《Attack On Titan: The Peace I Desire》Chapter 5: Is it really impossible?


Chapter 5: Is it Really Impossible?


After the end of the Funeral.

Vincent, Marie, and the kids left with heavy hearts never believing that the kind old man, the man that they look up to, the father they grow up to, Grandpa Neil.



Looking inside the house and now his home and the other kids the family that Grandpa Neil created.

Vincent sighed. 'Ayy~ The end of life... the everyday life, that you can't control everyone, in the end, would die, and it is everyone's choice to choose what kind of life they would have and lead before the end of their lifespan.'

'Grandpa Neil chose to have a normal life and died in old age.'

'I have but only respect for him living a good life, living a life he can brag about in heaven if there's.,

'but for me...'

'My life is nothing but killing, ultimately dying in the hands of my enemy, but miraculously got reincarnated and lives a second life.'

So Vincent promised himself that on this second life of his this time, He will live a normal life, a peaceful life that is devoid of anything to do with the word "Killing", and he did in his previous life.

Vincent shakes his head then looks at the kids and Marie and says.

"Let's go and eat..."


At the dining table...

Vincent stood up and looked at Marie and said,

"Marie, I will take it. From now on you guys can rely on me. I'm the boy and I guess that Grandpa Neil didn't want us to eat like this sad and down."

"Vincent, Thank You!"

Marie then handed the bowl that was filled with food.

"Yeah! You can count on me!"

Marie then sat down and just looked at Vincent who started handing plates and bread.


Vincent sat down and looked around him.

For the second time, He was feeling it again.

"Having a Family is not that bad."


1 year has passed since the Death of Grandpa Neil.

The 6 kids are now gone and Marie now has a job.

Opening his eyes and laying down on his usual spot on the roof.

Vincent sat down and closed his eyes as the wind blew his face making him relax.

"Vincent!!! You're always up there! Come down now!"

"Yes! Yes!"

Vincent then jumps down, parkouring his way down successfully landing the ground.

"Vincent! You're already 10 and you always do this kind of thing what if..."

Once again, Marie scolds Vincent and tells him the "what if" scenario that could have possibly happened to Vincent as he goes down.

Like a machine gun... 'what if' after 'what if' was thrown towards Vincent, who accepted all of this blow with his usual smile while saying.

"Yes! Yes!"

"Ayy~ The kids are still asleep. Go and buy some bread... while I cook the food, Ok!"

"Yes! Yes! I will go now! Bye."

Vincent accepted the task and went towards the town market.


Town Market.

"Fishes, vegetables, where's the bread store located at..."

Vincent then proceeds to walk until he sees the bread store and enters towards it.

Upon entering, Vincent saw a brown-haired guy buying bread and he knew who that guy was.

"Yoo! Zack!"

"Ohh~ Vincent Why are you now buying the bread instead of Marie?"

"Well, she asks me to buy, while she was going to cook food"

Vincent said that he approached the counter and picked some bread.

"Kid! Life is hard and Girls always love to have the guy do their bidding!"


Paul said that as he nodded in understanding.

"Huh! What are you saying..."

"I know! You're still a kid so don't worry about this kind of stuff anyway I'm off. I'm gonna go towards the wall and mend some cracks."

Vincent shakes his head and waves his hand at Paul's departure and figures a look at Paul's waist.

'Go towards the wall huh?'.

At first, Vincent was confused about how the people in this world could go up the walls, and he later knew that there's a gear attached to the waist of the guard making them fly and climb up the wall.

And they called it Omni-Directional Mobility gear or for short (ODM) gear.

The Humans in this world created this gear to fight Titans as it allows great mobility when facing the Titans in combat.

It allows the user to fight in a 3D space as opposed to a 2D one. The equipment itself takes the form of a body harness that encompasses much of the body below the neck.

It was incomparably complex to understand and need a lot of understanding before you can control and use it.

"Humans are really a bunch of intelligent creatures that can create and even use such complex equipment like ODM gear, really humans can do anything if they are in desperate situations."

Vincent then shook his head and continued walking towards his home.


Walking in and seeing the lively house the kids are happy and smiling, Vincent felt like he was blessed in this life.

He then brought out the bread he bought and distributed it one by one seeing the kids smile is enough for Vincent to continue living.

They eat happily as they talk to each other...


"Vincent! I'm off to work! Guard the house and have the kids not wander around too far!"

"Yes! Yes! Ma'am, Marie"

"Ayy~. Just do it ok!"

"Yes! Yes!..."

Vincent and the kids waved goodbye towards the departing figure of Marie, he then looked towards the kids and said.

"Sister Marie is working hard to support us! So you guys grew up big help sister Marie ok!"

"Of course! Brother Vincent, we will help!"


"You guys agreed to give me relief, anyway let's go towards the dining table and I will tell another story."

"Yehey! Another Story!"

"Brothers Vincent! You're the best"

"Once upon a time..."

Vincent and the kids have a great time playing and doing some stupid things and Vincent felt like he got younger his mentality of killing is now gone and he hopes that he, Marie, and the 6 kids, will have happy and long lives.

Vincent was really happy.


But, it felt like the world. The god hates him wanting him to dig deeper.

Deeper into the world of Killing...

But this time...

It's not a Human that he needed to kill but it was a completely different thing.

Both physically and mentally.

Driven by despair and fueled by revenge.

Vincent would kill them all...

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