《Saint who defies God》Ch.1 [All is Lost]



The sun not yet rise when and I already started to preparing things for when my husband and sons woke, and when the breakfast is ready my husband came out of the bedroom, seeing he’s already up I went to my sons bedroom and wake them up. Five minutes later I served the breakfast on the table and we started eating, despite my husband being a village leader we still eat a simple breakfast, even today breakfast is can be said that it’s less than usual, even if my family is just a village leader in some outskirt border of the holy city of Thymel, usually we eat more than just bread and soup for breakfast and the reason why today we only eat those is because today a tax officer will come and the person they sent is always demand a luxurious meals every time he came.

Finished with the breakfast both of my sons went to tend to our field outside the village, even if the field not big it’s enough to make a living, and because today is an exception my husband will help me to take care of the house. Today he’ll be in charge of cleaning the house thoroughly and I’ll be making preparation for lunch and preparing the table, even if we don’t like the official we still have keep on his good side because who know, maybe he’ll report to the lord and say that our village is not fully paid the taxes even when we did fully paid the taxes, and because of that the lord will sent his soldier and take one of our youngster to sell it as slave as payment, so in order for us not to spoil his mood we have to do our best to pleased him.

When the sun is in the highest position and when it’s almost lunch time, the official finally arrived in his drawn horse carriage, both me and my husband come out to greet him, although he’s just an official we still bow a little to salute him, we have to keep his mood after all. As the fat man step down from his carriage we bow a little and greet him.

“Good afternoon sir Boon.”

“Good afternoon.”

The tax official name is Raboon, and because he’s the one who always collecting tax in our village so my husband greet him in familiar manner. After we greeted him, my husband invited him to have lunch with us, we know, even if we don’t invited him for lunch he’ll come asking for one, in fact long ago when my husband still a farmer the official came one day earlier and the village leader that day didn’t make any preparation, and as a result he return to the city with bad mood and few days later some soldiers come to our village and forcefully take two youngsters from our village and sell them as slaves. So even if it’s just empty words of invitation we still have to ask him in order to not spoil his mood.

We entered the house and offer him the best seat, well it is the best seat and also the strongest chair we have, I’m afraid that if we let him sit in my or my husband chair, they won’t hold his weight. I mean honestly, how come a man become that fat, it’s just unbelievable. We started to eat, and for his escort, they wait outside of course, even our own sons is still tending to the field outside so how come we allow them to join us, and if we let them join us I’m afraid the amount of food is not enough, even if there’s considerable amount of food in the table right now but I’m sure this fatso will finished all of it and while eating this fatso sometimes steal a glance at my chest, ugh I hate this man, even if you quickly avoid your eyes a woman always know when man stare them with dirty looks. And just like I thought, he finished all of the food, my husband and me only eat a single plate but he managed to eat all of it, now wonder he could get so fat, luckily I left two portion for my sons in the kitchen.


Finished with the food I started to clean the table while my husband keep him company, ‘Shit I just washed this yesterday and yet he managed to spill some food on it.’ I cursed him when I see a food stain on the table cloth and right now I have to change it with another one, that’s just adding more works for me to do, after done changing the table cloth I inform my husband that the table is clean and head to do the dishes, my husband prepared the box filled with gold coin, 300 gold coin to be precise, that is the amount the lord demand as taxes for all villages and as the village leader my husband is in charge to collect all those and then hand it to the tax official when they come visit, usually they visited once every three months, but still 100 gold coins for every month is still quite a number considering they never do anything for us, even if there’s monster attacking the village by the time the soldier arrived the monster already gone and they never do anything to catch it, maybe that’s why the village in the outskirt never loaded with gold, even if we do business it still take days to get to the city and not to mention bandits and monsters lurking in the forest.

Peeking from the kitchen I saw the fatso nodding at my husband, I think he’s satisfied with the number in the box, even if we’re in the outskirt we still know how to calculate things, and even if we don’t attend school in the city our parent usually teach us the necessary, so there’s just no way he can fool my husband. But that would be different story if some of the gold mysteriously disappeared on its way to city, the last time it happened is when he visited earlier and we lost two of our village youngster. Noticing me peeking from the kitchen the fatso said something to my husband, and somehow my husband seems panicking at what he said, I have bad feeling about this. And when I thought they’re done with their business they both stand from the table, but instead heading out for the door both of them come into the kitchen, and after hearing a brief word from my husband that this fatso want to have his way with me I explode in anger to my husband.

“How can you even allow it you fool, I’m your wife, does being your wife meant nothing to you?”

And during my anger and cursing words I said to my husband the fatso step forward and interrupted.

“Now, now madam, he’s doing the right thing here, we both of course don’t want the soldiers to take another youngster from this village do we?”

“Especially those who is currently working on the field outside the village, how old are they 14? 15? They sure will make a good working force.”

“They’re 10 and 12.”

“Oooh, 10 and 12, I’m sure someone with a sick personality is willing to buy them with high price.”

After hearing his threat I fell silent, my husband keep glaring with anger from his back, I also hate this fatso, and he also added that every village leader before also did this kind of service, as he moved in closer I reflexively grab a kitchen knife and pointed at him, I threaten him if he dare to move closer I’ll stab him.

“Oh, and once the lord hear the news about what happened here, what would happened then? I’m sure he’s going to send his soldiers to secure all the villagers and sell them as slave, I won’t worry for the men, but as a woman they might sell you as a sex slave, and they’ll force you to serve all kind of people day and night.”


“So which one you prefer? Being a sex slave, or served me for once?”

My hands tremble after hearing what he said, Sex slave? I don’t want to be ended up like that, and no matter how corrupt he is the lord always take his side and never consider what the village would say, not outskirt village at least. After all most of the rebellion started from the outskirt village, out of 15 villages 4 started rebel against the lord, and he captured all of its villagers and sell them as slaves. Looking back at my husband he stared back at me regretful look and told me to lower the knife, without very much option I put the knife back at the table, even if we killed him here there’s several escort soldiers waiting on the outside and if he scream they’ll burst into the house and the story will finally reach the lord ears. With regret I agreed on his demand.

“What a good woman, may I borrow your room Mr.Turner?”

My husband nodded.

“Now if you please show me the way Mrs.Turner, oh you might want to stay here because I don’t like to be interrupted.”

He asked me to show the way and tell my husband to stay, I lead him to our room, and when we entered the room he locked the door and pushed me on the bed, his hands start to move around my body as he forcefully kissed me, he put his hand inside my cloth and started to grope my breast while another hand touching my crotch. One by one, he removed my cloth layer after layer until I’m completely naked, he pulled me up into sitting position and asked me to remove his pants and pull out his things.

“Now served me, lick it clean and then suck it.”

I do what he told me to do, and when he’s satisfied he pushed me back onto the bed and started to put his thing inside me, he moved vigorously despite being a fatso. He fucked me for 30 minutes straight without a break, and when I think it’s over because he’s been lying on the bed for about 5 minutes with his thing being limp, he get up and removed his cloth and fucked me for another 30 minutes, even if I despise and hate him some moans come out of my mouth willingly, I mean my husband never fucked me for one hour straight, and his stamina make lose some of my conscious, I think all those fat is useful in one way or another. After he’s done with me he put his cloth back and said.

“Look at those silly expression you have right now, your mouth might deny it but your face is telling the truth.”

“I’m sure you won’t be satisfied with your husband anymore, I’ll look forward to our next meeting.”

He left the room, leaving me behind naked drenched in sweat and his sperm. I heard him saying thanks to my husband and I hurriedly sit and pull a blanket to cover my body and started to cry, not long after my husband came into the room and hug me, I don’t know why but out of reflex I pushed him away and continued to cry. He asked for forgiveness and say sorry many times but I still ignored him, and for the rest of the day I don’t speak to him at all and that night I sleep without waiting for him.

At dawn my husband wake me up and tell me to get the children, even if I don’t know the reason I could hear a ruckus from outside so I do as my husband told and wake my sons, we wait at the living room, and several minutes later my husband come back with his body drenched by blood and when I’m about to run to him, he stopped me and tell me.

“Bandit….. Run… Backdoor.”

After saying those words he fell on the front door, I covered my sons eyes and started to run towards the back, but as we run out through the back a huge man blocking our way, he pulled me away from my sons and shout to his friends.

“Oi grab the kids, search the house, kill the man but secure the woman and the kids.”

He then knocked me out.

Morning already came when I open my eyes, sounds of woman screaming ringing in my ears, and after looking around a bit I realized that the bandits managed to gather all the villagers in one place, they gathered all of us in the street and tied both of our hands and legs to each other, I tried to find my kids but no matter how many times I search I can’t find them, in fact I can’t find a single man among us, there’s only woman out here, I tried asking someone next to me.

“Where are the kids?”

“They put them in the carriage and left just now. The bandits are planning to sell them as slaves.”

Shocked after knowing what happened to my kids, tears started to drop from my eyes, I cried loudly when I think both of my sons will be sell as slaves after what I did yesterday to save them from being a slave, if I know what would happened I will kill that fatso and run with all my life and take my children with me. Maybe because of the woman screams or because they done with their business the bandits return with creepy smile on their faces, there’s around 20 of them and they discussed among themselves about which one they will take first, some would say ‘I’m going for her.’ and some say ‘I wonder what face would she make when I rape her.’ And other ‘I want to hear her moans.’ Not long after a man on a horse approaches, this must be their leader. I stopped my cries when he get off of his horse and thinks ‘This is it, they’re going to rape us now.’

“Good works for tonight man, we managed to get plenty of money after selling those brats and some virgins to the slave dealer, and as a reward for your hard work you may pick your woman and use them as you see fit, and because this time works ended in great success thanks to Mr.Lawney he can pick his choice first.”

“Now if you please Mr.Lawney.”

Lawney he’s a widow with no kid after his wife killed by a rampaged monster years ago, I didn’t think that he will betrayed his own village, and I don’t think I’m the only one surprised because of his betrayal as I can see most of the people faces around me fill with shock. Me? He pointed at me? You want me to be your sex slave? I tried to move away but because we tied to each other people next to me kind of fell on me when I tried to move.

“Hahaha you can’t run madam, go get your prize Mr.Lawney.”

He walked towards me, but not even halfway something heavy fall on him and caused a small cloud of dust in the surrounding.

“Ouch, that’s hurt.”

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