《Saint who defies God》Death is the beginning



My name is Lidwina Orange, Female, Age 19. People called me prodigy child, well it’s not that they’re wrong since I managed to graduate from school when I was 13 and got my bachelor degree when I was 15, my parents proud of me and I’m thankful to God for this gift and as gratitude towards god I never missed going to church, I always pray before eating and thanked after finished, my parents also devout believer and they are grateful to have me since I’m the only child after their 5 years of marriage.

When I finished university, a lot of people came to my house and offer me a master scholarship in their university, but since I bored of study I turn them down one after another, my parents always let me decide what I want to do and gave me freedom. Since 15 is considered as minor in my country I can’t find any work and decide to consult with my parents, they tell me maybe I should go and become an actress and hand me a name card from a man they think a talent scout, after thinking things through I decide to try to be an actress, I mean there’s nothing wrong to try something new and beside how hard it is to be an actress.

After months of training I finally realized that even if you smart doesn’t meant that you can do everything, the time I shows up at their talent agency they said that I can’t act at all, but since I have the look they said that they’ll train me and hand me the contract. Well I’m beautiful after all but hearing them saying that I can’t act make me feel irritated and decide to sign the contract to prove them that I can act. After months of training and practice I finally managed to make progress but they say it’s still not enough, well who cares what they say, I found acting to be challenging and I found joy in it so I continued to train myself.

Nearly a year passed when I got my first job offer as a side character in some TV serials after the agency took me here and there to do some casting, after hearing the news I feel very happy that all of my training is finally bear a fruit and took the job without hesitation, whether because my acting or my look the director offer me another contract to keep playing as a side character in his show, of course I accept it without second thought, it was after all my first time acting, and somehow one way or another the side character became the second heroine, well it was a TV series, some twist story in here and there won’t change anything as long as they get high rating, so at age 16 I managed to make myself as an actress.

Three years passed since my first acting career and I successfully make myself as a very well-known actress who has the look and the brain, my face always decorated most of the magazines, thanks to god for my successful career. currently I’m attending a party to celebrate my recently finished movie, well it’s not out in theater yet but considering there’s nothing troublesome happened during the filming the management decide to throw a party to celebrate it, and since I’m the main character in the movies they insist that I have to come, it’s not that I planned to refuse in the first place, I mean who can turn down an invitation for free drinks and foods.


But after three years of working as an actress I finally found out that the owner of my agency is a boss of very famous mafia, apparently the agency is just a way for them to laundry their dirty money and maybe because I make a lot of money for them they decide keep the agency going and train another actress wannabe, and a lot of things changed when you have money, my parent always ask for money, at first I gave them out of free will because they’re my parent but as the time goes by they start making demand of how much should I gave them, and if they run out they’ll come to my house and ask for more money, well since they are my parent I never refused them, but what I hate is that they start to care about money more than anything, they start missing the Sunday morning prayer, they start gambling and stuff.

Because of that I decide that tomorrow I will resign from the agency and take a break as an actress for a year, but little did I know that after leaving the party my car will be hit by a truck and I would never reach home.

Lying in a hospital bed for almost two weeks in a coma I finally woke up and saw nobody near me, I tried to get up from bed, but somehow I can’t feel my legs, I get up with a support from my hands and tried touching my legs, I feel nothing, I touch it again, I still can’t feel anything from my legs, terrified about what happened with me, I scream as loud as I can, hearing my scream a lot of nurses come into my room tried to calm me down and among the nurses is a man with familiar face, it was my driver, he was the one who’s driving me home when the party is over, I know him very well, after a little research I found out that my driver is also a member of the mafia, maybe they sent him to keep an eye on me, seeing him unscratched I stopped the screaming and cursed him in my head.

Not long after a doctor came into my room, seeing the doctor my driver nod to him and left the room, what the fuck was that nod for. I cursed him in my head and asked the doctor about my condition, even if I know what the doctor would say I still asked him. I knew it, the doctor tells me what exactly I had in mind, the doctor said that after the crash I was in coma for almost two weeks, and he also said that I lost half of my body, he said after the crash some of my nerves is cut and I can’t use my lower part of my body, and worse he also said that it was impossible for me to have a child. After telling everybody to leave I cried in silence and pray to god, maybe this is his test for me, crying in bed I end up falling asleep.

The next morning I woke up I called the doctor and asked him if there’s a way for me to be able to walk again, he suggested for me to use a prosthetic legs but in doing so means that I will have my legs cut, since I have money I will do anything for at least to be able to walk again and back to acting. After hearing that I woke up from my coma, my parents finally visited me the next day, and after a long chit chat they finally shows the reason they come, and it was for money, they still asked for money even after their daughter become cripple, I shout and cursed at them and drive them out, How the fuck you still asked for money knowing you daughter may not be able to walk again, do you even care for me? Did all you care about is only money?, and surprisingly after hearing my shout my driver came in and escort my parents out.


The next two days passed without any visitors, it’s strange, why there’s nobody visiting me, since there’s no TV or radio in my room I don’t really know what happened, don’t they know that I’m having accident? Did the TV station miss it or something?. I asked for my phone trying to find news about me, but the nurses said that phone is not allowed in my room because it can damage the equipment and they gave me book instead, what kind of nonsense is that, and my answer come in the next day

A man and my doctor and my manager came into my room followed by another two man I never seen before, the first man who came into my room is the mafia boss which I have seen in some pictures before, I looked at them as they sat around me with two other still standing near the door. Feeling a little troubled I asked for explanation, without a word my managed pulled out a phone from his pocket and show me something. A funeral, my funeral, it stated clearly in a news that my funeral is ongoing in the video my manager showed me, confused I asked them, what is this? I’m still alive, how come my funeral is on the news?, my managed started to explain things such as that a dead actress will be more famous than a crippled one. Simply put they came here to tell me that I was dead during the crash and asked for my cooperation, well it was more of a threat than asking for cooperation, and it looks like the hospital is owned by the mafia so they relieved me of my charges related to the hospital, and they also offer me a part benefit of every works that sells whether is movie or music I made, without any much choice I agree to their terms, I mean, what can a crippled woman do against a mafia?.

Months have passed, it turns out that after I die I became more famous, my latest movie as example, they manage to keep selling in theater for almost two months and managed to make a huge amount of profit, it was said that the earning is a hundred folds of the budget to make the movie, and also my music, even if it’s not much they still selling more than when I still alive, so right now you can say that I’m filthy rich, but even if I have all that money I can’t really use them, I mean after agreeing to their condition I can’t leave my house even if can walk again, thanks to the prosthetic leg and whoever made them, and it turns out that the two unknown guys from the hospital will be sent to look after me, so whenever I need to buy something they will do it for me, I feel like I’m being imprisoned, they won’t even allowed me to walk on my own veranda, thinking that I will killed by boredom I buy everything that can entertain me, Computer, Playstation, even VR equipment, but they won’t last long, I pray to god to make things better again.

Two years have passed, and it appears things stay the same no matter how much I pray, and when I’m searching in internet how to kill your ownself with less pain, a game advertisement get my interest it was a VR online game, thinking that It won’t hurt to try it before suicide I tried this RPG online game named Legend Online, well the advertisement says that whether or not I’m capable of become a legend in this game, but please, I’m already legend, a dead legend, there are many class to choose such as Mage, Swordsman, Acolyte, Thief, Archer, it’s a standard to have this I think, but as soon as I tried playing as Acolyte I never forget it’s sensation, the way the visualization looks real, the sounds, everything is almost perfect, this game is the first VR game that have almost realistic feeling into it, and without a second thought I upgrade my VR equipment to the highest spec to enjoy the game.

Five years have passed without anymore thought about suicide, this Legend Online makes me feel I have another live in another world, and within these five years I managed to make a name for myself, this game only have one server with a player across the world and I managed to rank up to the top 5 within five years, I managed to secure rank 2 in the whole world as a Battle Maiden, the ultimate form of evolution from priest class, and I’m the only one in the world with this job, most player would stop after they reach Bishop, because the requirement to change into Battle Maiden is the character must be Female, and you have to kill the Abomination alone, the second hardest raid class boss in the game in a form of a huge corrupted cocoon with all of its attack an area attack and you have to kill it alone, I managed to kill it after spending some fortune to get Administration class equipment, well the equipment itself is not dropped or sell by player or monster, you have to buy it with a cash item and you’ll get a random part and there’s also limited time to use it, a single piece of equipment last for an hour, and after that it’s disappeared, because I spent fortune in it I managed to get 10 set of full equipment, and used 5 set when fighting against Abomination with another mythical item such as Magic Scroll, Potion, etc. but the job Battle Maiden is the most strongest class ever, and after changing class into Battle Maiden I can managed to kill Abomination alone without using any Administration equipment and the best part is the skill Contract and Seal, the Contract skill is allow you to borrow strength from an angel for period of time, and the Seal skill is allowed you to summon any demon class monster you have sealed using the skill before, so I spent most of my money in the game, and the reason I’m still ranked two is just because the first ranked person barely leave the city, and in order to take the rank you have to kill the person alone, since you can’t kill a player within the city it becomes a hard task to do. Maybe this is how god answer my prayer, he show me this game and make me feel like I have a second chance.

But the joy don’t last forever, in the fourth year after ‘My death’ my movies and music didn’t sell much anymore, after a year without meaningful income the mafia start to cause trouble for me, and someday maybe they decide that waiting for the money to come is impossible they come and tried to rob me, they destroyed everything in my house, they tortured me, they asked me for where my money is and after I said that I don’t have any they start to destroyed and search every inch of my house, too bad I spent all of my money in the game and now it’s gone. Thinking that maybe I’m really broke they start to violate me, they raped me, they shoved their things in me from the front, from the back, they even tried to shove their thing in my mouth, but I won’t let them leave unscratched I bite his things as hard as I can, and as a result it’s almost cut, they beat me again for what I did, and they continued to rape me nonstop for almost a week, even if I paralyzed down there I can still feel the beating from them, and at the fifth day I died in a most humiliating way.

Lidwina Orange, at the age of 26, I was dead.

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