《Relevance》Demetrius Touch part 2


Everyone along with Dr. Valentina and I were evacuated out of the mall by the security personnel.

It seems Dr. Valentina was maybe wrong about there being only one explosion.

The building infront of the mall, had a big billboard television screen adjacent to the front of it. Most of my time, coming here. I only saw beauty product advertising and sometimes here and there, it displayed news. Mostly from WNN. They have a deal with. Which is kind of ironic when thinking that they oppose commercialisation of news.

Well, today. It was displaying the news of reports of multiple explosion across the city I was in.

At that moment, suddenly two black SUVs with the help of traffic police clearing the way for them, arrived on the entrance of the mall.

The doors of those 2 SUVs opened. Several people came out of the SUVs. The inhabitants of the second SUVs, were bearing body armour with assault rifles in hand and handguns in knee holsters.

What is it with people wearing black? Did someone make it mandatory for every badass to wear black?

Regardless of those black throttling guys and one girl and one person I can't identify gender-wise. Out of the first SUV, there came out 2 men. Who wore very expensive looking suits with expensive looking accessories and nothing else that would spell "spy" or "secretive government official". Or maybe I watch too many spy movies. Or maybe all spies all go to the same luxury shopping store.

"I guess, that's my ride, Jonah." Said Dr. Valentina who stood right beside me, with her Saxe-Coburg and Gothe bag in hand. Which I might as well as say, is quite pricey.

She further added, " Man, they can't even keep a subtle of not being employees of a Emmerian run organisation."

"Well, I think that very cliched troupes such as good looks and very very expensive, probably Ambrosian styled gave away that possibility already." I replied as I let out a smirky smile.


On the thought, I think, I should really apply for becoming a international master of espionage.

"Hahaha, Jonah. You really know how to crack a joke."(Dr. Valentina)

I don't think, that's considered a very entertaining joke.

"Wait, So they really are kind of illegal conductors of espionage on foreign soil? which is not foreign to me." I said as I almost didn't understand what I had just asked in a very fast motion.

"You know, Your more worse at asking complicated and long questions with very elongated words. Reminds me of me at my first thesis presentation at Gaeltacht. Ahh.. what a wonderful memory." (Dr. Valentina)

The man in the brown suit approached Dr. Valentina and said to her, "Dr. Zokimosa. We have been instructed by the director to escort you safe out of the country. you must come with us immediately."

Dr. Valentina asked that man, "Hey, What's your name again?"

"You can call me, Dominique. Doctor." Answered that man in the brown suit.

"Well, Dominique, I was told that I had more 2 day before I had to depart from this country with really bad coffee and poverty."(Dr. Valentina)

Wow, she's hating it here. I wonder, what she's still doing here.

"Doctor, please. We have to depart right now. We have been ordered by the director to get you out of the country."(Dominique)

"Blah,Blah. I'm sure. Your director's a great person or thing. But we had an agreement. There's no need to rush thing. It's just some probably fireworks gone wrong. I can leave tomorrow. It's not like there's a civil war going on!"(Dr. Valentina)

At that moment, the news anchor on WNN brought a shocking revelation. The news showed the president being dragged from the presidential palace and fighting in the capital city. The news anchor also reported that the prime minister was missing and that the Attorney General died in the blast in the high court.


"Wow, you really jinxed us. Oh, great doctor!" I said sarcastically to Dr. Valentina upon seeing the news.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that. Someone's probably had it out for me uptop." She replied while being amazed at how the situation had gotten worse with her saying otherwise.

"Doctor, we need to get out immediately, please." Said Dominique to Dr. Valentina applying the urgency of the current situation.

"Okay. Okay. Damn! I really wanted to see the BBS live performance. Fuck me! Let's go before I change my mind."(Dr. Valentina)

[BBS = Bulletproof Boy Scouts. A reference to BTS. ]

She turned to the SUV with Dominique opening the door for her and the other guy getting into the driver's seat.

She went and before getting in, she turned to me.

"Well, this is goodbye, Jonah. Take care of yourself. Especially of that cute face and butt of yourself. Oh, didn't you say, your mother was a judge at the high court?"(Dr. Valentina)

"No, i didn't. Wait, how did you know that my." Before finishing that sentence. I got out my phone to call my mom and check if she's okay.

I called and it rang for a few moments. While I was preoccupied with checking on my mother. I came to a sudden conclusion that the doctor went away with those men that came to escort her.

I forgot to ask her, about how the hell she knew about my mom working in the high court. When I remember not telling her that.

"Hello, Jonah?" A voice spoke on the other side of my call.

It was my mother's voice.

"Hello, Mom. Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I said to her while thinking about what her condition was.

But my doubts came to an end. She answered, " You know, it's nice. Hearing your voice again. No, I'm not hurt. The explosion happened near the administrative wing. I was in the court yard when it happened. But a lot of people did get hurt."

"Yeah, I'm happy. You are okay. For a moment, I thought I lost you." ,I told her.

"Me too, Honey. Did you try to call your father?" She asked me.

"No, why?" (Jonah)

"Because I tried calling him a few times now. But he didn't return any of my calls." She answered.

Oh, shit. My dad's stationed in the capital city. You see, my father is a captain in the NGDF.

[NGDF = National Ground Defence Force]

"Uh, mom. There's some things happening in the capital. So, I think his preoccupied with dealing with those things" I said to her while rubbing my neck.

"What kind of things." She asked.

"Well, I don't know exactly but. The news channel is saying that there is a coup de'tat going on." (Jonah)

"Oh my god. Honey. Where are you? I'm gonna come and get you. On other thoughts, let's meet at the apartment. Be safe, okay?" She said to me.

"Okay. You, be safe too, Mom. I'll see you at home." (Jonah)

I hanged up the phone and started making way to my home.

The city I live in is City B. It's home to the high court. The highest judicial authority in my country. But there was a higher judiciary body than the High Court once, The Supreme Court. Situated in the Capital City. But it was dissolved last year after it almost triggered a civil war in the country.

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