《The Raven Effect》Enquiries


A few days had passed and finally as promised, Dad sent on a full dossier detailing as much about Spence as could be found in the public domain and from his own experiences with him throughout his lifetime. In the email, Dad asked some questions about why I needed this information and what I was going to do with it because Spence was not a man to be messed with, he had connections in very high places who could wipe out anyone who crossed his path and nothing would be said. I ignored the questions, instead telling my father that I merely wanted to know what he was capable of; and what he has accomplished.

The tune on my cell phone burst in to life and it made me jump out of my skin after sitting in the darkness with the only light coming from my double monitor set-up. A female voice was on the other end of the phone.

“James? What’s this I hear from your father about asking for information on Sebastian Spence? What do you need information on him for? He’s a nasty evil man James. Do not go near him, he’s more trouble than you can expect, do you understand me?” it said.

“Yes mom, I understand, I won’t go near him. I just wanted to know what kind of person he is and what I should expect from him because of personal comments and threats he made regarding you and dad. I’m not going to let some asshole professor speak down about you both or me because of some grudge he has that you were better academically than he was 20 years ago, that’s bullshit!!” I said, getting slightly upset but in anger not sadness.

“I know son, I know, but please listen to me on this one. Sebastian Spence is not someone you want to get on the wrong side of. Like your father has said, he’s a powerful man with friends in high places that can destroy anyone he takes a disliking to, and nothing would be said if he made someone disappear, so please be careful?” she answered with serious concern in her voice.


“I will mom, I promise. Listen, after Michelle and I get out exam results through, we plan on taking a year out from studying and want to come see you and dad before we head out to Japan; how does that sound? Then you can both keep an eye on me and we can forget about that asshole altogether. You two should come with us because I know that Dad’s looking forward to quitting at the end of this year and getting himself a nice early retirement settlement. I miss you both a lot, especially at times like these when I’m stressed out”.

“That sounds like a great idea son. I’m proud of you and Michelle and would love to see you both. You let us know when you want to fly out and we’ll make the arrangements ok? We’ll even try and get you set up with jobs so that you can get a little money together whilst you enjoy the sights and culture. Michelle is a real keeper son and I know you loved her a lot before she moved away, so now you have her, don’t ever let her go. I can see great things for you both in the future, but you have to put in the hard graft and build the foundations now before it’s too late. Anyway, it’s time I was away to work, I have a few important meetings to chair today and it won’t do if I show up with frizzy hair and bags under my eyes now will it? Infact, don’t answer that” she said laughing herself.

“Ha-ha, ok mom, I’ll speak to you later, it should be time I got to bed myself, Michelle and I are going away for a picnic in the forest tomorrow, a way to kind of celebrate her coming back and our first proper date. I love you; take care of dad for me ok? Bye” I said closing the cell phone over. Switching off the monitor, I went into the bedroom, slumped onto the bed, hauled the quilt cover over myself and fell into a deep sleep. The last few days had been quite punishing, mentally and all I wanted to do was rest and forget that I’d ever met Sebastian Spence.

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