《Nightmare》Doctor's Orders


I get hit with the smell of alcohol and smoke. A majority of people in here are drunk and paying to have the time of their lives. The rest of it at least. I look around for Wolf as I constantly keep bumping into people. I bump into a large man who spills his drink over himself. “Hey sorry..” He punches me across the face. He grabs his hand in pain as I clean off the alcohol from my face. “I’m sorry I bumped into you.” He tries to punch me again but I grab his face twisting it. He drops to the floor. I glare down at him but let go of his arm. He gets up leaving. A few people stare at me. I shoot them a look but notice Wolf in the corner. I go to him. “Get up. We are leaving.” He pouts at me.

“Oh come on and live a little. At this rate, you are going to end up like him.” I frown glaring at him.

“I am not him or will ever be him.” He smirks as he takes a sip of some beer.

“Seems like you are already on your way to be him.” I think over a few things and slowly sit down. “That’s my boy.” A order a drink and look at Wolf.

“So what happened to you?” He pauses and sets down the drink.

“Oh so the last week of me talking finally got you to open up.” I shrug as the drink gets set down in front of me. I sip on it and I feel my shoulders relax for the first time in months. “Hmm.. I found out the truth. To a lot of things. To the point that I couldn’t follow Nightmare anymore.”


“What truth?” He frowns slightly.

“I can’t say it. You think the Nightmare was bad? You haven’t seen anything. He.. found a way to steal my memories.” I stop mid drink and look at him.

“He did that?” He frowns rubbing his hand through his hair.

“A version of him did.” I pause looking at Wolf in a little different light.

“I’m sorry Wolf. Truly I am.” He smirks drinking more of his drink.

“Hey. I am just a figment of your imagination Zack. The only thing you have to feel sorry for is you killing me.” I slowly drink the rest of my drink.

“It wasn..” He cuts me off.

“I know it wasn’t you Zack, but who are you trying to convince here?” I go to answer but I see the man from before. I stare at him as a slow headache comes on. He looks to be in his late fifties. His dark brown hair has start to go gray and white. His goatee his the same. He is wearing a weird brown trench coat with different symbols on them. Wolf looks over to the man and pauses. “Who’s that?”

“I don’t know. I have a feeling that I know him though.”

“Maybe Nightmare knew him.” I get up.

“Maybe.” I walk to the man as he looks over to me. His gray eyes become panic stricken as he bolts outside. I quickly follow him as he runs around the back of the bar. I run around the bar and see him trying to get in the back away. “Who are you?” He turns around holding up his hands.

“Please. It’s over. No more.” He pauses slowly studying me. He has a confused look over his face. “You’re not Nightmare.”


“No I am not.” Wolf appears next to him and studies him. The man looks at Wolf taking a step back. Wolf frowns throwing a punch through him. The man flinches as Wolf growls angrily.

“How can you see me?!” The man starts to quiver.

“I.. can explain.. Please don’t hurt me.” The man leads us to a tent that he keeps within the compound. It has herbs and medical devices surrounding it. “I didn’t know Nightmare died.” Wolf sits down in a chair as I look at the man. He takes off his trench coat hanging it up. He is wearing black sweater and black pants.

“That’s what I think.” The man starts to make something but pauses.

“Would you like some tea?” Wolf growls.

“I want answers. How can you see me?” He frowns putting the tea away.

“You are dead. That’s how.” Wolf frowns and disappears in a cloud of smoke. The man sighs relieved. He looks at me making the tea again. “I don’t handle his kind very well.”

“So how did you know..” He looks at me handing me a cup.

“That I mistaken you for Nightmare? Well the cloak and the amount of dead surrounding you.” I frown slightly sipping the tea.

“Who are you?” He frowns slightly.

“So you don’t know much. I have been always fascinated with what would happen once Nightmare past on. Back in my younger days, I would have loved to figure everything out about you. I am Leonard.”

“Okay.. How do you know me?” He frowns rubbing his hand slightly.

“I am Cure.” He looks at me waiting for an reaction. He pauses growing concerned. “He hasn’t told you?” I shake my head no. “I was first Infected.” I glare standing up drawing me sword. He holds his hand up. “Wait.. Wait.. I am a good guy. Let me explain.” I stare at him letting him explain. “I had this ability to absorb power from my fallen enemies. I found a lab that was destroyed. I went in and killed this rat covered in Infection. I was Infected but different. Instead of killing things, I healed people. Fixed them. I was something more, better than the Infection.” I frown slowly putting my sword away.

“So you can kill it then?” He pauses and nods.

“Yes.” I sit down thinking.

“How come Nightmare never used you to kill the Infection off?” He frowns sitting down.

“I was different when I was younger. I wanted to fix the world in my own light. He thought I was a hazard to which I agree with him. Not anymore though. I want to finally fix the Infection.” I frown thinking it over.

“I want evidence that you can do it.” He pauses for a second.

“You want what?”

“I want to see you cure the Infection.” He frowns but nods slightly.

“I can do it.”

“Good. We will be leaving soon. Pack up so we can leave.” A warning siren goes throughout the compound as Leonard frowns. I start to leave the tent. “Guess I will get to see if you can really do it then.”

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