《Eh? I am Supposed to be Dead But Now I Get a Deadline !?》Side 2 : Investigation 1




In the dark room with bright screen of monitors, The tapping sound of keyboard and clicking sound of mouse can be heard. There is a little girl with long straight silver hair sitting in front of those things while looking hard at the screen, trying to find an anomaly in the system's record that can release her from this troubling situation.

Yeah, As you have guessed. That's the usual Milady who always tries to slack off when there is some chances.

She is currently investigating the error by looking at the system log.

The error has caused the system to crash and stop responding and somehow caused the initialization of the system capability to restore itself by using its backup after the crash.

What? It's a simple error, you say?? Sure, if you don't see the technical thing. The error cannot be triggered simply by an accident because one of the error effect which is the system restoration can only be executed if the action is granted a permission by the administration which is currently Milady. There is no simple error that is able to breach the system's permission.

Solution? Nah...What have been done cannot be undone.

The 5 years progress of the world has been deleted by the error, which is obviously bad.

The effect won't be this bad if Milady does the maintenance and back up the data every week.

That's why do not forget to back up your data ! No one would like to lost their data, right?

"Haah! This is so tiring! ....Ah.... I don't wanna to work...." (Milady???)

"Milady." (Claire)

"I know... I know.. Complaining won't fix anything right??

I have known about that... I just want to release some stress!" (Milady???)

"Okay..okay,So what about the investigation, Milady?" (Claire)


"Wow you just brush off my complain flawlessly....

Haah... For now i have to manually check every record that was near the time of the error..

Ugh, the lump of data makes me sick..." (Milady???)

"Please do your best.. Milady." (Claire)

"...Claire, please help me.." (Milady???)

"It's impossible for me to help Milady, Nobody can touch the system except administrator after all." (Claire)

"I-I've known about that.......P-Please stay with me, Claire.." (Milady???)

"Don't worry Milady, I'll be always be with you. So, please continue Milady's work" (Claire)

".....Haah" (Milady???)



*to be continued*

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