《Saint who defies God》Ch.5 [Along the Path, Down the Road]



Following Donald who’s right now walking in front of us, me and Cicera walked down the road heading south towards the Holy City of Thymel, and since Donald is the only one who knows the way it’s reasonable for him to lead the way, being our guide he told us that if we keep walking down the road we will arrived at the next village by night. We raised our pace a little bit, and at dusk I see a flicker of light in the distance, after seeing the light we raised our speed once more. Leaving the forest we managed to arrive at the village when it’s almost night, it’s just like what Donald says, if we didn’t raise our pace we might end up spending the night in the forest since it’s a little troublesome walking in the forest at night, there are tree roots everywhere, even if it’s a main road, it’s not like the roads are paved or something.

Arrived at the village we decide to find an inn, somehow there’s only one inn in this village. I wonder why there’s another village closed to one another, I meant its only half day walking, I tried asking Cicera but she said that she didn’t know, she said that the village is already there when she was born, so she didn’t really think about it that much. She also said that since her village is closed to one another the men from her village often comes to make a trade here. Well it could be troublesome if they began to feel suspicious since it’s almost a week and no one coming here from her village, maybe she sees my troubled faced because Cicera suddenly says.

“It’s okay, they won’t know about what happened back there.”

“It’s our village who’s always asking to trade with them, and I think they don’t really care about what happened to us. They’re a snob, usually my husband comes here to trade our vegetables for other necessities, but one day I decide to come with him, and when we tried to trade our goods they looked at us as if we’re beggar.”

“They think they have higher standing than us, well their village is a little bit better than ours, but still, it’s nothing if you compared it with the city.”

I don’t know why, but somehow Cicera started to tell me her stories while Donald booking us a room for tonight, maybe her heart softened a little. Luckily Donald had time to collect all the money he can find in the village before leaving, even if it’s not much it’s still better since I can’t use my golds. And in order to save the money we had, I told Donald to order a single room for three of us. Donald managed to order a room with four beds for us, he tells me that the inn doesn’t have room with three beds well at least it’s cheaper than ordering three rooms. And because we have to save money I told them not to order any foods, and when we arrived at our room I take out Bread, Cheese, and Tomatoes from my storage and started to make sandwich, I make three of them and gave one to each of us, seeing the sandwich vanished in an instant I told them if they want more they can make it themselves, and after five minutes all of the Bread, Cheese, and the Tomatoes I put on the table are gone, well I think they’re really hungry after walking for hours. Finished with the eating I told them to sleep early because I wanted to leave early in the morning, Donald also agree on my suggestion, he said that it will take around three days for us to reach the next village.


That night I stayed up late until midnight to check my storage. In the morning Cicera wake me up, I see that she and Donald are already up and ready to leave, I wake up and fixed my hair then I take out Holy Water from my inventory and drink it, even if it’s a Holy Water it’s still just a water so I just casually drink it, and when Donald see me drink the water he suggest me that it would be better to sell the silver cup than to sell my golds, after seeing the cup on my hand I have to agree with Donald, it’s silver color, it’s detailed carvings, it is indeed looks like a luxurious items, and maybe if I sell the silverware it would be less suspicious. We left the inn and left the village, I decide that I will sell the silverware when we reach the city, after leaving the village while we walk on the main road I remembered the unpleasant dreams I had last night, I dream about the time in my previous live, I dreamed about the first time those mafia started to rape me, I remember about how I cried and scream for help at that time. I hate my helpless selves back then, I swear that in this live I will make people realized that there is no such thing as god. Thinking so I walked with my fist clenched, following Donald down to the south.


Cicera POV (The Night at the Inn)

‘Shit why isn’t she sleep yet’ I lied on my bad while sometimes I peeked a little to see whether she’s asleep or not. She is the one responsible for my fate, She is the one responsible for all the pain I’ve been through, If she just decide to help us at that time, I would not feel all those pain, and maybe I would be able to save my children, and now, only heavens know where they are right now. She’s evil, she appeared out of nowhere and she has the power to stop those men, and yet she decide to ignore those who’s in need, she is such an evil, maybe god cast her away because of her corrupted heart.

‘Finally, she’s finally asleep.’ It’s around midnight when she’s finally asleep, and after waiting for couple of hours I wake up from my bed, I wake slowly from my bed so that I won’t wake her, I grabbed a knife from the table and stab her in the chest.

‘Huh’ the knife won’t pierce her body, I stab her again, the results are the same as the first I tried, I tried to stab her again and again, but no matter how many times I tried the knife somehow just won’t pierce her skin, I tried to slice her throat, nothing, not a scratch, she even still soundly asleep. I poked the knife with my finger. It’s sharp, my finger started to drop some blood as soon as the knife touched it. But why, why can’t I kill her.

“Why……. won’t……. you…….. die, you….. bitch.”

“You……. evil.”

Every time I stab her I shouted those words with whispered voice.

“What are you doing?”

It’s Donald, he’s awake and whispered to me, I think I wake him up, but I don’t care, after I kill this bitch I’m going to kill him next.

“I…. tried……. To…. Kill….. this….. This…… evil…… thing.”

“Stop it. You’re going to wake her up.”

He approaches me, I tried to stab him with the knife but he managed to deflect it and throw the knife away.


“Why are you stopping me?”

“Do you think I never tried to kill her when she sleeps?”

“I tried many times before when we still in that village, but no matter what I do I can’t cut her. My sword broke the first time I tried to stab her, I tried to smash her head with a rock, but instead her head it was the rock that got splattered.”

“Stop it….. Please.”

Small voices come from Larissa bed. Both Donald and me froze in fears, we slowly turns our head towards the voice, but surprisingly I saw her cry, tears came out of her eyes, she looks in pain when she cried. I tried asks Donald about it.

“Have you seen this before?”

“No, it’s my first time. I never see her cry like this.”

“I wonder what make her cry like that.”

I muttered to myself, but Donald thinks that as a question since he answered it.

“Maybe it’s related to what she says to me the other day.”

“What? What did she tells you?”

“Wel… she says that she’s not from this world, and she also says she didn’t know anything about this world and she asked me if she can rely on me.”

“And you believe it?”

“At first? No, but after seeing her like this, I think she’s telling me the truth.”

“Bullshit, I don’t believe it.”

“And what will you do now? don’t tell me you’re going to follow her.”

“Well….. Yeah, I think I’ll follow her and do what she tells me to do for now.”

“What time is it?”

“I think it’s almost dawn, why?”

“Stop making a ruckus, you might wake her up.”

“You know you can’t harm her, now return to your bed.”

Donald returns to his bed while telling Cicera to return to hers and he sit leaning on the wall on his bed.

“I wonder why didn’t the knife broke.”

“Why should It broke?”

“Mine did when I tried to stab her, that’s why I don’t carry any weapon with me right now.”

I fell silent as I focused my eyes on the knife in Donald hands.

“Maybe because its hers?”

I said in puzzlement.

“Maybe you’re right, she pulled this out of nowhere along with the other stuff right.”

“Yeah, is it magic?”

“I don’t know, I’m not familiar with magic.”

“Aren’t you a bandit?”

“Why would bandit be familiar with magic?”

“If I know magic, I wouldn’t be a bandit in the first place.”

We chatted until dawn. I decide to follow her, at least until I know what make her cry like that, and I can use it, I will use it against her. And when morning came, I wake her up and we left the village.


Larissa POV

Seeing neither Donald or Cicera carry a weapon I decide to take a sword and a dagger for her from my inventory, I did search in my storage a weapon fit for them, and since a sword is going to looks weird when you only wear a casual cloth I decide to give Cicera a dagger. I choose [Moonsky Dagger] for Cicrea, it’s just a crescent shaped dagger with pure white sharp edge while the remaining blade is as black as the night, well if you look at it by its shape it is indeed beautiful as the moon, but in the game it’s just a low level dagger. As for Donald I choose [Slayer] there’s also nothing special about this sword, it’s just two edged sword with a part near the handle is a little bit slim, I choose it because of its cutting power, well it’s not far from my main weapon but I think it’s enough, I mean even those huge sword I lent to Cicera can cut men as if they were pudding, and since this sword have better power I think it’s more than enough. I take both the sword and the dagger from my inventory, I already separate them and put them in my inventory during the night so that I don’t bother searching them again in my storage, and because the only equipment in my inventory is my armor set and my sword, it’s easier to find both weapon. When I pulled both weapon out, Cicera who’s walking next to me keep staring at the weapons, I gave the dagger to her, and with amazed look she shake her head.

“Here, to defend yourself.”

I said that and forced the dagger on her hands, and called out to Donald.

“Donald. Here. I don’t see any weapon with you, so here, use this.”

I hand him the sword. He take it and said his thanks, he pulled out the sword from it sheath, he look at the sword in amaze for a moment, but when he turns his head at Cicera and see her admiring her dagger, he felt a little down, well if you compared it with their looks obviously the dagger would win, so I told him.

“Don’t worry. It’s better than the dagger.”

“Let me see…..”

“There, try to cut that tree over there.”

I pointed to a small tree not far from where we stand and told Donald cut it. And with creaking sounds the tree fell without a fight and Donald stare at the sword with more amazement. He returns to us with a wide smile on his face, he approaches me and pull something from his cloak, it’s a knife, it was a knife I used to make sandwich back at the inn, why is it with him. He said he wanted to return it to me but I refused and let him have it, it was just an ordinary knife evert player had when they first started the game. We resume our walks down the south, I don’t know why, but it seems today Donald is a bit more cooperative than before, well it’s not like he disobeyed me before, but somehow today he do everything I told him without being forced, it’s like he’s happy when I told him to do something, I don’t know what happened to him, maybe because the sword, anyway who cares as long as he do as I told.

A little bit past midday after we finished our lunch a horse drawn carriage passed by us and offer us a ride, I thanked them and refused their offer and they keep riding south. I need to do something tonight after all. When it’s about night, we exit the main road to find some place to rest, and at night when we finished with dinner I summoned more Hellhounds. I summoned five of them, because they look just like a dog they should be good to stand guard, the only difference is in their eyes and fur, the Hellhounds have a black fur and fiery eyes, I meant their eyes is literally on fire. I told both Donald and Cicera that they could sleep without worrying about the night watch after I summon the Hellhounds. Donald fell asleep in an instant while Cicera looks like having some trouble sleeping. I check my storage again, to spend the time. And only after a little past midnight Cicera finally fall asleep, and I started to do what I intent to do.

“[Contract] Michael, lend me your wings.”

A pair of faded goldish wings appeared on my back. I was planning to train flying during the night when they’re asleep, I concentrate the feeling on my back and start practicing. In the morning I unsummoned the Hellhounds, I keep doing the same thing during the night for three days, and at the fourth day we arrive at the village. Somehow I feel something strange about this village, there’s something different here.

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