《Attack On Titan: The Peace I Desire》Chapter 4: Death (3)


Chapter 4: Death (3/3)


After seeing that no threat for him to warry off.

Vincent quietly walks closely towards the room. He observed the door first, making sure that there's no sensor, etc... After that, Vincent made his ear close to the door, capturing the silence inside the room... waiting for a moment to knew if his target is still awake or not.

Confirming that no movement was heard... Vincent then proceeds to unlock the door using his pick locking skills...

With a 'click' sound... Vincent easily opens the door's room and slowly opening it...

He looks around the room... making sure that there's no danger around... He then found a bed... seeing that his target is sleeping peacefully...

Vincent then proceeds to approach it...

Confirming that it is his target, he calmly pointed his gun and pulled the trigger...

"Mission success..."

"Atone for your sins... as only death can you afford the children you've killed."

He then proceeded to leave the house... walking far away as he circled his way back on his car... like a person who had done nothing...

He drove towards a Hotel...

But first disposed of his clothes or any clues that might lead him or made him suspicious and then entered the hotel...

Successfully booking a room and then proceed to have a good night's sleep...





Vincent woke up from the noise his cellphone was making... picking it up as he said...


"Hihihi! Code-J or should I say, Vincent"

Caught off guard by an unfamiliar voice, and his identity being exposed he exclaimed.

"Who are you?!"

"Calm down! First look at the photo I send you."

Vincent then proceeds to go and saw.

"Bastard?! Who are you!"

"Ehehe! Basement, North of the city. Go there and you will see them-"





Vincent then rush out and got out of the hotel getting his car and driving it to the said location


He then got out and run but stop- and he calm down himself and...

"Heavee~ Hooww~"

He then proceeds to walk cautiously...

He saw that the basement was wide open, but he didn't go there and uses a rope and got up towards the window.

At the center of the basement, he saw Christine, and the rest of the kids tied up together.

He calms his anger and observes the people who have guns on their hands and counted.

3 below and 4 above...



Vincent 2 shot successfully hit its target as it resulted in a gunfight...


But, in the end, Vincent won and walk towards the center, where all the kids and Christine were tied up seeing them frightened in fear, Vincent was enraged at whose bastard set up this.

He cut the rope and set them free as he guarded the back and made them escape.

But stop as he saw that one of them is missing and ask Christine.

"Where's Lena At?!"

"She was taken away! Please rescue her... it-"


A gunshot was fired before Christine even finished what she was going to say.

"Don't worry! I will save her I promise! The enemy is here! Get out of this place quickly!"

Vincent then ran back towards the basement and saw that a guy was holding a girl.

He hides and shouted…


"Uncle! Please run away! "

"Don't worry I will rescue you!"

Vincent said that as he looks towards the guy in the gap of his hiding spot and said.

"What you want?"

"Hihihi! I resent you Code-J for killing my father and come here to take revenge. What do I want? Easy your life!"


"How'd you know my name?!"

"Hehe! Of course, I hired someone. It was expensive but worth it!"

'Hired? Who could it be?' Vincent thought and then said.

"Get Lena away from here! It's me that you want right?"

"That's right! But Code-J you're strong and I can't beat you fair and square... ehehe you're dead"


Then suddenly Vincent started running and hiding, circling the guy and thought.

'I must rescue Lena at all costs! Even with my life at stake!'.

He hid as the guy laughed.

"Afraid? Code-J! Get out or I will kill her"


"I will count 10 if you didn't appear I will shoot her legs "






Suddenly Vincent appeared at the back of the guy and started running towards him.

The guy looks back and fired 5 shots...


The guy was in panicked as he let go of Lena and proceeded to shoot and focus on Vincent running figure.

The bullets hit Vincent's chest and his legs...

But he retaliated and fired a shot that hit the guy in the head.

Vincent dropped to the ground as he felt the pain in his leg and his chest.

The scared Lena then approached Vincent and ask.

"Are you ok Uncle?"

"I'm ok don't worry! It's just a scratch "




A beeping sound was heard at the building as Vincent thought of something.


He then looked towards Lena and thought and...


Vincent yelled like he's in great pain, but he is, but he needed to be exaggerated and said to Lena.

"Lena! Go now and look for a hospital or Sister Christine don't look back till you got a vehicle car to drive towards hospital or I might die"

"Wait! No! Uncle I can't ignore you here"

"Go now Lena or else I will die!... Get up and run!"

Lena sob and get up and started to run and when Vincent saw that Lena is gone he was relieved... and thought.

'Hai~ I will die now'


A large explosion took place inside the basement and it engulfed Vincent Burning him to nothing and died.


Vincent thought of his previous life as he looked at a tomb in front of him.


[Grandpa Neil]

-The best Father and Grandfather.


He looks towards the 6 children and Marie who's crying on the ground and thought...

'So this is what they felt when I died...'.

'Christine, sorry Ben, I can't give you your favorite superman toy...'

'I'm sorry Carla I can't buy the Barbie toy that you love...'

'And Lena, I'm sorry I can't pick you up again everyone I'm sorry I break my promises and can't give you all the toys you requested...'

'I'm sorry Christine hope you have a good life with the kids and find and love a better man I hope the kids succeeded in their dreams and once again everyone...'

'I'm sorry'.

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