《Technology System in Cultivation World》Heist II


After finally arriving at Falling Grasslands I directly went to the City Hall as I needed a Map of the City and although I didn't need to go to the City hall just to get a map but it was the only Place I knew I this entire City

After grabbing the map I quickly left City Hall and directly went to the City Slums

I didn't need actually need a Map as the thing I had gotten from the system was an Apple Watch for exactly 32,000 black Coins leaving me with nothing more than 10,000 black Coins

I was Extremely lucky by the fact that the watch was connected to this world as it would have been nearly completely useless if it was still connected to Earth

The reason I had come to the slums was because it was the most secluded place in this City as there was no one living here anymore so it was the perfect place to keep my Car as I went to sell my Sprite but before that I needed to make sure I had at least 20 which was mine for the drinking

Unfortunately the Sprite tasted the same as on Earth but the quality of the drinks and food of this world was not very high, so it would probably taste heavenly to the folks here whether it was made with Holy Water which was taken from The Unbinding fountain of youth and then cultivated for then thousand years after that boiled in the high temperatures of hell and then cooled down in the heavenly frozen Palace or used with tap water

And I was right especially after my first Customer since I had set up a small stall

"How much?" she asked while looking at my fridge


"150" it wasn't stupidly expensive like Spirit wine nor was it as cheap as those unbranded drinks which seemed to have been picked up somewhere on the road and then conveniently sold

The woman seemed to be contemplating whether or not to buy it

But in the end her face seemed to show the bland expression of 'F*uck it'

And that bland expression changed as soon she tasted the drink

" Shit!, what kind of shit is this! " she exclaimed loudly gaining some viewers

" hey give me another one intact give me another 10"

"Sorry I only serve 5 every order" I said since it would be better for the long run this way

"JUST GIVE THEM TO ME!!! " she exclaimed as if she was high

Some onlookers finally gave in to their curiosity and also bought and they also ended up with the same reaction as the lady

When I only had about 100 left I decided to double the price letting me earn big

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