《Nightmare》Eyes and Wart


I follow Kroc back to Liz. I run his comment through my head a few times. For some reason, it bothers me. I know that I will never be Nightmare and I don’t want to be him. His words sting though.He wipes his hands off on some discarded cloth. I look down at my hands as we approach Liz. “Hey how did it go?” Kroc huffs in annoyance.

“Fine.” Kroc gets in the back of the SUV. Liz comes over to me and pauses.

“Zack? Everything okay?” I look at her and force a smile.

“Yea.. Everything is fine. Lets go get some gas.” She looks at me a little suspiciously but gets in the SUV. We drive down to the gas station. Once there we pull into to fill the tanks. Kroc gets out of the car and looks around searching for something. I frown looking at the gas station as Liz looks over at me.

“Want to tell me what happened?” I pause shaking my head no. She frowns looking annoyed and gives me the cold shoulder. I frown getting slightly angry at myself. I close my eyes trying to stop the headache that is forming. In the distance, we hear a motorcycle coming our way. I open my eyes as Liz stops pumping her gas. We see a lone rider heading our way. I look over to see with a look of disgust on his face. Liz pulls out her gun as the motorcycle stops just outside the gas station. A heavy set man is riding the motorcycle. His helmet is model after a pig as he gets off the bike. He is wearing a leather vest and blue jeans that are a little tight. He takes off the helmet and man with a scared face looks at Kroc.


“How are you doing K.K.?” His voice is rough and gravely. Kroc spits in his direction.

“Wart. Looking as disgusting as ever.” They both stare at each other with hatred and both begin to smile. Kroc walks over and hugs the man. I look at Liz and she lowers her gun. She looks angry and goes back to filling the gas. She mutters something about them. I put a hand on her shoulder.

“I will go find out what’s going on.” She pauses slightly and nods. I start to walk over to Kroc and Wart. So, they are coming to find me. Interesting. I get to them and Wart looks at me. Up close, I can see wounds and scars that have been healed over on his face.

“So.. This is the new boss?” Kroc growls slightly.

“Unfortunately.” Wart smiles happily bowing to me.

“It is nice to meet you, Nightmare.” I frown taking a step back.

“I am not Nightmare. I am Zack. So you must be Wart?” He smiles happily and gives me a thumbs up.

“Yes sir. Wart-Hog. Wart for short sir. Once I got a notice that the Nightmare Cloak was activated again. We headed over as soon as we could.” I pause confused as Kroc perks up slightly.

“How is Eyes going?” Wart turns to him.

“Good. She won’t come out of her cage though.” Kroc growls annoyed and motions his hand to the cycle.

“I will help you get her out.” I pause confused.

“Wait what?” Wart pauses and looks sorry at me.

“I am sorry sir. Snake-Eyes is in her cage. That is her power sir.” I pause still looking confused but Kroc snaps at me.

“Come over here and see it!” I glare at him slightly and follow him over to it. Wart looks at him once we get there.


“You shouldn’t talk to Zack like that K.K.” He looks at Wart impatiently.

“Get it out.” Wart sighs and digs into one of the saddle bags. He pulls out a small square cage. It is no bigger than the palm of your hand. It looks like nothing is in it but Kroc takes it from him. He shakes it around a lot and throws to the ground. Wart gasps and goes to pick it up. Kroc trips him and goes to stomp on it. He brings his foot down and crushes it. Wart lets out a little scream and faints.

“You always ruin my beauty sleep Kroc.” I turn around surprised to see a beautiful women dressed in a black dress. Her bright green eyes and black raven make her stand out even more. She yawns and shoots a look to Kroc. Kroc marches over to her and looks down at her.

“Where are they?” She yawns in his face and goes over to the motorcycle.

“I will find out later.” Kroc grabs her by the arm squeezing it tight. She pauses and shoots him a look. “Without me you won’t find them. So, let me go.” He glares at her but lets her go. Kroc looks at me and I notice a little rage in his eyes.

“This is Eyes. Eyes this is..” She cuts him off.

“Oh I know. The new Nightmare. He is an interesting choice.” She gets on the motorcycle and lays down on it. Wart slowly sits up and smiles running over to her.

“My dear. You are alright! Is there anything I can get you?” She looks over to him and smiles.

“Yes. Get me some red oak wine and where is your helmet?” Wart pauses and rushes off grabbing his helmet. I pause at the weird request and walk over to her not trusting her. Something about her seems off.

“So, Eyes.. how do you know about me?” She smiles leaning towards me. Her dress starts to reveal a little too much and I look at her face.

“I can see things other people can’t. Which allowed me to be a great asset to.. Nightmare..” She smiles slightly touching my cheek. I take a step back as she smiles at me seductively. Wart runs back with his helmet back on and an unopened bottle of wine. I pause shocked looking at it as she takes it. “Thank you Wart.”

“How did you find that?” Eyes smiles at me moving back as Wart climbs onto the motorcycle.

“Wart has the very powerful ability of finding anything that he wants. It doesn’t matter what it is or who, he will find it. He is perfect.” I hear Kroc call me over to the SUV and I turn to them. “We will be following Zack.. I can’t wait to get to know you better in person.” I frown heading over to the SUV. Kroc stops me before I pass him.

“We need to talk later. Once we set up a camp.” I nod okay and get inside the SUV. I look over to Liz who has a pissed off look on her face.

“Um.. You okay?” She looks at me for a second and looks away starting the car.

“Just fine.” She speeds the car away and we hear the motorcycle follow behind us

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