《Attack On Titan: The Peace I Desire》Chapter 21: Lost Girl (1)


Waking up on a wooden bed. Annie found herself dreaming on that fated day. The day, she leads a Titan horde, and the day they invaded the Walls and killed many in the process.


Splashing her face with cold water. Annie looks at her reflection in the mirror...

"It has to be done, no matter what obstacles get in the way. To get it done, much blood must be spilled."

That's the words echoing on her head, whenever it reminds her of that day. And it is those exact words her father told her. The words that were "guiding" her till this day...

Drying her face with a towel, Annie began to prepare herself.


"Listen closely, you pigs!"

"Training for the anticipated attack of Titans on Trost will take place shortly!"

"The Commander officer of the southern region, Commander Pixis, will also be in attendance..."

Annie looks at the sky while listening to the Bald Instructor.

'Another Soldier Training...'

Annie then began to look around and seeing everyone's determined faces.

'A bunch of Ignorant fools-'

Annie thought of that, but her mind got interrupted by saying fools as she looked at Vincent...

'Even though he's not from the other side. He's smart. In fact, he is smarter than all of us.'

Annie had to admit that Vincent is a smart guy and not an Ignorant Eldians like everyone's inside the walls, besides the nobles.

She knew that Vincent is far superior to her in terms of Martial Skills or Combat Techniques, which is strange since he was not from the Marley or outside the Paradis Island.

Annie's smile...

'And if he's here, this soldier training and staying here is not boring'

Packing things up, The Trainees began to move towards the Trost District...


On top of the roof...

Annie and his squadmates, Jean and Armin are preparing to fly at any given second…


A green flare was fired, signaling the start of the Training.

"Let's go"

Jean said that, as Annie looked at him...

'Why am I in this Idiot squad? This is so frustrating...'

Annie thought that but her facial expressions never changed in the slightest.


"Jean! Are you sure we're allowed to push this far!" Armin said that as they began to run through the roof of the houses. "Our objective is to kill all the Titans that make it through the front line-"


"Stop being so inflexible! We're soldiers, which means we kill Titans!"

Annie looked ahead of her and said...

"All you want to do is score more brownie points."

'Ughhh, seriously what's wrong with this Idiot's head. This is blatantly ignoring the commands'


Annie's squad saw a Titan Model in front of them, but then...


Something flew past them and sliced the neck of the model. Annie saw her and thought...

'Mikasa. Besides Vincent, I should be warier of her'

Again... Annie's squad saw the Two Titans model, but like the other one... some did it before them.

'Jean is not fit for a leader'

Annie thought as she saw the situation they were in...


Back at the HQ...

Annie's squad just landed...

Some people got here before them, and all of them are tired...

Then, when everyone got back, an Instructor made them lined up and said...

"Not bad, but don't be cocky. As the Dummy Titans do not move like the Real titans. Anyway, you guys perform well, that's all. Dismissed!"

Everyone sighed in relief, including Annie, and thought...

'Thankfully everyone performed well or else... another earful complain by that Bald Instructor will rain'

Annie's eyes began to wander around everyone and spotted Vincent's squad...

'Vincent... well not bad to say hi'

Annie then began to walk towards where Vincent is located but stopped. As she saw something that made her lose composure...

She saw how Vincent smiles and patted Christa's head. She even saw the face Christa was making while getting patted…

It was a rare sight for someone like Vincent to smile. She only once saw Vincent smile, and it is when she grasped the technique he was teaching to her.

Annie felt uncomfortable the longer she looked. She touched her chest and felt a little pain...

'W-What is this feeling?'


Annie leans against the wall... And saw Jean arguing with Sasha, but her mind is elsewhere...

She saw the blissful face of Christa while getting patted and thought...

'She's only a little cuter than me-'

'Wait... Why Am I comparing myself to her.' Annie said that to herself, pinching herself to stop thinking about Vincent and Christa...

Finally snapping out on her thoughts, she saw Commander Pixis walk out and all the Trainees saluting, so she saluted too.

And then heard the Content on what the Commander had said...

'Cooking contest he said... Is he really the Commander of the Garrison?'




Riding on the horse with her squadmates...

Because of the stupid cooking contest, the Commander had said...

Jean thought of the plan that they will capture the wild boar and cook its meat, ultimately winning the contest...


Sasha and her squad are with them...

"You guys... why?!"

"Sasha's nose caught the scent of some prime meat.

"I'm not just gonna let you take all the meat for yourself!"

Hyah! Sasha's horse began to speed up and took over them as Jean said...

"Damn it. Let's go!"


Inside the forest...

Annie was walking at the back of the squad...

'We're completely lost'

"Jean... We're not lost, are we?"

Armin said that towards Jean, but Jean quickly denied it...


"But I swear we've passed that-"

"No, we haven't!"

Jean said that and pointed towards the broken tree.

"Look! This tree. You might've seen a mark like this earlier, but we're definitely closing in on it!"

'Haiz~. Being stuck with this Idiot is really a bad thing. I hope Vincent is with me-, I mean if he's here with us, we will not get lost in the forest'


Annie and her squad walked into an open area and saw trees after trees were being cut down, accompanied by a long boar-like roar.

'That's definitely the boar...'


Jean screamed and said...

"Armin and Annie! Let's go!"

Catching up with Sasha's squad and seeing the Boar run fast...

"It's the boar. And they're here too!"

"It's fast. We'll never catch up to them"

'This is so stupid...'

Annie then began to just glide at the back and flew at moderate speed.

A while later... Sasha successfully took down the boar...


At the Dining Hall...

Annie looked around for some empty seats and spotted Vincent eating by himself...

Annie was annoyed at Vincent for some reason, so he didn't talk and just take a seat beside him...

She ceased her eyebrows and thought...

'What the hell am I doing!'

"What happened, Annie?"

Annie heard Vincent and just replied...


"Well, it clearly said that on your face that something happens"

'Is it really that obvious? He's always sharp...'

Annie thought annoyingly... She was annoyed at what just happened between Vincent and Christa so she just replied and gave Vincent a side glance...

"I said... Nothing, Ok?"


Seeing Vincent getting silenced by her, Annie then began to think wildly...

'Why is he not saying anything?! Is he perhaps mad at me because of my reply to him?!... I think I should apologize...'

When Annie began preparing her speech to apologize, she heard someone called out to Vincent...

'This B*tch...'

Annie looked and saw Christa and Ymir walking towards their direction...

All the speech she had prepared, banished entirely and just replaced by the scene she saw happened earlier, and... she felt annoyed again...

Annie got up and walked away from the table, leaving Vincent and Christa confused faces...


At the back of the HQ.

Jean called her and Armin...

Jean opened his palm.

Annie then saw a key as Jean began to explain his plan...

"Apparently, there's beef in the officers' pantry. I use that"

"O-Out of the question! I can't steal it! I-I've always been slow and awkward. Even in races, I was always last over the line."

"Even playing hide-and-seek, I'd never been able to stand the tension and would always giggle."

"T-To actually steal something... I can't do that!"

'This kid is insane...'

"Hey! Where are you going?!"

Armin began to run on the stairs, but slip and hit his knees on the hard floor.



"Sorry Jean. With this battered body, I don't think I'll be of any help to you..."

Inside a room. Armin with bandages all over his legs.

'This is beyond stupid...'

Annie then began to walk towards the door while saying...

"I'm out too. I can't risk getting caught."

"But, Annie, I thought you aimed to join the Military Police as well!"


'I can't have anyone investigating me. Not that we got here so far. I don't want some stupid Contest to ruin our mission'.


The Cooking contest, Jean-Boy had won, by cooking an Omelette.

It was stupid, it is beyond stupid, but it was the result...

Annie looked at the cheering audience. She saw that Vincent is not here and thought...

'He's probably training and not like these Idiots who watched this Idiot Commander host a cooking contest, and eat in front of them...'

Annie began to walk back towards the room while thinking...

'Why am I even thinking of him...'

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