《The Greek Apocalypse Volume 1: Sweat, Blood & magic》Chapter 2: Death, Desist & Smashed


he manage to get out of his mouth, he was breathing uneven and fast for normal not even knowing if it was could be count as breathing.

He raised his self from the flour that he slide down from the force of the hit on the door his face had turned to a sickle green, his hand were trembling, taking again a seat on the flour putting his back on the door to feel if that thing has left, that monster had probably left but nothing come he’s fear was kind subsided but that didn’t mend that he wasn’t afraid like shit. The bug made him terrified out of his mind he maybe wasn’t the best at biology but he took enough test and with the need of study he learned enough to be best that most and from what he learned bugs like that should not exist, it was terrifying, he hated bugs yes a major part of it was his fear of them it wasn’t that major to be called a phobia and maybe a part was his discus of them but he could deal with them.

[What now. Calm down the bug probably, left it hasn’t hit the door for some time] he thought.

been calmed downed he look around and to his horror realize that the windows were open the shutters were down but the windows were open so the wind pass through realizing that the windows may no help on stopping it but safety is more important running to close the two in the kitchen and the one in his room. While heading in his grandparents rooms he remembered that his grandfather didn’t put the shutters down on the night thinking [I must wake them up, something is wrong and close the shutters so the bug don’t get in]


Opening his grandpa’s room he was struck with fear the screen was reaped up and the bug was in the house. he immediately went to close the door but he stopped for a second [what will happen to grandpa] but that moment of hesitation was what the bug needed to scurry to the door while slipping on the tiled floor, realizing what happened Nikos started closing the door but he couldn’t close the door fast enough seeing the head of the bug protruding of the corner on the door but Nikos didn’t looked scared opposite he was smiling pulling the door with all his might and a vicious smile, alas the bug remained unhurt the only thing that has change is that has change is that looked more annoyed and his pincers started moving faster seeing that the smiled drained from his face and become panicked. Cold sweat started covering the hot sweat that accumulated from running around he said while pulling the door but still nothing.

Seeing nothing changing he change his position to get a better grip by moving his feet closer to the pincers, getting a little extra strength but again nothing changed at the same time in the new position his foot slipped closer and closer to the pincer until snap at that moment his right calf was cut a deep and nasty looking wound was created from the pincher.

Pain passed through his body he had never felt pain in such decree he had never felt in his entire life, strength left his body the door opened little. Realizing what happening he grip on the nob of the door become harder, putting all he had, time felt like it slowed, his body moved on his own putting everything he had and a little more that he didn’t know he had he pulled close the wooden door with such force that the door corners cracked.


The bug was still alive, but for the first time its head cracked and started bleeding a green ooze the pincers that grabbed his bloody foot weaken the bugs movements slowed and the stopped the door firmly pushing on his head of fear it was still alive staying like this for some time until the adrenalin levels decrease and the pain in his leg began again he opened the door and started it smashing on the head with door until it closed.

Getting on the side of the wall to support himself his breathing was uneven that was cut from sobbing, starting walking with one leg to the storage so to put no force on it. Reaching the storage he reaches for the first aid kit getting down on the floor with bandages disinfectants and medical tape, looking on the wound he realize that were deep they were two deep cuts on each side of the calf bleeding badly and a bit of flesh was falling out. Don’t knowing what to do he through disinfectants, closed the wounds with medical tape and covered them with bandages while doing that he started yelling but nobody answered the only sound that could be heard were the crickets of summer and Nikos sobbing that was not coming from pain.

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