《Attack On Titan: The Peace I Desire》Chapter 1: Vincent Glaze


Chapter 1: Vincent Glaze


Opening his eyes...

Vincent recalled something that he will never forget.

Vincent is currently laid down on top of a roof. As he opened his eyes, he saw a giant, wide, and massive tall wall.

He was bored and sat up on the roof of the house he stayed at.

Vincent is not from this world and he was first out stood and disbelief by what he saw.

Because at first, he thought that this world he lives in; based on the buildings, dressing, hierarchy, etc. This world is in the Medieval Era, and it's impossible to build such a massive, wide, and gigantic tall wall that stretched so far as the eye could see.

But, As days go by, he thought of something like in his previous least here's some mystery, building, artifacts, etc... that can never be solved, and as this wall in front of him, It's one of the mysteries this world had that they will never find out or solved the mystery behind this.


"Vincent! You're high up there again, Get down here now, and it's time to eat breakfast!"

The door of the house he's currently staying at is open. A girl with Brown Hair entered and yelled towards Vincent, who is currently sitting on the roof.

"Yes! Yes! I will now go down, Marie"

Vincent said that and yawn, Stretching his limbs, and then jump down to the protruding, and dangling piece of wood. Successfully landing his feet, and then jumping again towards the ground successfully landing.

"Ayy~ Vincent, like I said before, it's dangerous up there. Don't climb up again and your way of going down is dangerous. What if the wood gave up, and you would fall and if it does happen, you will be seriously injured. And what if."

Marie, the Brown Hair Girl that entered the house. Scold and nag Vincent, telling him the possibility and many "what if" scenarios that could happen.

"Yes! Yes! I promise I will not do it again, Sister Marie. I'm hungry, let's go now and eat."

Vincent said that, half-heartedly. And then proceeded to walk and entered the house.


"You always said that but. Ayy~"

Marie shook her head and sigh. She then followed Vincent and entered the house.


Entering the House. Vincent then saw an old, but a clean looking house. He then looked towards the Dining Table, seeing 6 kids sitting on the chair on it.

Vincent then proceeded to walk towards the Dining Table, noticing that the kids were walking and exclaiming towards him in excitement.

"Look! Look! It's Brother Vincent"

"Ah! It is!"

"Neh! Neh! Brother Vincent! Tell us more stories, Vincent?


The kid's bug Vincent, and hurries him to tell them a story.

"I will! I will! But first, you kids need to eat your food, and without any leftovers."

Vincent said that as the 6 kids agree to his demand.

"Yes! Yes!"

"We will do that! Brother Vincent!"

"No food will be left spared"


All 6 kids made a promise, as he nodded and said. Pointing his hand towards Marie, who was preparing the food.

"Ok, look here's the food"

"Children, here comes the food."


Marie then, one by one filled all the plates of the 6 kids for some food, including Vincent as well.

They pray before they eat.

Marie and the 6 kids prayed, as Vincent just looked at them, not doing what they did.

"In the name of the Royal Family, The King, and the Three Walls. Thank you for keeping us safe and protected from the Titans and..."

Sister Marie and the 6 kids, prayed sincerely before eating. As they thank the Walls for protecting them from the Titans.

Hearing it from praying and thanking the walls for protecting them and the talk of the town. That Titans are Devil or Demons that eat Humans for food, but Vincent has never seen one before, due to the Titans roaming outside the Wall.

It is said that roaming and going outside the walls are forbidden, but there's one exception to that.

And it is being a soldier and joining the "Survey Corps".


"It's time to eat,"

Marie said that as she ended the prayer, Then they started eating food.


The 6 kids, like any kid, eat their food without restraints, Making the dining table dirty.

"Hoy! The 6 of you! Don't eat too fast, eat your food slowly!"

Vincent schooled the 6 kids as he saw them spilling the food on the dining table.

The 6 kids then started to calm down and ate their food slowly, fearing that Vincent might not tell them stories if they would not obey him.

Marie looks at this scene exasperated and said.

"Vincent, You're only 9 years old, and yet they follow you. I'm 19, 10 years older than you, but they didn't listen to me at all"

"Haha! Maybe I'm too handsome, and they can't resist, but follow what I said"

Vincent said that with a laugh, as all the 6 kids burst out laughing and said to Sister Marie.

"Sister Marie! Brother Vincent is right! Haha"

"Sister Marie! Vincent tells different stories every time, and not you who can't tell one story."


Vincent then shook his head and said.

"Hey! The 6 of you! Don't bully Sister Marie like that!"

The 6 children then calm down and continue eating. Vincent then looked towards Marie and said,

"Sister Marie. Is Grandpa Neil's health ok?"

"Ayy~ Grandpa Neil's health is getting worse day by day. I will go towards the doctor of the town named h Dr. Jaeger. They said that he's skilled and once saves the town from a plague, saving many people from death. Hopefully, he can cure Grandpa Neil."

'Grandpa Neil'

He called himself that. Grandpa Neil is the one that adopted Marie at the young age of 15. and him at the young age of 5, and the latter adopted more children leading him to found this orphanage who had a total of 8 adopted children including Vincent and Marie.

Vincent had a lot of respect for that man. He gave him food to eat, clothes to wear, he will repay him as the best he can. But Grandpa Neil's body is getting weaker day by day and even he knew how skilled a doctor is or that Dr. Jaeger was.

He can't give or cure someone who's in the later stage of their lives even in his previous world.

A modern world with advanced equipment. they can't and it's impossible to cure old age and at the least, they can do it to make them live a little longer.


All of them were now done eating, they started cleaning the table as Sister Marie then got a bowl of food and said to Vincent.

"Accompany the children and I will go and feed Grandpa Neil some food and hopefully, he gets a little better."

"Ok! I will go now"

Vincent then looked towards 6 kids and said.

"Now that all of you have eaten full, sit down and I will tell you a story…"

The 6 kids were excited as they scrambled together and hurried to sit down and one of them said.

"Neh! Neh! Brother Vincent, is it another new story or more story about a boy named Peter Pan?"

"Huh! I want more about Peter Pan! He's handsome and can fly. I want to know how to fly too!"

"Me too!"


All the 5 boys agree but one little girl has a different opinion and says.

"But, I want to know more about Snow White!"

Vincent smiled then looked down towards the little girl and said.

"Later Lisa, I will tell you about Snow White when we're alone. But first I will tell more stories about Peter Pan, Ok?"

"It's ok! Brother Vincent!"

The little girl nodded her head cutely, then Vincent told more about Peter Pan.

"So… Peter Pan flies up in the sky towards the clouds and picks a fight with Santa Claus who did evil deeds, like dropping bombs at houses and…"


Vincent then proceeded to tell stories.

In his previous life, Vincent loves children. Even though in his previous life he is feared and famous Killer, Hitman, or Assassin, whatever you called him.

But, his downfall was clear as his enemy, knew about his love for children and decided to use it against him.

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