《The Raven Effect》Prologue


Dundee, once home to the famous “3 J’s” of Jute, Jam and Journalism; the birthplace of Emmy-award winning actor of screen and stage, Brian Cox, and home to the RRS (Royal Research Ship) Discovery, the ship that carried Capt Robert Falcon Scott and his crew to the Antarctic in 1902. Not only is Dundee home to this famous ship, but also to HMS Unicorn; one of the oldest surviving wooden-built warships, originally built and launched in 1824 in Kent, as a 46 gun Frigate for the Royal Navy. Dundee is a proud city, a welcoming and friendly city where the locals will treat you as one of their own.

Have you ever wondered how one simple announcement can change the landscape for years to come? James Valentine certainly did. In an age where most of the major players in computer design and software development are based in either the United States of America or Asia; it surprised everyone across the free world that The Polyamourous Group (the current leaders in their field) would choose Dundee as their new base of operations. James, a senior high-school student at Lekmaan Heights, knew that there was something strange about this but could not put his finger on it. The Polyamourous Group had issued a statement to the local media, this is what it said.

“As the leader in computer design and software development throughout the world, The Polyamourous Group felt it was time to expand, to set ourselves up in a new home and to create jobs for a hard-working community, in a hard-working country. Scotland met the criteria with flying colours; and it was decided after the Chairman of the Board and our CEO visited the city and met with Lord Provost Gordon Kelly, that Dundee will be the home to our new headquarters and main Research and Development division, creating close to 1500 jobs over a 5 year period. A press conference is to be arranged at a later date where we will be able to answer all questions and discuss any concerns with members of the public”.


It sounded like one hell of a chance to rebuild Dundee’s economy and nearly everyone was excited about the prospect of a multi-national company bringing jobs to a city where it was usually jobs going out. Only time would tell if James' concerns were justified, so let us read his story...

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