《Saint who defies God》Ch.4 [Overpowered]



Looking at the woman on my feet somehow I know she’ll make a good servant if I pushed her a little bit more to the edge. Crouching next to her I pulled out a small HP potion from my inventory and dropped a single drop into her mouth, I don’t know how effective my potion is, but since my healing skill is able to grow a severed limbs I can’t use it, after all I just need her to speak for now, and I think a single drop from my potion is enough for that. At first she started to cough, and then she fiercely gazed me, I can feel her gaze filled with hatred and enmity, I bring my face close to her and whispered.

“Do you want to get revenge?”

“Yeah, I want to take my revenge and kill you.”

She replied with hatred in her eyes.

“You misplaced your blame on me whether I’m here or not you’ll still met the same fate, but with I’m here you have your chance to take revenge.”

“But you could save us if you wanted to.”

“I’m sorry for that, I did could save you from such fate but then what? You’re just going to rely on god more and I’m sure not far from now the same thing will happen again. So in order for you to realize that the thing you called god is not exist I decide to let you learn from your experience. I’m really sorry.”

After telling her my ‘Reason’ I showed her my sad and regretful face, I feel her hatred towards me is gradually gone when she saw my face. And with a troubled look I said to her in small voice so that the bandits standing outside the door won’t hear us.

“I can help you now, if you wanted it I can give you the strength to have your revenge.”


“You don’t have to answer it now, I’ll come back here in an hour, and if you decide to have your revenge…..”

I put the small HP potion on my hand next to her, and I also pulled out a small knife from my inventory and put it next to the potion, I put both item behind the woman so the bandit can’t see it.

“….You had to kill all the women, ease their pain by taking their lives. From what I see they’re better off dead, it’s better for them to die than to live a lifeless lives.”

I left the woman with her doubtful look on her face. I walked out of the room and told the bandits to lock the room and give me the key. I walked out of the building and heads for the village entrance, today I specially told Donald to stand by at the village entrance. I asked him whether if there’s anyone leaving the village when I meet him, he tells me that two bandits leave in the direction of the woods in the morning.

“[Seal] Unleashed, Hellhound.”

I summon two Hellhounds with special skills I got when I changed my job into Battle Maiden. I think this skill is very unique, it allows you to seal weakened demon type monster and turns it into your summoned monster. And ever since I got this skill I never killed a demon type monster, I always seal them, I even managed to seal the hardest raid boss Demonic Michael after I pay several player to help me weakened it, after failed many times I finally sealed it. You could say that I finally catch ‘em all, and because of that, I have a lot of sealed demon, even I can make my own army if I unleash them all, in fact I’ve tried this during one of the guilds war, I summoned all of the demon I’ve been collected, and used them to attack my guild enemy and of course the enemies are surprised when they see monsters appearing out of nowhere in the guild battle fields which results with my guild came out as a victor, and after that my guildsman titled me as ‘One man army’ while the enemies curse me for using cheat skill.


“Kill all men in that forest.”

I gave my order to the Hellhounds and after howling they ran towards the forest, thinking that it would be a little bit troublesome if those two bandits escaped, so I sent two Hellhounds to hunt them down. I told Donald to stay at the entrance and prevent anyone from going out while I’m going to find some food for myself to spent the remaining time before going back to see her result, well if she refuse my offer I just need to kill her, well maybe I should try from the dead, I think I saw some of the women are already dead. While looking for food I realized that this village is poor, way too poor, I can’t find anything worth to eat I only found some vegetables, and grains, how are you supposed to eat grains, for three days Donald always preparing my food and there’s always meat in it, I don’t know where he find those meat. When I search through all the villager houses, suddenly I remember something, I checked my storage, that’s it, I found it, trash drop from monsters. I pulled out Buffalo Meat, Chinese New Year Noodle, Tomatoes, and then I started to make spaghetti.

Finished with all the cooking and eating, I rest for few minutes to digest the foods, and when I think it’s been an hour I return to the huge building accompanied by one of the bandit I found on my way here, I asked him to follow me to this huge building, well I don’t really know what kind of building this is, maybe it’s a village hall, or maybe a church, I don’t really know which. I open the door to the room where the women being held, when I open the door I saw all the women are lying on the floor, drenched in their own blood, in panic I looked at the bandit and tell him to inform the other, after confirming he already leave I walked into the room and speak in a small voice.

“Where are you?”

A hand holding a knife pop out among the corpses, I approach her and asked to confirm whether she will take her revenge on the bandits or not. She nod confirming that she will take her revenge, satisfied after seeing her determination I cast my supporting skill on her. Before I changed into Battle Maiden I have to level up and changed to Priest from my basic job as Acolyte and then to Bishop and finally Battle Maiden, and because of that I have plenty of supportive skills during my time as Priest and Bishop. I cast [Blessing], [Agility] and [Almighty] on her, I think those skills are enough to make her at least strong enough to fight against 18 men, I also gave her a huge sword from my inventory, well it’s just exceedingly heavy sword, it’s not dangerous, at least not for me. I told her to wait inside the building and wait for my signal as I walked out. Few minutes later the bandits start appearing one after another, but I’m not allowed them to enter the building, and when 18 of them are present I started to speak.

“Greetings gentlemen, how was your time with the women.”

The bandits gave out a small laugh as their tense faded from their faces and changed into one with smug, they laughing with smug faces when they remembered when they lasts for days during sex, happy to see their reaction I continued.

“You successfully raid a village, you kill its men, you sell their kids and virgins and make profit, you violate their women.”


“Gentlemen, aren’t you lucky?”

I said those words while smiling as if I’m just joking. But then I turn my face into one with anger immediately, and the men turn quiet.

“I’m sorry for saying this to you, but the women are dead, someone killed them.”

“Unfortunately there’s a traitor among us.”

“I know who the traitor is. So it’s better if you come out and confess yourselves.”

A silence filled the air for couple of minutes, I added.

“If you don’t confess now, I’m sorry but all of you will be punished.”

When I said those things, the bandits looked at each other and started whispering among themselves about who’s the traitor is, and after sometimes they started to argue and pointed to each other accusing one another. And before fights break out among them I decide to speak again.

“Since none confessed, I will punished you all. Oh, and I will tell you who the traitor is.”

“I’m sorry to say this, but the traitor is me.”

As soon as the words left me a woman flew from inside the building, she charged towards the bandit with her great sword, she started rampaging like a mad man, or maybe in this case a mad woman. Since the bandit confused about the things I just said they’re unprepared when she jumped towards them from inside the building. Some bandits already fell to her sword before they pull theirs out, I watched as she cut the bandits one by one, she easily cut the bandit as if she’s just cut a pudding. She cut them one by one, she severed their limbs, she gouged their innards, and not even a minute passed all the bandits already met their ends. None of the corpses are intact, some are missing their legs or arms or both, some are split in two, and there’s one with his belly open, spilling out its guts, with a bloodied face she turns to look at me, and a moment later she dashed towards me with her huge sword. With a calm voice I cast [Dispel] on her and she suddenly fell, caused by the weight of her sword. [Dispel] is one of the Bishop skills, it will remove all harmful buff from you, but it’s also remove all your buff, it’s kind of like two edged sword. I walked to her.

“You have your revenge, so I take my power back.”

And with nonchalant tone I added.

“You can do whatever you want now.”

“But if you wanted to follow me, you can have that power as long as you serve me.”

“Now decide, do you want to follow me or keep living in this village. But since all the villagers are dead or sold, you don’t really have much choice do you?”

“But if you still insist on living in this village, well, good luck with that.”

After a long silence she finally spoke.

“Fine, I’ll follow you.”

“Good choice.”

I took my sword from her hand and put it back in my inventory, I cast [Blessing], [Agility] and [Almighty] on her again.

“Let me tell you one thing.”

“Even if you have all these power, you can’t defeat me.”

After saying that I kicked her on her belly and sent her fly across the field, she only stopped after destroying a house. I shout to her in order to tell her to go to the village entrance to meet with Donald. I always prefer a quality over quantity, so I don’t really mind losing all those bandits for two faithful servants. I control one with absolute fear, while I control another by showing how powerless she is, even if she’s a little rebelling now I’m sure she will show her absolute obedience to me sooner or later. It is easy to control people by showing them how powerless they are, and they will follow you willingly when you gave them power, they will never leave your side if it means losing their power. It’s in human nature, people always flock around an individual with power. Arrived at the village entrance I wait with Donald, we wait for her to shows up, not long after she show herself, and as soon as she saw Donald she break into charge aiming for him, seeing Donald didn’t flinch, I stopped her. Of course Donald didn’t flinch just from random woman charging at her, he already felt what real fear is, what a real pain is.

“What are you thinking?”

I asked her, even if I already know the answer, I still asked her.

“He’s one of the bandits, he also rape me, I’m going to kill him.”

“No you can’t, he’s also my follower, he’s your partner from now, you can’t harm him.”

“The same goes for you.”

I pointed at Donald.

“No, I’m not done with my revenge, not until he dies.”

“Did you rape her?”

“I don’t think so.”

I asked him, but he only gives vague answer.

“Enough. Don’t make me harm you.”

When I threaten her she fell silent while holding her stomach, and because I don’t know her name yet, I asked her.

“My name is Cicera, Cicera Turner.”

“Well Cicera, go clean yourself, we’re going to head out for the city.”

I told her to clear herself because she still had her bloodied face, I also added to Donald.

“Go with her, go find me something to wear.”

I told him to find me some cloth for me, I can’t really walked around in my full plated armor, and also there’s no ordinary village dress in my inventory, I mean what kind of monster dropped such thing, so I told him to get me some dress, people will turn suspicious when they see me if I wear my full plated armor, so I decide to dress as a villager. And in case of something happened, I also cast [Blessing], [Agility] and [Almighty] on Donald. Ten minutes later both of them return with Donald carrying some dresses for me and Cicera already clean. I removed my armor and put them in my inventory and changed into the dress Donald bought, I changed on the spot, I changed while waiting for my Hellhounds, I wonder why they didn’t come back yet, back in the game I can just easily call them back with console appearing on the corner of the screen when I summon them, but since this is real life such control won’t appear. Donald tried to look away when I changed, well it’s not like I care, being seen naked is nothing compared to being raped over and over. Finished changing into the dress I pulled two cloaks from my storage and hand one to Cicera, since Donald already wearing one he don’t need another one, and we start walking towards the Holy City of Thymel.

Little did Larissa know, when she order her Hellhounds, she only said ‘Kill all men inside the forest.’ So after killing both bandits the Hellhounds keep rampaging inside the forest and kill every man they encountered.

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