《The Weaver's Blade》Seven


Cogan and his men left the muddy trail about a mile from the summit. They wordlessly settled into a campsite that was small but frequently used by the city watch out on bandit patrol. Cogan handed off his mount and signaled the men to wait. His information on the priests' activity was reliable but lacked specifics. The followers of Grimnol usually arrived just before sunset, but he wanted to have a look-see before they arrived.

The rocky hillside was covered by a vivid green carpet of wet moss that made climbing difficult. Cogan cursed under his breath when he lost his footing yet again. "So help me. If'in these priests are trying to get one over on me." He growled and started to climb again. His exertions along with the dense fog that was almost a drizzle made his cloak hang limp. And his usually groomed hair sat on his head like a bundle of seaweed. "Curse um."

He crested the hill and found that the priests had already arrived. Through the soupy white haze, he made out four or five figures seated in a circle while another three stood chanting as they fanned a smoking bundle of herbs.

This all had the stink of day-old fish guts. He watched the men a bit longer before deciding to approach. He climbed to his feet and made his way through the trees toward the worshipers. Before he reached the clearing, shouts from the gathered men announced his arrival. A few gray-robes he had not seen materialized from the fog brandishing staves or daggers.

"Calm ya self. A be needing a word with the Elder, is all." The captain growled. Cogan did not expect the men to resist, but he set his foot apart and made ready to draw the short sword at his hip. "Now, best ya see him here before A get annoyed."


The priests were nervous about something. He watched them casting furtive glances about looking for other intruders. An older priest, the least jumpy of the lot, gave a nod to one of the staff wielders. The man ran off into the clearing and soon disappeared into the gloom. A long tense silence settled on the small group of men as they waited. Finally, the elder walked through the camp like a noble at court with the messenger in tow. He pushed back his hood and smiled as he passed his followers. "Captain Cogan. It is always a pleasure. Have you come to join us in prayer?"

He found that he enjoyed trading witty words with equal minds. But, this was neither the time nor place for such delights. The Elder thought the big words coming out of his big mouth was nothing but gold. But none of that can hide the stink. "Sorry Elder. My prayers have never done anyone good. I do ma work with ma own two hands."

The elder smiled as if he expected this answer. "Then I will pray on your behalf."

Cogan studied the priests. The ones with weapons were quickly dismissed as little more than children playing with sticks and knives. But, Elder Thorn had always made him a little weary. The man was like a ray hiding a stinger. "You lot come a long way to pray. A nice dry temple and ya brave the mud and rain to come up here?"

"Grimnol the good of water, life, and growth is everywhere. But, here in this place. After his blessed rains. How could we, his servant, ignore his generosity? We are compelled to give thanks." Thorn said with a satisfied smile.

The man's explanation made a certain kind of sense. Fools, zealots, and god all seem to swim together. He found that no matter which god you follow, or if you served none at all, you bleed just as much with a sword in your gut. Cogan scanned the area again in hopes of finding the source of his unease. Satisfied, his gaze returned to the elder.


Thorn's smile did not falter, "I do apricate your concern for our safety. But, I assure you, we are in no danger here." The man opened his hands to indicate their surroundings.

An iridescent blue and green glint caught Cogan's eye. It was a shard of black rock or maybe a claw from some animal hanging from a length of braided cord. It was a simple thing that looked common, like shells on the beach. But, it felt alien. Cogan realized that the unnerving feeling he had been experiencing was centered there.

Thorn must have found him looking at the strange necklace because he palmed the thing before he could get a better look and turned away. "Captain, you are welcomed to stay but we must continue with our preparations. As you have already turned down my invitation for prayer, I will not keep you any longer." Then to signal the end of their conversation, the elder replaced the hood and said, "Grimnol's blessing." The priests surrounding the two men bowed their heads and answered, " blessed water, bountiful life." The priests stowed their weapons and without a backward glace moved to follow the elder back the way they had come

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