《Technology System in Cultivation World》Money


Slowly Driving to Gate I waited quietly and took out a piece of cardboard with the writing 'Falling Grasslands'

Going to Falling Grasslands would definitely bring about great business as there were a lot of people either finally deciding to leave the City and didn't have the money to use a Floating Cloud

Or they were going there to re-supply on products since Falling Grasslands was an Average City in the Kingdom and the prices weren't over the Top

When someone finally came over he the first thing he asked was how much it was

" 300 Black Coins " This was the Amount one would pay if they were going to use a Carriage, this was the average you would have to pay if one wanted to ride Around 240km, this price was taking in the amount of food the horse ate and many other Factors

Nodding The man reached for the pouch which was on his waist, looking at the pouch it looked just brown and nothing else

" So where is the carriage and your master " he asked handing over the entire pouch which was also the time I realized he had more than one pouch


Ah Shit, looking down at myself I realized that I had forgotten to get new clothes and was still dressing the same clothing a slave would wear

{New Quest: Earn 10,000 Black Coins}

{Reward: Fridge(5) }

{200 bottles of Sprite}

Looking at the amount the System gave me it seemed that it really did want me to sell the things it gave me

"Here" I said pointing to the Polo I had been driving

He looked at me weirdly before Asking the Last question

" How do you get in?"!he asked looking a bit embarrassed

I looked at him then nodded and opened the back door and put his small suitcase in the Trunk


' if no one Huge comes in then I'm pretty sure around Five people can Fit which means Exactly 1500 black Coins '

It was less than what people who drove carriages got but that was because it had more space to fit people

In the end of the day though I would make more money because they needed around 2 to 3 days to Travel 240km since a horse needed to rest and be fed but if I drove fast enough I could make it there in less than 4 hours

The rest of the people got without much of a hatch since I had bought clothes I thought were perfect for fitting in that was until it was time for the last person I saw a girl who seemed to want to join me and I was right

"Ello', I would like to come with you" she said in a Cute petite voice

But as I was about to ask for the money someone got in since it was I had left the door open to get some air in as I didn't want to waste Petrol by opening the Windows as that would require me switch on the Car

" Sorry but we're full at the moment " I said looking at him and one glance you could tell that he didn't belong to this town as he was wearing interesting clothing

" Wait!... I'll pay Double... No Triple the price! " he said looking like he was in a rush

This had left me in a pickle but thanks to my 2000IQ I quickly thought of a solution

I came near the girl and whispered a question in her ear

" Do you trust me? "

She looked like she was thinking hard which had made her seem even cuter, in the end she lightly nodded her head

I took a deep breath and got in the Car

Once in I gave her a little nod as if to say 'Don't worry'

After that she gave me a little smile and I nodded one more time

After that I looked in front of me closed the door switched on the car put the gear in 2 and Sped off

Never to look back

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