《Attack On Titan: The Peace I Desire》Chapter 7: The Fall of Wall Maria (1)


Chapter 7: The Fall of Wall Maria (1)


Vincent looked at this scene with a neutral kind of face, He saw many things like this Death. And, this kind of thing is natural to him, but...

Admitting that you haven't made progress despite many deaths and sacrifices had been made even for Vincent, it was heavy and hard to swallow, burdening your back and consciousness, much less said in front of many people.


Then... the guy left with tears streaking down on his face, as well as the rest survey corps.

With this occurrence people tend to view this negatively and it is as said people judge these with negativity.

Vincent glanced at the departing back of the survey corps and he could see the lonely and sad back of them. Shaking his head as he resumed walking to his home.


"People tend to first judge everything on the surface, demeanor, or even the posture of a person..."

"A person that you see every day can be a killer or just a NEET/OTAKU."

"A person with a handsome face... can be perverted or have evil thoughts running through his mind every day or just a nice guy..."

"That's the truth and nothing but the truth..."

And the quote "Don't judge a book by its cover" that is sh*t

"Ultimately in the end... "Surfaced is as important as the Ground". And that's the hard facts."

"That's why people tend to protect themselves by creating a different persona, shielding themselves by having a strong font, etc... different methods have different endings and effects, but it all came down to being "scared"

"Everything had different opinions and conflicting views on this matter."

"But no one can change the facts that "Everyone can change, bad or good"



Entering the house... and seeing the kids enjoying themselves as Marie cooks food.

Vincent throws all the negative thoughts he had in his mind and just focuses on what's in front of him.

"I'm home..."

"Ahh! Brother Vincent is back!"

"Ahh really!"

"Ye hey! Bread!"


Seeing the 6 kids running around happily reminded him when he just started adopting kids in his previous life.

Such a cramp house but the memories in there are unmatchable then they grow, and he founded an orphanage and ironically in this life he got adopted.

"Such a twist of fate is really mysterious..."

They got into the dining table and set up the food, Vincent helped Marie setting up, and he then proceeded to scoop soups and distribute them towards the 6 kids and Marie too.

They eat and of course before they eat, Marie and the kids pray to the Gods, walls, king, etc...


They laughed, they had great fun teasing each other and after the food, it was time to clean the plates.

The kids helped from cleaning the plates and no plates have been harmed.

Vincent then proceeded to tell a story and Marie started to listen too.

It was a story about a young boy living with his family of 9 with his grandpa, 5 little brothers, 1 little and 1 big sister...

They lived happily ever after...

The End~


After finishing telling the story, Vincent looked towards the already sleepy kids...

Marie then looked towards Vincent and said,

"It was us right..."


"You're story... it was about us and Grandpa Neil, right?"


"Thank you for being here with us Vincent..."

"No! No! If it is not for you Marie, we will be starved to death by now..."


"Hmm. I'm working because all of you, I just wanted to have a peaceful life with the kids and with you also..."

"Yeah! Sister Marie..."


"Wait! It's like you're going far away such a cliché thing you're saying to you, you're just going to just accompany the kids as they sleep."

"Hehe! I'm just happy!"

"Hmm I have nothing to do... so I'm gonna walk around and maybe I might find a job..."

"Be safe then..."

Marie then took the kids to their rooms and accompanied them to sleep.

Vincent has nothing better to do, so he walks around the town.


Strolling around the town... Vincent spotted Paul talking to someone.

"Yoo! Paul!"

"Ohh... Vincent, why are you here"

"Have nothing better to do, I'm just strolling the town."

"Uhmm... kids at your age should play and read books!"

"Ohh! You're right then where's the closest library?"


Paul pointed as Vincent thanked him.

"Thank you!"

"Paul who's that kid?"

"A kid with strong guts"


Looking around the library... Vincent then began to pull books left and right, he spotted an old book with no cover in it.

He then took a seat and read the content of it.

'Huh... sea?'

"The ocean covers around seventy percent of the planet's surface. Unlike the freshwater lakes of Paradise Island, the ocean is made up of saltwater. It contains such great quantities of salt that no merchant could ever deplete all of it in a lifetime. There are also many species of fish and other aquatic lifeforms living in the ocean that cannot be found within the Walls."

"Ignorant kind of description as expected of the Medieval Era..."

'Hmm... A mountain that is filled with snow?'

Vincent quickly got immersed in the book that has primitive descriptions of Sea, desserts, etc...


"Ahhh~ I've never read this long for a long time, Such a nice experience"

Vincent stretched his arms and looked outside, seeing the sun was about to set.

Then, like a huge hammer that hit the ground an explosion took place outside the walls.

As a giant "Titan" peek inside the wall Shiganshina District...

And with a bang!

Debris and huge rocks flew around near the walls or gate of the Shiganshina District.

People have been crushed by the impact, crushed by the rocks that have been flying all around the Shiganshina District.

People panicked at this sight as someone shouted.



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