《Saint who defies God》Ch.2 [The Bad, The Good, and The Fool]



Loading…….. Loading……. Loading……

Loading? Why everything is dark, why can’t I open my eyes, I tried many times to open my own eyes but everything is still dark and there’s only that loading thing in front of me. Wait, if I can see that loading thing it means that my eyes are open right? But why everything is dark, am I dreaming?

Synchronizing…… Synchronizing……

When I think I was dreaming, the Loading screen now turns into synchronizing, although this things confused me it seems very familiar to me, I remembered now, I used to see this when I play Legend Online, this is the first thing I see when I played it, I’m going to miss this game, after what happened I’m sure it won’t be possible to play it again. But what exactly happened till I can’t play anymore, I tried to remember about what really happened to me, but why did I think I can’t play it in the first place, am I not playing it right now?

Transferring Data…… Transferring…….

Transfer data? There’s no transferring when I played it before, why would there’s transferring now, what do they need to transfer?, I decide to leave that for later and right now I tried to check my inventory while everything is still dark, it’s more like pitch black than dark, so in order to ensure that I’m not going blind I tried to do something, and yup my inventory is shows up, there’s tons of list of item in there and when I tried to take out a potion I feel it in my hands but somehow I can’t see it, but no matter how close I bring my hands to my face everything still black. Am I really going blind? But I can see those transferring thing and I can also see the inventory list just fine.

Synchronized. Transferred.

And when those screen disappeared all of sudden, all of the darkness surround me suddenly turns into bright, it’s so bright, it’s a bright blue sky, because of the scenery that seems so real it astonished me and I lost in my thought for a moment, and when I came to my senses I confirmed one last thing as I looked at my hands still holding the Red Potion and hug it out of joy.

“I can see, I can see, I’m not blind.”

Something’s wrong, I feel something strange from my back, I turn around and found that I right now am falling from the sky, no wonder feel very light. I don’t how far I am from the ground but as I can see it it’s very far, I can only some black spot from up here. Panicked I started to scream as loud as possible, after screaming for two minutes or so my throat started to hurt and remembered something.

“[Contract] Michael, lend me your wings.”

I use one of the Battle Maiden exclusive skills, and out of nowhere a huge pair of faded goldish wing appeared on my back. [Contract] is one of Battle Maiden exclusive skills which allow you to borrow part of an angel power for a brief times, even if it’s only allowed you to borrow one power at a time this skill is very useful, and as a rank 2 player in the whole world a lot of player used to waiting for me outside the city just to kill and take my rank, and thanks to this skill I just need to fly over the city wall without doing troublesome things and because of this many player complaint on the net that Battle Maiden job is a cheat, well considering the requirement to change into Battle Maiden is difficult as hell it’s reasonable if the result is overpowered. People also pestering me how to kill Abomination alone, of course I didn’t tell them, I mean I like how it sounds to be the one and only Battle Maiden.


Despite having huge wings on my back the speed of falling is not slowing down, in fact I fall faster and faster, it tried flapping my wings but somehow it’s not move as I wanted it to and it becomes ridiculously hard just to fly, I wonder what happened here, I could fly easily when I used it to get away from players, so how come it’s become so hard just to float in the air. After making fruitless effort I finally gave up and come to terms that I would probably die when I hit the ground, well if that happen I just need to use Tithonus Locket, it’s an item that allow a player to revive on the spot where they die instead returning to the city, and since I have plenty of those I don’t mind using it, I also wonder how did I end up in the sky, is it a bug or something.

After around five minutes of falling I can finally see what’s on the ground, there’s a lot of people gather around in the same place, I wonder is there some kind of events going on right now. Shit someone just suddenly moved into the place where I’m about to land, hoping for the best result I closed my eyes. I hit the man, I crashed into him as I land, is he okay? why am I not dead? I should be dead after falling from such height, but it sure is painful.

“Ouch, that’s hurt.”

Pain? How can I feel pain when I’m just playing the game? Is this a new feature?

Somehow while I wonder about the pain, and suddenly another pain surged from my head, suddenly I feel like my head is about to explode it was so painful, the pain brought me on my knees, I tried to scream but nothing came out of mouth. Maybe people started to think that I’m a crazy person since I’m currently standing on my knees while holding my head with my mouth open, I can feel their gazes focused on me. The pain suddenly gone, after all the pain gone I started to remember things that happened to me, the violence, the beating, the raping, I remembered all the things happened before I die, I died in shameful way after I beg and pleaded to god to save me, and in the end god just left me and let me die a shameful death, I don’t think that there’s any god at all, and if they do exist I’ll kill them if they ever appeared before me.

“An angel?”


“God has saved us, he sent his angel to save us.”

“Thank god.”

It’s warm, when I looked at my body covered with blood and man guts I realized that this was no longer a game, the warm feeling is real, the smells of blood is real. I snort when I heard the women screams in joy, thanking god for sending angel to save them, well I still have my wings out so no wonder they think maybe I’m an angel, let’s play with them a little bit. A vicious smile appeared when I think about what will happened. Tied up women and a lot of man with weapons, anyone can guest what actually happened here. While the men still in shock I use one of the crowd control skill.

“[Divine Bind]”

Out of nowhere a glittering golden chain appeared and bind both hands of every men and stretch them out as if they’re being crucified. It was an ultimate binding skill which bind everything I see, and since all of the men is on my sight they’re all bind by the skill. Caught by surprise they struggle to free themselves from the glittering golden chain that binds them. Another cheerful shout came from my back, it’s coming from the women back there, another joy build up in my heart as I walked towards the men with a smile across my face.


“[Contract] Cancel.”

I cancelled my contract skill and huge wings on my back started to disappear leaving a golden trace for a moment until it completely gone.

“Good day gentlemen, what are you all doing here?”

“Shut up you slut, let me off of this damned chain.”

When I speak all of them stop struggling and looked at towards me except for one man who’s still struggling and call me a slut, I walked to him and asked nicely.

“If you please be so kind to tell me what is your name?”


Instead of an answer the man is spitting on my face.


I used another binding skill on him, well it’s more like a paralyzing skill than binding, since it’s stopped time on a single target and accumulated the damage taken by the target and unleashed it when the skill is canceled and the skill will only be canceled when the user is out of SP or if the user cast it again on the same target. After I cast the skill I draw my sword and cut both of his legs into small pieces, when I first dip my sword into his leg, his expression changed into one who’s in pain, well I guest since it’s real life even if the time is stopped you can still feel the pain, that way is more useful for me, I can use this skill as torturing method then. At first I was only thinking about how much SP I have since I can’t see my HP and SP bar anymore, and since [Chronos] is the only skill which used SP overtime I tried to figured out how long I able to maintain it, but after slicing the men legs into small pieces I think I can still hold [Chronos] for much longer, but since it would be a waste of time I decide to cancel it. When the [Chronos] effect wears off, the insulting man let out a terrifying scream while his pieces of legs dropped on the ground. Seeing their friend in such state all of the bandits turn pale, I walked away from him, leaving him hanging legless, all of the eyes watched in silence while the man is screaming and struggling for a couple minutes until he died after losing so much blood.

“Now, what did you gentleman doing here?”

“We….. We were raiding this village.”


One of them answered with fearful expression. And I answered with pure smile on my face.

“Take it easy, I’m not going to hurt you.”

Despite my good acting skill they still didn’t believe me, well at least not while I’m still drenched with blood, instead of being relaxed they grew more fearful.

“That’s what were you doing.”

“But what will you do after tying up all those women?”


After a long silence I decide to speak, well of course no one going to admit that they wanted to rape people.

“Let me guest then, first you’re going to rape them, and then you’re going to kill them right?”

“N-No….. We never meant to kill them.”

Another man spoke, denying one thing while agreeing to another.

“So you are indeed planning to rape them.”


“Come on, speak up, I told you that I’m not going to hurt you.”

With another fake smile I tried to ease them, and with a small voice he answered.


A fearful expression grew more tensed with every step I take as I walked towards them, and when I close enough I whispered loud enough for all of them to hear but quite enough so that it won’t reach the women.

“Now gentlemen, I will offer you two choices.”

“First is that you will follow me and do whatever I told you to do, even if I told you to kill yourself you have to do it.”


All of them fell silent as if they don’t believe what they just heard, what kind of idiot will kill themselves just by being ordered to do so.

“Take it easy, I won’t just tell you to die without any reason. I just want your absolute loyalty and if you do give me a good result I will gave you plentiful gifts.”

I showed them several gold coins which I take from my inventory, even if this is different world, golds are still gold. After showing them the gold, their eyes changed and filled with greed so I put them the gold back to my inventory and give them the second choice.

“Well, if you refused the first choice, its fine, second choice is easier after all.”

“Second choice is you will die.”

“Now decide, nod your head if you want the first choice, shake your head if you prefer the second choice.”

Without very much choice all 18 of them nod their head.

“And for your first gifts for serving me….”

Finished dealing with the bandits I walked back towards the group of women, thinking that my appearance is a little bit frightening with all the bloods over my body I cast [Aqua Benedicta] on myself, well it’s actually a skill to kill an undead with holy water, but since it’s a water which means it’s also useful for washing the bloods away from my body. A small gentle water spout enveloping my body and washed away all of the blood from every corner of my body and my armor, and when it’s done I feel refreshed and very clean. I resumed walking towards the women with my pure smile on my face, after arrived in front of them I kneel to match our height since they’re all on sitting position, some of them started to cry out of joy, while some thanked me over and over again, and some thanked the god for their blessings. Still keeping my pure smile I talked to them.

“Do you think god exist? Do you think he will help you? Let me tell you one thing, god is don’t exist. And for a lesson I will let you be a witness for the absence of god.”

“[Divine Bind] Cancel.”

I canceled my binding skill while looking at the confused faces before me. As soon as the binding skill canceled the bandits starts running towards the women and started to rape the women. I walked away as I watch the bandits raping the women vigorously, before coming to the woman side I already cast [Mass Blessing] on the bandits, they should have more stamina now, after all [Mass Blessing] is a skill to boost all status for some time. The air which filled with silence before is now filled with helpless screams and moans of women. With this they should realize that god does not exist, and if they do still believe in god it won’t be for long. I walked towards the legless corpse and use one of my skills when I’m still a on my priest job.


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