《The Crimson Castle》Chapter 8


The classroom was busy with discussion, many students had not taken their seats yet and were talking with each other loudly, laughing and making jokes. As soon as they saw the teacher come in they quieted and quickly took their seats.

“Good morning class” Said Mrs. Condor.

“Good morning Mrs. Condor” Said the entire class.

“Before we begin the head of the royal guard would like to have a few words.”

Mr. Garth stood up in front of the class.

“Hello everyone, My name is Mr. Garth. I’m the head of the royal guard. I wish I was here under better circumstances, but I have some news to report."

He took a moment to pause and look around the class.

"Last night Claire Woodward was poisoned with an amnesia potion.”

There was a small collective gasp by the class.

“She does not remember any personal details from her life. If any of you have any information about this please contact the royal guard. There will be a substantial reward for any information. For now, I bid all of you farewell. I have other business to attend to.” Mr Garth did a slight bow to Claire and Mrs. Condor and left the classroom.

Claire’s classmates began to talk amongst themselves.

Before the noise got out of hand, Mrs. Condor spoke up “ Alright class, settle down, settle down, I know this is very shocking news, but we need to pretend like nothing has happened. That is the best way for Claire to rehabilitate. My great aunt suffered a fate like Claire’s and she quickly returned to normal. Any questions before we move on with today’s lessons?”

The class was silent.

“Good, Ms. Woodward, your seat is that one over there.” Mrs. Condor said as she pointed to an empty chair in the back of the room. Claire made the journey to her chair as students whispered to each other.

The student who had tried to kiss Claire earlier suddenly entered the classroom. He did not look happy.

“Gibby you are late. Do you have a good excuse?” Mrs. Condor said. Gibby glared at Claire for a bit and then turned to Mrs. Condor and said “Sorry Mrs. Condor, won’t happen again.”

Mrs. Condor sighed “For some reason I don’t believe you, well take your seat.” Gibby started moving towards his desk while continuing to glare at Claire. “Oh and you just missed an announcement from the royal guard. Claire Woodward was poisoned last night with an amnesia potion. If you have any information you should contact the royal guard.” Mrs. Condor said.


Claire now glared back at Gibby as he took his seat. Gibby seemed flustered at the development of events.

Mrs. Condor began to speak “Well now that all of that excitement is over let’s move on with today’s lesson. As you all know, we have a quiz today. So I’m going to pass them out now. Claire, let’s see how you do not knowing anything about this world. If you do well, maybe it will embarrass some of the slackers in the class.” Mrs. Condor chuckled to herself. “It is multiple choice so don’t worry too much.”

Claire was handed the piece of paper. She was actually excited. She had always been good at multiple choice tests. She knew all the tricks: If three of the four answers were similar you could usually eliminate the odd one out, learning information from a further down question to help better guess a previous question, knowing that the quiz was time sensitive and that if a problem looked like it would take too much time to solve to just skip it and try to work on more workable problems, etc. It also didn’t hurt, that just by guessing you would, on average, get 1/4 of the questions right. “This was going be fun.” Claire thought. An odd thing to say about a quiz.

Suddenly a quest notification popped up.

You now have the quest Pass the Quiz: Get 6 out of 10 of the questions correct.

Rewards: Title: Destroyer of Quizzes: Effect: Receive a 10% discount on all books

EXP 300

Claire smiled, thought the quest notification away and looked down at the first question on the quiz.

1. You estimate that a landmark is 1.5 miles away. To mark it you need to use a power bow, as non-magical bows will not suffice. If you are of average strength, and you use 100% of your power shooting the arrow, what bow should you use?

a. 150% added strength bow

b. 9000% added strength bow

c. 1200% added strength bow

d. 1900% added strength bow

“Hmmm” Claire thought. This was gonna be tough. It seemed like the key point of getting this right was knowing how far could an average person fire an arrow from a regular bow. She only had one point of reference, when she was in gym class on archery day a fellow student was messing around and let one arrow fly. They were on a football field, standing in the end zone and this arrow ended up in the opposite end zone. So basically that arrow went 120 yards or 360 feet. Claire knew that one mile had 5280 feet in it. She scribbled on the paper to do some calculations. 7920 feet in a 1.5 miles. 7920 feet divided by 360 feet was 22. Her fellow student was not in the best of shape, and the bow was a practice bow. So she had to account for that. She could eliminate the 150% and the 9000% answer. Gravity had seemed to be the same here, so she thankfully did not have to worry about that. Claire decided on the 1900% added strength bow and circled D.


2. You are 5 miles away from the gates of Dal. How long, not taking into account terrain, would it take you to get back to the city if you were riding a horse at full speed?

a. 10 minutes

b. 25 minutes

c. 1 hour

d. 1 minute

This one was easier for Claire. She had been horseback riding several times. Mainly because her best friend Miranda back in the real world had been obsessed with horses when they were younger. She knew that horses could run at top speed of 30 mph thanks to a presentation Miranda had once given in front of the class. She did some simple calculations and circled a. So far, Claire felt like the main character from slumdog millionaire, only getting these questions right because she had experienced them tangentially in the real world.

There were a total of 10 questions. Claire diligently thought through each one. Surprisingly, a lot of them were math based. Some of them she had to completely guess. Just as she was circling the answer for the last question the teacher yelled “Alright, Stop! Time is up” Mrs. Condor continued “Now hand your papers to one of your neighbors.” Claire looked around the classroom and passed her paper to a friendly looking fellow sitting behind her. He had big brown eyes and shaggy red hair.

“Hey do you want to trade papers?” Claire asked.

“Yeah, that’s what we used to do.” the student replied.

The student put forward a hand “I’m Doug by the way.” Claire shook his hand and said “Claire, although you already knew that.” They both laughed. “Well good luck,” Doug said as they traded papers “I’d be really surprised if you passed this test. I even had a hard time with it.”

Mrs. Condor then went through the questions one by one and gave the correct answers so the student's could grade the papers in front of them.

“If anyone graded a paper that got all of the questions right please raise your hand.” Mrs. Condor said. Claire raised her hand and looked around to notice she was the only one with her hand in the air.

“Ah, you must have traded papers with Doug, Claire. Well done Doug, as always.” Mrs. Condor said. Gibby suddenly said “Yeah, not bad for a lowly scholarship kid!” The rest of the class laughed.

“That will be enough Gibby,” Mrs. Condor said to calm the class down.

Claire turned to Doug and noticed he looked somewhat upset. Claire was impressed that he made the only 100 in the class.

“I thought you said you had a hard time?” Claire said to Doug quietly.

“I guess I just got lucky” Doug replied with a half smirk. That seemed to cheer Doug up. Doug handed Claire her test back. She was happy to see that she got 6/10 questions correct.

“Good job, I’m impressed. Maybe you didn’t forget everything?” Doug said.

“Ha, maybe not.” Claire replied.

Suddenly a quest notification popped up in Claire’s vision.

You now have completed the quest Pass the Quiz

Exp 300

You now have the title: Destroyer of Quizzes: Effect: Receive a 10% discount on all books.

Claire was excited to receive her first title. She had no idea how useful it was going to be, but hey, every little thing helped. Mrs. Condor went around the class to collect the quizzes and when she had collected them all she announced “Alright class, because it was a quiz day, that will be all for today. Tomorrow, we are going on a field trip to the Crimson Castle, that is, if it spawns in a favorable location. We will be meeting the legendary adventuring squad the Rolling Stones there. We will also be training in the wilderness beforehand, so meet at the ranger armory tomorrow morning. Class dismissed!”

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