《Attack On Titan: The Peace I Desire》Chapter 26: Elite Squad


After that, everyone did whatever preparation they could.

Looking at everyone, and seeing most of their faces. Shock, disbelief, and even some threw up in fear. Some even sat in the corner, trembling.

He then spotted Connie and decided to approach him. Besides him are his squadmates, Sasha.

"Connie, can you do it"

Connie looked up and saw Vincent, lowering his head, and looking at his trembling hands.

"To be honest, I don't think I can do it. I'm only good at operating the ODM gear, fighting the real Titans... impossible, that's impossible"

"It's ok to be scared"

"What are you saying Vincent, I'm already scared and-"

Connie looked up and saw Vincent's serious face.

"It's ok to feel afraid. I didn't ask you to fight the Titans. Just survived, surviving is enough. You will survive and go to Military Police tomorrow. You can do it, I know you can"

Vincent said that with a serious and grave expression, just to show how important Connie is to Vincent.

"... ok. I will survive. Then-" Connie looked at Vincent's eyes and said, "Survived too."

"Don't worry, I will never die. Sasha too, be careful and watch each others back"

"D-Don't w-worry! I will do my best"

"Ok then, I'm gonna go to my squadmates"

'Where's Marco and Jean...'

Vincent thought that and began to look around...

"Recruit Glaze!"

Vincent looked behind him and saw a Garrison Captain.


"You and Recruit Ackerman were specially assigned to rear guard."

"Come with me and get Ackerman too."

"Sir! What about my squad?"

"We need to get all the Elites we can have to protect the Rearguard. Don't worry, people from the Garrison will protect them"

"... ok"

"Then, let's go and search for Ackerman"

Vincent followed the Garrison Captain and thought.

'Jean and Marco... be careful'


… .

Vincent and the Captain Garrison, Ian Dietrich found Mikasa...

"Recruit Ackerman! You will have to go to Rearguard with Recruit Glaze"

"Follow me"

"B-But I'll only slow them down!"

Vincent looks at panicking Mikasa and just watches.

"I'm not asking for your opinion. The evacuation is falling behind."

"We need as many skilled soldiers overseeing civilians as possible"

When Vincent heard that, he thought of the children... and thought of Paul.

'He's a trustworthy person. He will never break his promise. Let's hope that they have already evacuated.'

Vincent then saw Mikasa and Eren fighting.

Eren passed by him as he then said.

"Good luck surviving, Eren"

"... You too"

Vincent looks at Eren's back, and then at Mikasa's lonely figure.

"Mikasa lets go"


Mikasa nodded and began to follow Vincent. Vincent sighed at Mikasa's current behavior and thought.

'Mikasa's weakness is Eren. If Eren dies, I guess she will lose motivation to fight Titans or maybe she will be motivated to fight... But the worst scenario is, she will die with Eren'

"Mikasa. If the evacuation becomes faster, you will see Eren faster. Don't become so down right now. Eren will survive. He looks like a reckless kid, but he had a will to live. He will definitely survive"

Mikasa heard what Vincent had said and looked at him. Her demeanor changed and became sharper.

"You're right. Eren will definitely survive"

"That's right, we will live, and overcome this situation"

… .

Vincent meets up with Elite Garrison Members, who are getting ready.

The Captain, Ian, noticed them and said.

"You two, we will wait first for everyone, before going to the rear guard."

Everyone waited for a while, and seeing the last member join, Ian began leading them.

"Let's go, everyone!"


… .

As they began to fly towards the Rear Guard, they noticed that Titans had penetrated deep into the City.


They dispatch some to stop some advancing Titans and even kill some with their combined effort.

Vincent began to observe everyone who's in this squad. To be honest, Vincent was pretty disappointed with everyone in this group.

He thought that with Mikasa's skill and only being a Trainee, everyone that graduates will be below or higher than her. It was all Vincent's wishful thinking.

But it compensated with their courage to face Titans head-on, truly a good mentality. But it will never truly compensate for their lack of skills and ability in killing Titans.

As they flew near the Gate of Wall Rose, they saw a Titan running straight towards the people who'd still stuck at the gate and were evacuating.

They flew near the Titan, but the Titan just ignored them and began to excitedly run as it got close towards the sea of people.

"Damn, why is it ignoring us?!"

One of the guy asked loudly, screaming his frustration as one of them answered him.

"It's an Abnormal! Don't think too much about it!"

"It's fast! Even we elites can't catch up to it?!"

Vincent positioned at the back, heard their conversation, and thought.

'So that's what Abnormal Titan looks like, huh. It was really random and dangerous'

He then looked towards Mikasa, who had been flying at the same altitude as him, and said.

"They can't kill it in time, I didn't expect they'd be this weak. Let's go, Mikasa"

"Uhm, let's kill it"

Mikasa nodded and began accelerating. Vincent then began to accelerate too, following and overtaking Mikasa and the Abnormal Titan...

He then flew down and hooked it across buildings and with a swing of his swords, cut the calf of the Titan, bringing it down on its knee.

Mikasa then got a perfect chance, and shot a hook towards the neck, swinging her swords, and killing it with one strike.

'Mikasa is really strong. If not for my previous memories and skills to make me strong, I didn't think I would pass her on the Military Training. And one thing... I don't really think she's giving all she got on Military Training, which is... pretty damn scary'

Vincent then looks at Mikasa, and sigh.

'It really all comes down to talent, huh'

He then flew on top of the roof, as everyone in the squad began to look at them with different light.

'These people are pretty damn weak. It can't really help though, they don't have the talent and it was pretty good to have the courage to face Titans'

He then looks at Mikasa and sighs once again.

'I'm pretty foolish for making her my standard Soldier strength. I thought that all the Trainees will be accelerated on their growth outside when they will be fighting Titans, but it was the other way around... Their strength will be the same as they were in the Military Training Camp, and... I can't ask too much, as they are not the only department.'

'Survey Corps... if the strength of the Survey Corps only exceeds these people a little. I'm really gonna start to lose faith in humanity...'

He then looked at Mikasa who is now fighting with the fat guy who's blocking the gate and thought.

'But if it is possible to have one Humanity with Mikasa's strength. Then... it will be possible to have Ten or more... It really will be fucked up if she's really the only one'

Then he began to think of Mikasa's weakness, and there's only one... and it is Eren Jaeger.

'Truly a lovestruck fool'

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