《The Elder Lich That Wanted Peace and Quiet》Chapter 1 Too Nice For a Lich


In a world of dungeons and dragons, lairs and castles, a peaceful lich lived on top of a flat mountain top. His wonderful kept mansion with his loyal servants always beside him. All he ever wanted was peace and quiet but the living just keep on pushing him, the lich lived decades in constant attack. In all of his days of living as a lich, he has never seen a day of peace.

His two servants waited beside him near his throne,

"Sun, how many 'heroes' do we have today,"

Sin the low-spoken elder lich ask for a report from his vivacious female fire guardian.

"Nothing to report big boss,"

the vibrant flame spirit danced around Sin with hope in her mind.

"How about you Moon, have you scouted the path leading to my home."

Moon the fragile dark spirit kneeled frailly to report in her quiet voice that soothed Sin's headache,

"No my lord, it has been quiet all morning."

Her words pleased Sin greatly, "Ah yes, peace and quiet, it has been a while since I felt at peace."

Sin inhaled deeply even if his lungs were non-existing. Suddenly the doors were gently pushed open, revealing a small fairy, a trail of dust followed her, staining the glossy floor of his throne room. The fairy was already exhausted from just pushing the door just enough for her to squeeze through. The fairy flew to him in a rush but only making it so far before nosediving to the floor,

"Please, save our forest from bandits, please."

The small fairy passed out leaving Sin with a choice to make, "Why now."

At any time to attack why now he asks himself, Sin gets off of his golden throne heading towards the outside of his mansion walking with his shoulders forward, upset about the events, the pissed off elder lich brush passed Sun,


"What are you doing sir, if you do this there will be no doubt heroes will come."

Sun's warning went out the other ear, the brooding skeleton stood on the edge of his mountain looking down upon the world, the forest was at the base of his mountain,

"No doubt indeed but it was going to be like that anyway, might as well help the helpless."

The skeleton in robes of red raised one arm pointing to the forest,

"All who mean harm will fall to my everlasting pain, level five."

The noisy forest grew bright, screams followed then leaving only silence and a peaceful forest.

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