《Attack On Titan: The Peace I Desire》Chapter 22: Lost Girl (2)


When they entered the wall, Titans followed them, because of her.

As they entered, Annie saw... She saw the guy that got eaten with despair look on his eyes. She saw how the guy tried his best to fight the gigantic hands that were squeezing him tight.

And then… their eyes meet.

She saw and felt the emotions that were conveyed in those eyes.

'Why won't you save me?'

'Why are you the one that is alive and not me?'

'Why are you just running with your life, and not you the one's in my position. Slowing them down as they busied themselves upon my flesh.

'Why? Why?!'


Breathing out as she woke up, dreaming that torturous day they entered the walls.

They were just kids, not knowing what's right and wrong. They were given one mission. And it is to get the Founding Titan, Not knowing what's out there, and Not knowing who's out there.

Getting up again and washing her face with cold water.

Annie gets ready cause...

It is another mission, As a soldier.


Riding a horse with everyone. Annie looks in front of her and sees everyone's tired expression, except for...

She looks behind her, seeing Vincent's who's looking at the deserted plain. He might feel that someone is looking at him, as he looks exactly in her direction.

He nodded, as a sign of greetings and Annie nodded back too, in response to his greetings.


Setting up a camp in the forest. Thomas, their leader this time, began to list out things to do.

"It is almost night time, we need food and sticks to light up"

"I hunt for food. I'm great at hunting and finding foods"

Annie saw that Vincent volunteered himself, so she decided to go with him for the sake of convenience, but...

"I-I go with Vincent in hunting food"

She looked at the one that spoke that and saw Bertholt.

'This guy... why is he doing this?'


Annie saw that Vincent agreed, so she dropped the idea of going with him and just stuck to picking up sticks.

"Drop your ODM gear and give it to Daz. He's the one that will keep it safe. We all don't want to carry this heavy ODM gear in this easy Training"



"Here's mine too"

Vincent and Bertholt undo their belts and give the ODM gear to Daz.

"Let's go Bertholt"


Annie saw that Vincent and Bertholt had left. And so she volunteered to pick sticks.

"I go pick sticks"


She said that and began to walk towards the forest to pick up sticks, before leaving her ODM gear behind.


Annie was all alone picking up sticks. While doing this, she began to think of a certain someone...

'Thankfully I'm not grouped with Jean, and at last group with Vincent'

'Hmmm, I wonder what Vincent was doing...'


Walking back towards the gathering...

Annie saw that everyone was in great dismay...

"Are you sure?"

Mikasa questioned Daz, as Daz answered.

"There's no doubt about it. This was where I put it. But, everything that we kept safe here..."

"And even Our ODM gear is gone..."

Everyone's ODM gear has gone.

'This is bad... without ODM gear, we're totally harmless'

"Over here"

Annie then began to survey the surroundings and saw a campfire. She then told everyone about it...

"They've been gone for quite a while."

"It's the same as what Vincent has found over there," Mikasa said and questioned Reiner "How many people are involved?"

"Also, over here..."

Annie saw Vincent appear and pointed at something...

'Carriages Tracks'

"It's probably a gang of thieves," Reiner said that and continued. "It seems they found out where the weapons were placed, and stole them during the time we're gone"

"They gather ODM equipment and make black market deals."

"So we're being targeted?!"

"Even if we caught them in the act, we would have been helpless to stop them," Mikasa said that while looking down the carriage tracks and footprints.

"You should probably be happy that you're still alive"

'She's right, but also wrong at the same time. With Vincent here, no one can defeat him'.

Annie thought that and looked at Vincent who suggested everyone to continue and tell Marco's group about it.

'He always has that unmovable expression of his, but deep down he worries a lot of things... he's almost like... me'


Night Time...

Annie began to look around for something to kill time.

And she stumbled upon this lake. She was entranced by the lake's clear looking and pure light it was giving off.


She looked around and saw Vincent.

She then walked towards him and sat beside him unconsciously.

Vincent then noticed her. She looked at the lake and said to Vincent…

"Isn't it beautiful"

She said that and pointed towards the lake. She waited for a second before Vincent replied to her with...

"Yeah, it is beautiful"

Annie looked at Vincent and saw him smile at her while saying that...

"I know right?"

Annie and Vincent began to make some small conversations. Light but fulfilling conversations...

Annie did not know or remember, where the last time she smiled so genuine. But now she notices that she can smile too, and it was very… genuine...

Annie looked at the lake and thought to herself.

'I admit it. I'm really… in love'


Annie's training with everyone this time around ended well.

They got the ODM gear and caught the Thieves without getting someone killed.

This Training, they passed it.

Annie returns to her bed. As she lay down, she remembered the conversation she had with Vincent.

Smile couldn't help but appear on her face

And on that day, Annie slept with a smile on her face.


"Is it tough, Annie?"

"But we do all this so we can do our duty."

"Doing your duty... That's the whole reason you were brought into this world!"

"And to fulfill this duty, you must do what you have to do"

"It doesn't matter if the world becomes your enemy, It doesn't matter if the whole world hates you."

"Father will be on your side. So, promise me. Promise me, you will come back"


Opening her eyes, she remembered what her father had told her.

She must come back, at all costs… Yes, she will do it.

Annie reverts to her usual self. Cold and aloof. As for the things that happened yesterday, it was all… forgotten.

Annie then began to do her daily routine, Training, Training, and Training.

One day, someone said that to her.

"Annie, aren't you tired already? Can you just rest for a moment? You have done enough"

"I'm not tired"

"I will do this until I'm satisfied"

"Ok, good luck then"

After the girl left, Annie dropped down to the ground. Panting and with a haggard breath.

'This is not a place to practice.'


-Annie's POV-

I began to push up and exceed my limits like everything I always do while thinking...

'I have to do this! This the sacrifices to fulfill my duty and come back home'

There's no time to rest...

There's no need to take a break…

And then I saw it again…

The person In front of me was the person I watched die, the person I killed...

I met his eyes, and saw and felt the emotions conveyed on those vacant eyes of his.

'Why did you kill me?'

Those words hit me, as I fall to my knees. Tears can't help but fall, as I saw thousands and thousands of people get killed because of me.


She has to do it. Sacrifice has to be made. Someone has to die.


Because... This world is cruel.

She's gonna do it because this is her duty…

Finding herself leaning on the tree and crying…

She began to curl on her knees, her tears falling down endlessly. Every day was a torture. Every dream is a nightmare. She's done enough, so, please...



Somebody, please...

It can be anyone…


Please save me...

She cried, sitting beside this lonely tree, perfectly depicting her pathetic self.

"Annie, are you crying?"

And then, on her biggest sorrow… He found me.

Looking up, and seeing him. She couldn't help but said...

"Aren't you cool? Appearing on the perfect timing"

"Huh, what are you saying?"

Yeah. Really, what am I even saying? I might really look uncool and crazy at this moment.

"Come on"

He reached his arms in front of me, as I lightly grabbed it...

He pulled me up, on my feet.

"I don't care what you are even crying about. But the next Training will begin. You want to be at the Top 10, right?"

"And if your late, you will get an earful from the instructor"

He said that and began walking towards the Training camp.

I looked down on my hands and thought...

'I know I have sinned greatly, but'

'... can't I be selfish for once'

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