation, and then asked, "Have you tried detoxification?"

"I tried. I gave him an antidote," Mr. Ai Xisi took the question. "It's a mixture of honeysuckle, Ningshen grass, cold dew maple leaf and Squire. It's a common general-purpose drug. It should have a good effect on the poison made from demon feces and poisonous herbs."

As the apprentice said this, he took out his own potion and gave it to Griffith to smell.

"Ai Xisi and I tried to plug his intestines back in," added Andy, a young swordsman. "Maybe Ba Du was in a frenzy of pain and actually asked us to take his intestines away."

Healing magic and antidote are useless. Griffith thinks this has entered his own knowledge blind spot.

Next, we can only look at Ba Du's luck and see if he can hold out until he is sent back to town.

After asking the village chief to leave some villagers on duty, Griffith climbed a roof and found a flat place to lie down.

The dry straw on the roof passes through the gap in the armor, which makes people feel uncomfortable. The leather armor and lock armor damaged in the battle just now have several twisted bumps, which makes people very uncomfortable. In this case, not only can you not sleep well, but your safety is not guaranteed.

However, if you don't sleep now, not only the tired body can't bear it, but even the brain can't keep a clear mind. If possible, Griffith would like to take turns to rest alert with Galatea, but the elves don't know where to hide, and have disappeared without a trace since the adventure team appeared.


Griffith doesn't want to rest near the unknown adventure team either. He tried chewing a few pieces of dried meat, and his mouth was full of bitter taste. This is a sign of excessive consumption of physical strength and spirit, and you need to sleep as soon as possible.

He didn't dare to take off his armor, so he fell on the roof and passed out in a daze.

By tomorrow morning, the town's reinforcements will arrive, and it will be safe. The idea lingers in the trainee knight's mind.

I don't know how long I slept in a daze. Griffith suddenly opened his eyes and sat up. Something indescribable stimulated his nerves.

The village was dark, and the red crescent on the top of the head was dyed bright green, casting a faint evil light. There is no breath of human activity around.

Griffith's heart was startled, and he hurried from the roof and low wall towards the sentry of the main entrance. In the dim light, two villagers were sleeping on the roof with wooden guns.

"Wake up." Griffith patted their heads with scabbard and rapped out.

The villagers immediately skid woke up, horrified at the trainee knight, a while to react:

"Big, adult, what's the matter? Has Goblin come up? "

"No, but if Goblin comes, neither of you idiots will live," Griffith scolded softly. "Be careful. It will be safe until morning. I'll go around and see if anyone can come and change shifts with you. "

After leaving the sentry post, Griffith felt all the way back from the roof and the fence.

In this dark place, the trainee knight can barely see the front, stopping from time to time in indecision to look around.

In the summer mountain village, there is even no annoying insects chirping, as if all creatures have fled to the dark distance. Faint Xia Feng blows on the face, and there is a chill in the bone marrow that lingers behind me.

Griffith is getting more and more alarmed. Accustomed to the fiery heat and vitality of the military camp, I suddenly came to this strange mountain village, which really made people feel that there were ferocious monsters behind every corner and shadow.

Not long ago, the elves who fought with themselves disappeared silently, just like a phantom that never existed.

Griffith only felt nervous, and the critical scene of fighting with Goblin really didn't know how better it was compared with this strange darkness.

At this time, a foul smell got into the nasal cavity. There was a hurried voice in the darkness. I saw a spark around the corner, where several villagers were gathering.

"What is it?" Griffith felt bad and jumped off the wall at once.

The villagers were startled, and it took a while to see that it was the trainee knight who helped. Then someone said:

"The dead Roboros is the brother of the village head, and his wife asked us to converge him and several dead bodies into a cool cellar. We originally put them in the hut over there, but when we first came to look for them, we found one missing, the body. We are asking if anyone has moved? "

"What time is it now?" Griffith's face darkened and he hurriedly asked, "How long before dawn?"

"One o'clock at midnight, three and a half hours before dawn."

"Inform the village chief and let everyone take up arms," Griffith said. "Light the torch and wake everyone up. Go! "

The villagers hurriedly ran away. Griffith turned and ran to the cabin where the adventure team was resting.

These young people were placed in vacant huts not far from the main entrance of the village, and it was impossible to find them. The apprentice knight strode to the door of the hut with a long sword and a short axe, without knocking at the door, and kicked the door directly.

There was a scream from the people in the room. I saw two girls, the boxer Ulan and the trainee nun, climbing up from the floor in panic.

"Where are Andy swordsmen and Mr. Ai Xisi?" Griffith asked, and then added, "If something happens, take up your weapon."

Two girls seem to have just fallen asleep when they are awakened from their sleep. wait for a while clearly pointed to the back room:

"After Mr. Ai Xisi bandaged Ba Du's wound, he went to treat the villagers, and Andy stayed inside to take care of Ba Du."

Griffith nodded and immediately walked to the back room. At this time, the night wind blew into the room, gently like a silk scarf across the cheek, but with an indescribable bloody stench.

The stench flowed out from the crack in the wooden door of the back room, just like a room full of dead mice. Griffith suddenly turned white, and subconsciously raised his sword.

All of a sudden, the wooden door was smashed open, and a huge shadow came straight towards the trainee knight.


With a scream, the two girls behind him. Griffith hasn't seen what came at him yet, and this shadow has bitten like a mountain bear.

The trainee pushed the sword lying in his hand, and cut it from the neck of the shadow. At the same time, a big claw has swept over to him.

Griffith blocked it with his left hand axe, and then flew out to the wall.


The trainee knight in double armor clapped heavily on the earth wall, and the hut shook.

Griffith only felt dizzy for a while, but he hurriedly raised his sword and thrust it forward. The huge black shadow has already come, and it's crashing towards the sharp tip of the sword.

There was a strange feel like stabbing a deadwood from the sword. The black image fluttered twice like a butterfly nailed to a specimen and stopped moving.

At this time, Griffith saw the face of the shadow.

The distorted face barely recognized Ba Du's appearance, and the corners of the mouth and nose had rotted, revealing ferocious gums and nasal bones. His bronzed body became dark and smelly, as rotten and ferocious as a dead body buried in the ground for several days. The hands holding the axe have been deformed, with sharp nails like the claws of a raptor.There is even a piece of armor inserted into Griffith's back shoulder.

The two girls in the adventurer's squad just stood there, unable to believe that their companions would become like this.

Griffith pushed away the rotting body and found that Ba Du's abdomen was more foul and ferocious, and the rot seemed to spread from there to the whole body.

This is a body that should have died long ago. Why can it still attack me? Griffith felt a burst of surprise and dizziness in front of this incredible sight, but after years of fighting, he withstood the impact and quickly recovered his mind.

No matter how scary it is, it can't be compared with that Bi Meng. The apprentice had no time to look closely, pulled out his sword and explored into the back room.

There seems to be a puddle of water on the dark indoor ground. Griffith lit the small oil lamp on the table outside and looked inside.

There is a dirty little bed in this small room. Pieces of bones, broken internal organs and pieces of meat were scattered on the floor, and black blood flowed outward. There is a round thing at the foot of the bed.

Griffith walked around carefully and saw it clearly by the light of fire.

This is the head of young swordsman Andy. There are some bite marks on his neck, and his head is torn off from his body and thrown here, which together with bone fragments and residual limbs all over the place constitute the last thing he left in this world.

Griffith leaned back two steps against the wall according to his forehead, and suddenly heard a shrill scream from around him.

This cry is hardly like a human scream. Ulan and the trainee nuns who saw their companions' residual limbs tore their cheeks and screamed. Their eyes are bloodshot and distorted, not like human beings, but they don't know anything about the blood marks on their nails.

A few hours ago, my partner turned into a walking corpse and ate another partner. Seeing such a scene, both girls were out of control.

"come with me." Griffith shouted to the two men. But they were completely indifferent, completely immersed in the madness of fear.

The trainee shook his head and ran to the door.

The village has become a mess, and the screams one after another are mixed with a strange roar, which makes people unable to identify what the monster is making.

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