《Attack On Titan: The Peace I Desire》Chapter 29: Family


Titans in general would go towards the place with many people. But this Titan only fights its own kind, and if we reverse it, this Titan will go towards a place with many Titans. Most likely the HQ with many people hiding in it.

'And if my hypothesis is aligned with Armin. If we kill the Titans in its vicinity, it would likely go towards the HQ, the HQ that has been swarming with Titans. And if we go there, we will be unhindered by Titans, because then someone will attract and kill it before us... And it is that Abnormal Titan'

Vincent finished his internal monologue, as Armin began to explain his plan.

And Vincent's hypothesis is not far off, of what Armin's plan was.

'Even though it's risky... it is at least worth a try...'

With that, Vincent agreed as he said.

"Let's go with Armin's plan"

"Me and Mikasa will kill all the Titans in its vicinity. And you Armin, don't do anything too stupid. Just stay put here, we will pick you up after we kill all nearby Titans"

Armin hesitated and said. "Wa-Wait, are you really going to rely on my plan?"

"What are you saying Armin, your plan was perfect"

Mikasa said that with a smile.


Armin said that with shining eyes, as Mikasa said.

"If we're facing certain death, either way, the path to take is the path with a chance of Victory"

Seeing the two interact, Vincent sighs in relief and thought.

'Thankfully, Mikasa is not acting strange anymore...'

After the Death of Eren, Mikasa has not been herself. Shaking his head, Vincent then said.

"At least it's worth the shot than blindly going towards the HQ"

"... well, if you say it that way..."

Vincent nodded and looked at Mikasa as he said.

"Let's go, Mikasa"

Mikasa and Vincent then run towards the building where Titans are nearby.

… .

"Mikasa, go kill that guy. I will go for that guy with an ugly face"

"That's far! What about your gas?"

"Don't worry about it, unlike you all here, I have plenty more to spare"


With that, Vincent then flew towards the furthest Titan, after he killed it, he started going to Titans near him. After that he got back towards where Mikasa was at, and in the process, killed all the Titans that he spotted.

… .

Flying towards the HQ, Mikasa asks Vincent.

"Vincent, can your gas make it?"

"Still manageable. Like I said before, I have some spare left unlike you all"

"Then... with that much gas in you. How can you not climb up the wall? With that, you will surely be saved and not struggling down here..."

Armin said that and looked down... And then saw a shadow approaching him. He looked up and saw Vincent.

"Am I that selfish? Am I that weak? Is that what you see in me, Armin"

"N-No... I- I-I'm not saying that. You have a chance to leave here, and with you being the number 1 in 104th Military Trainees, you can do it and no one will blame you, but instead, you do this, and help us..."

Vincent then patted Armin, stopping him to speak.

"What are you saying, Armin? We all eat on the same roof. We all live under the same roof."

"Number 1? Does that matter? And saving you all, is there a reason?"

'Yes, there's no need for a reason'

Vincent then thought of the kids in the chapel, the kids adopted in his previous life, and all the people in 104th Military Trainees.

He does not need a reason to save them, why? It is-

"Because saving your family doesn't need a reason."

Vincent said that towards Armin, who's about to cry on at his speech.

"Remember that Armin"

Vincent looked at the Titans and thought of all the people in 104th Military Trainees.

'Even if I deny it. These 3 years of Training, bantering with everyone, training with everyone, teaching Annie, or even Teaching Jean and Connie... It was all a fun experience'

Sighing to himself for being sentimental. Vincent looked at the Abnormal Titan who's fighting its own kind and said.

"Let's wait for that Titan to start walking towards the HQ. And if it does, we will fly with full speed, understand?"


Vincent looked at Mikasa and Armin as the two nodded in understanding.

'But still, I can't believe Armin's plan worked perfectly. The gamble paid off. Mikasa and Armin is still alive'

'But I can't celebrate too early, as we're still halfway through the HQ. My gas is depleting too from killing the Titans. As for Mikasa.

Vincent walked towards Mikasa and tapped her gas tank, and it was almost empty.

Vincent frowned as he thought, and Armin was looking at Mikasa in worry.



The Abnormal Titan roared loudly and began walking towards the HQ.

Everyone looked towards the Abnormal Titan, as Vincent said.

"I didn't think it would be this low... Mikasa don't use your gas anymore"


Vincent then picked up Mikasa like a luggage, same for Armin, and said.

"W-Wait! What are doing Vincent?"

"I'm going to carry you two, and Mikasa if I drop you, start flying towards the HQ at full speed. I will carry Armin with me"

"Wait, it will deplete your gas faster"

Mikasa said that in worry.

Carrying a person in midair will undoubtedly use a lot of gas, and for two people getting carried.

"No time for talking, let's go!"

… .


Vincent threw Mikasa midair and said...

"We're close towards the HQ, don't stop Mikasa!"

Vincent said that and began to go at full speed too.

'If I use my flying momentum and calculate it with my flying speed. I might make it in time before it depletes.'

'Slowly speeding and accumulating momentum...'

Vincent recalls his high school days, and couldn't help but think.

'School is really important'

Vincent couldn't help but be amused in his own thoughts.

He then slowly and surely began to speed and said to Armin.

"Armin! Do not move!"

Mikasa looks in front of her. She saw the Abnormal Titan begin to pick a fight.

He couldn't help but be worried about the two and look back.

She then saw at the distance.

Mikasa saw Vincent closely following her and thought.

'How can he be that fast, with Armin on his back?'

She then shook her head.

'He really is amazing'

Thought Mikasa, as she crashed on the window in front of her.

Not long after, Vincent crashes too with Armin in his arms.

'That Titan really didn't attack Humans but only attack its own kind'



Connie, Jean, and Marco were glad that Vincent was fine and alive.

Vincent looked around, seeing that only a few were here compared to before...

'Too many people die...'

He then saw Annie look at him in worry. Vincent only nodded to her, now is not the time to speak to her.

"Vincent, you're alive!"

Christa exclaims in surprise and runs towards Vincent. Holding his hand, expecting if he's injured.

"I'm glad you're fine Vincent"

Christa breathed a sigh of relief as she smiled and said.

Vincent then patted Christa's head and said.

"Because of Armin, we're all alive"

As he said that, People attention shifted towards Armin.

As Armin began to stutter in embarrassment and how people look at him as a hero.

"I-I t-think That Titan's abnormality is that it slaughters other Titans!"

He then pointed at the Titan and continued.

"A-And it's not even interested in attacking humans. If we play our cards right, we can all get out of here alive."

Everyone then began to mutter in confusion.

"We'd... use the Titan?"

"You'd rely on a Titan's help? That's more delusional than any dream!"

And then Mikasa interrupted as she said.

"It's not a dream."

"I don't care if it's abnormal or whatever. Just let it rampage here for as long as possible."

"Realistically, that's our best option for survival."

When everyone was alarmed by this. Vincent then began clapping his hand to gather everyone's attention and of course stopped patting Christa's head.

"We will now use that Titan to buy us some time..."

"And with that, we had to somehow gather and go to the supply room where we will fill our gas there and get out of here alive!"

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